What seems like the endless summer just keeps putting on amazing shows like this, even with the fall equinox now exactly one month away. Thanks to everyone sharing photos – we start with three and expect to add more – above, by Michael Copeland, shows the later stage as the sky glowed pink; next, the orange heart of the sunset, from BCH in Fauntleroy:

And early on, Chas Redmond sent this photo from Alki Point:

ADDED: Even more photos – like this one from Tom, taken on Beach Drive:

***Other views ahead!***

That’s from Johnny, on Alki. The sunset was even gorgeous in black and white, as Will’s photo shows:

Back to the blazing color – as shown here by Annika:

John‘s view over rooftops includes a passing commercial ship:

And from Dana, at Lincoln Park:

See more views via the WSB Facebook page (be sure to check the “posts by others” corner). And thanks to everyone who shared their view!