day : 28/07/2013 6 results

Rev up to run: ‘Get Fit West Seattle’ set; plus, 5 upcoming run/walk events

(WSB photo from 2012 Breathe Deep Seattle in Lincoln Park)
At least five benefit 5Ks (or almost-5Ks) are coming up in West Seattle in the next 3 months. Before we list them, here’s a way to rev up to run: Lori McConnell from West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) says they’re starting another Get Fit West Seattle couch-to-half-marathon training program, kicking off with an info-night session at 7 pm this Tuesday (July 30th); training begins August 4th. Lori explains, “This program is free and will take people from the couch (seriously) to the half marathon starting line for the Seattle Half Marathon on December 1st, 2013.” (Haven’t been to WS Runner? Northwest corner of California/Charlestown, second floor.)

Now – the five run/walk events in West Seattle that we know about, set for August, September, and October:

BREATHE DEEP SEATTLE: Saturday, August 10th, Lincoln Park. Info here; benefits lung-cancer research. Starts at 9:30 am.

ALKI BEACH 5K WALK/RUN: Sunday, August 25th, Alki Beach. Info here; benefits breast-cancer patients. Starts at 9 am.

BEAT THE BURN 5K WALK/RUN: Sunday, September 29th, Alki Beach. Info here; benefits burn victims. Starts at 9 am.

MILES FOR MIDWIVES: Sunday, October 6th, Lincoln Park. Info here; benefits midwives. Starts at 10 am.

MONSTER DASH: Saturday, October 26th, Lincoln Park. Info here; benefits co-op preschools. Start time TBA.

If we’re missing any that are coming up this summer/fall in West Seattle, please let us know!

West Seattle weekend scene: Happy 100th birthday, Doris!

The photo is courtesy of Leanne, in honor of her neighbor Doris turning 100 today. Doris is at left in Leanne’s photo, with her friend Helen, a former roommate from the 1930s; Doris and husband Austin moved to West Seattle in the 1940s, buying a then-new house in which she lives to this day. Leanne – mom to 2-year-old Evan, who is also in the photo – adds of her neighbor, “She is an artist, born in Skagit County in 1913, and is dearly loved by her family and neighbors.” Happy birthday, Doris!

On and off West Seattle shores: ‘Pinkapalooza’; eelgrass, jellyfish views

Two notes:

Fishing at Lincoln Park

‘PINKAPALOOZA’: We don’t know for sure if that’s what the people in Mark Ahlness‘s photo, shared via the WSB Flickr group, were fishing for at Lincoln Park – but we do know that the every-other-year pink-salmon run, dubbed “pinkapalooza” in this story from the Seattle Times (WSB partner), is on the way. Six million of them, in fact, says The Times, with the Puget Sound catch peaking in the next few weeks.

BENEATH THE SURFACE: “Diver Laura” James has a video shot while she was out for some underwater cleanup off Alki, concurrent with the beach cleanup yesterday, mentioned here last night. This video was shot right off the sandy beach while they were out:

In addition to a “tour” of the eelgrass offshore – the grass that nourishes a variety of sea/shore life, including the beautiful brant geese who migrate here every year – you’ll also see an encounter with a “fried egg” jellyfish, the type you’ll see if you watch the water this time of year – especially off piers like Seacrest and Jack Block (where we saw several on Friday).

Alki Point Lighthouse: No tours next weekend; history presentation coming up August 8 at Log House Museum

July 28, 2013 11:10 am
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(WSB photo from June 2013)
Alki Point Lighthouse fans, two things you should know: First, the U.S. Coast Guard asked us to let you know that the lighthouse will NOT open for tours next weekend (August 3-4) because of “heavy tasking during Seafair weekend.” You can still visit 1-4 pm today, or on a later August-weekend day.

Second, another chance to learn about lighthouse history: This is its centennial summer – you might recall the two-site celebration on June 1st, and the history presentation at the Alki Community Council‘s meeting back in May (WSB coverage here).

The UCCG Auxiliary volunteer who gave that presentation, Will Winter, will be at the Log House Museum on Thursday, August 8th, to tell you all about the lighthouse’s history – and it’s not just a rerun! Read on for full details from the Southwest Seattle Historical Society:

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West Seattle Sunday: What’s on the calendar for today/tonight

Heron taking off

Thanks to Robert Spears for sharing that great blue heron photo – and other bird images – via the WSB Flickr group, where you’ll find other photographers’ excellent work too. (And if you didn’t see Robert’s eagle-takeoff photo on the WSB Facebook page earlier this week – go here.) Meantime, another day has lifted off, and we have highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

ADMIRALTY HOUSE ANTIQUES: Until 4 pm, final day of the three-day liquidation sale at the little brick shop in the Admiral District. 97-year-old owner Fred Dau is finally retiring; here’s our interview, published last week. (2141 California SW)

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, every Sunday. Featured today, according to the WSFM Facebook page – free pectin and pickling mix at the info booth, for those who will be canning and/or making jellies and jams from the currently abundant summer produce! (44th/Alaska)

BENEFIT BRUNCH: 11 am and 12:30 pm, two seatings at Senior Center of West Seattle‘s benefit brunch, last Sunday of every month. (Oregon/California)

FREE ICE CREAM SOCIAL: Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor) is throwing a party – a Neighborhood Appreciation Ice Cream Social – and you’re invited. It’s West Seattle’s own Husky Ice Cream, and they even plan to have sugar-free ice cream on hand if you’d prefer that option. Stop by 11:30 am-1:30 pm; details in our calendar listing.

ALKI POINT LIGHTHOUSE TOURS: 1-4 pm today – and note that next weekend (August 3rd-4th) because of Seafair obligations, tours will NOT be offered (they’ll be back 8/10-11).

(WSB photo by Patrick Sand from 2013 West Seattle Summer Fest Eve in The Junction)
OPEN HOUSE RECEPTION FOR THE JACOBS: After 13 years, Pastor Dan and Joanie Jacobs are moving on from West Seattle Christian Church, which invites all who want to offer well-wishes to come to an open house/farewell reception 3-5 pm today. (WSCC Activity Center on 42nd between Genesee and Oregon)

SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK: 3 pm at Lincoln Park, Greenstage presents “King Lear” – details in the calendar listing.

MUSIC AT C&P: 3-5 pm, Brita Rae Borough performs live. From the C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) website: “Brita’s original songs sound like a cross between Sheryl Crow, John Mayer, YES, and Eric Clapton.” No cover. (5612 California SW)

NATURE WALK: Naturalist Stewart Wechsler invites you to look for owls, and more, late this afternoon into the early evening, starting at 4:30 pm. Details on his website. (Meet @ kiosk in north parking lot)

BAR CHORDS: Last in the 5-Sunday series of benefit acoustic performances at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm. Features the Basement Studios All-Star Jam. (6451 California SW)

Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry update: Back to 3 boats as of early afternoon

8:29 AM: M/V Klahowya remains out of service on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route today, according to Washington State Ferries, because of a “lack of qualified crew.” That means the route remains on a 2-boat schedule; you can see it here.

1:17 PM: WSF says it’s back on a three-boat schedule.