Four construction cranes are now up in West Seattle, with the arrival today of this one at The Blake, 5020 California SW, south of The Junction, where we last reported on the start of site prep in April. This crane arrives 8 days after the crane went up at Spruce, formerly “The Hole,” and the two projects have some things in common besides the obvious:
-Both sites were originally to be developed by BlueStar
-Both later went into foreclosure, then sat idle a while after ownership changes (different owners now)
-Both have new names (Spruce was originally Fauntleroy Place, The Blake was previously Spring Hill)
The Blake will have 101 apartments, 87 parking spaces, and commercial space, though, unlike Spruce (where the entirety of the commercial space is going to LA Fitness), nothing announced yet.
The other two cranes are at projects that have been under construction for months, Oregon 42 (whose marketing website is now up) and in the 3200 block of Avalon Way. The next arrival likely will be at 4730 California, aka the former Petco site, where demolition is in its second week.