day : 14/04/2013 6 results

Duwamish Alive! next Saturday: Signed up for a site yet?

April 14, 2013 9:00 pm
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 |   Environment | How to help | West Seattle news

(Brandon St. Greenspace volunteers during October 2012 Duwamish Alive!; photo by Nick Adams for WSB)
Next Saturday is the twice-a-year Duwamish Alive! cleanup/restoration work-party day – and as usual, you can choose from multiple work-party locations to get involved with helping take care of West Seattle’s river and its watershed. Organizers like to know how many people to expect – so if you are interested in helping out on Saturday, go here and mouse over “Sign Up” to see the drop-down list of eight possible sites where you can help, from West Seattle to South Park to Tukwila, 10 am-2 pm April 20th.

Update: Police car involved in High Point crash

April 14, 2013 6:46 pm
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 |   High Point | West Seattle news | West Seattle police

6:46 PM: Thanks to those who asked about a significant police presence in High Point – turns out a Seattle Police car is one of two vehicles involved in a crash at Sylvan and Lanham. WSB’s Katie Meyer reports that the scene is clearing; no serious injuries reported – the officer is being checked out after reporting getting bumped around a bit.

7:47 PM UPDATE: Added Katie’s photos from the scene. As you can see, both cars ended up off the road – and, Katie adds, while both had significant damage, both were driven back onto the road. A tow driver helped clear debris:

Officers at the scene say the crash circumstances remain under investigation.

West Seattle Bee Garden update: Progress, and a new goal

The West Seattle Bee Garden is now five weeks away from its scheduled opening – with, as reported here last month, a parade and picnic to which the entire community is invited. Right now, it’s work party season: the photo above is from a blessing given during the first work party last weekend, at the Bee Garden’s site next to the P-Patch in High Point’s Commons Park. As Bee Garden instigator Lauren Englund noted, “We removed 3500 square feet of sod during the rainiest weekend on record at Sea-Tac since 1948! Woohoo!”

Lauren was planning to follow up on that work party by picking up the Bee Garden’s hives from Daniel Sullivan of Shipwreck Honey and procuring the bees from a beekeeper in Burien.

What’s also been happening is a revision of financial goals. Community donations are still very much appreciated, and what’s been received so far has enabled the project to reduce its fundraising goal – so it’s now a four-digit number instead of five. The IndieGoGo page for the project still shows the old goal rather than the reset $8,000; Lauren says they’re still looking to fund educational signs, beekeeping equipment, two additional locally built beehives with frames, a small solar panel, demonstration supplies, a webcam with wi-fi to place at the hive entrance, and refreshments for volunteers during ongoing work parties. You can help by contributing here; you can sign up for weekend work parties by going here; and you can also be part of the celebration May 19th, 11 am-3 pm – details here.

Three calendar highlights for your West Seattle Sunday

For the rest of your West Seattle Sunday – three highlights from our calendar:

PENNY POLL IN THE JUNCTION: On the eve of Tax Day, how do YOU think federal budget dollars should be spent? West Seattle Neighbors for Peace and Justice is conducting a “penny poll” at its booth in The Junction at noon today – details here.

CLASSICAL CONCERT: The Ladies’ Musical Club invites you to its free concert at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 3-4 pm; details here.

And more music:

INDIA SPENCE AT SKYLARK: The young musician’s proud mom Machel Spence shares the poster/photo and word that India is performing her first solo show at Skylark Café and Club at 4 pm.

Fin whale at Seahurst Park: Researchers’ update; Seal Sitters’ assistance; more photos

(Saturday photos by Nick Adams for WSB, unless otherwise credited)
Dead or alive, an endangered fin whale is a rare sight in Puget Sound. So the one that turned up dead at Seahurst Park in Burien on Saturday (here’s our previous report) was something Jesavel Garcia said she would tell her grandchildren about – the reason why she took a self-portrait with the whale in the background. She had company:

And for researchers, it was quite a sight as well:

Up close, you could see its baleen:

(Photo by David Hutchinson)
That photo is courtesy of David Hutchinson, who was one of the volunteers from West Seattle-based Seal Sitters who went to the scene; Robin Lindsey has written about it on the group’s Blubberblog site. More photos and information ahead – including troubled waters for funding of response and research in cases like this:

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From the WSB Forums: Seattle Public Schools assignment info

If you’re waiting for information about your child(ren)’s assignment in Seattle Public Schools next year – the information is reported to be available online right now. So posted WSB Forums member Ghar72 last night, including this link. More than 51,000 students are expected to enroll for 2013-2014, according to Melissa Westbrook‘s report about a district briefing last Thursday.