“Woke up to neighbor pounding on our door…landslide,” wrote a resident along 55th SW in Alki, where, as you see in our photo, the slide pushed a van across the road. 55th is closed at Alki SW as a result:

SDOT is out checking the slide scene – we’ll check with them later to see what the plan is. Here’s a closer look at the mud that came off the slope:

Neighbors are particularly concerned because they say sloping property in that area has been up for sale – we’re looking into that.
4 PM UPDATE: From SDOT’s Marybeth Turner: “SDOT is consulting with the Department of Planning and Development to determine who should clean up the slide.” Meantime, real-estate listings confirm that two parcels on that side of 55th are for sale, the one described as having “a relatively gentle slope” for $235,000, the other for $290,000; the listings say the site is in the process of being subdivided – though that is not evident in the DPD online records for the property. The zoning is for single-family housing.