Thanks to “Diver Laura” James for sharing photos from tonight’s standing-room-only event presented by The Whale Trail at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor). The cozy old home-turned-coffeehouse held 66 people for the presentation by West Seattle-residing orca researcher Mark Sears:

The Whale Trail’s founder/executive director Donna Sandstrom tells WSB, “It was a great night! Even better than we’d hoped,” with “great synergy between our groups” – referring to Laura’s participation on behalf of the Tox-Ick.org runoff-education campaign, and Seal Sitters joining in too. We asked Donna what’s up for the second in this new Whale Trail speaker series; she says Lynne Barre from NOAA Fisheries will be the featured speaker on February 21st, 6:30-9 pm, again at C & P.