(Live view from the east-facing WS Bridge camera; other cameras are on the WSB Traffic page)
Welcome to sunny Friday! Since the weekend’s almost here, we start with reminders about two road-work projects:
SPOKANE ST. PAVING: This work will be under way west of the low bridge, under the high bridge, 7 am-7 pm both days this weekend – detour info and other details here.
RAMP TO SOUTHBOUND I-5 CLOSED: This is the last major closure of the I-5 Spokane St. Interchange Special Bridge Repair project, and it’s planned to be in effect around the clock from late tonight until early Monday. Here are the detour details.
ADDED 9:16 AM: Got a tip of a possible picket line at Terminal 18 on Harbor Island; the tipster wanted to get the word out in case that leads to truck backups.