West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
No rain, no snow – just lights, music, a bonfire, and an audience as the Argosy Cruises Christmas Ship (WSB sponsor) made its first of three 2012 West Seattle stops tonight at Don Armeni Boat Ramp. The other two are tomorrow – 4:35 pm at Lowman Beach and 5:25 pm at Alki (with a music-fest on shore, as noted here earlier this week). More from tonight’s stop, coming up.
(The “silencers” at CalPortland, which provided the photo)
The Duwamish River loading dock where at least one version of the notorious “Hum” was traced in September has continued working to quiet the offloading equipment that’s blamed for it. Tonight we have an update from Pete Stoltz of CalPortland, who says the promised additional silencing equipment has been installed, and will get a real-world test when another ship arrives this weekend:
In late September, we learned that the machine we use to offload ships at our terminal could be the source of the “West Seattle Hum.” We learned more about “the hum.” After meeting with the co-chairs of the Highland Park Action Committee, and hearing the nature of their concern, we decided to take steps to reduce noise from the machine even though noise levels measured by the City of Seattle and contracted noise experts confirmed the operation technically complied with State and local noise requirements.
We suspended ship-offloading operations to disassemble and inspect noise control equipment on the machine. We replaced one of the two silencers on the machine, ordered fabrication of a second replacement silencer from the factory, and our crew used down time during weather delays to install insulation, noise blankets and plywood noise shields. Unfortunately, this effort reduced measured noise levels at the machine, but reports of “the hum” continued.
CalPortland is happy to report delivery and installation of the second silencer is complete as promised. The crew tested the machine by running it empty before and after they installed the second new silencer and report being encouraged by the results. Their observations are consistent with the advice of noise experts, who predict that installation of the second silencer will substantially reduce noise levels.
We will be paying close attention with our fingers crossed when we begin offloading the next ship scheduled to arrive this weekend. Offloading will likely continue through next week as the weather permits. This is the only ship scheduled for offloading this month. The next ship will arrive after the New Year.
Based on the advice of noise experts, we are confident installation of the second silencer will address our neighbors’ concerns. We will evaluate the situation during this offloading event and consider the need for additional noise control measures. We will use the time between ships in December and January to identify and implement additional actions as necessary and appropriate.
8:14 PM: That means four varsity games – and two are in the books. West Seattle High School is hosting Rainier Beach; the boys’ game just ended, RB 84, WSHS 57. (Photo added above – that’s the Wildcats’ Jimi Martin in the air.) Chief Sealth International High School is on the road at Bainbridge; the boys won, 76-54. The girls-varsity teams are playing now; updates later.
11:38 PM: WSHS girls beat Rainier Beach, 53-22; Sealth girls lost to Bainbridge, 59-22. (Photo added above – that’s the Wildcats’ Gabby Sarver.)
NEXT WEEK: Sealth plays Rainier Beach at home – boys 7:30 pm Tuesday, girls 7:30 pm Wednesday – and hosts Cleveland next Friday night, 6:15 pm girls, 8 pm boys. WSHS visits Bainbridge, boys 7 pm Tuesday, girls 7 pm Wednesday.
(Added 4:42 pm – iPhone photo; van ready to be towed to impound)
4:15 PM: That is what brought a TV helicopter over. More shortly.
4:25 PM: Sorry for the terse original line – we were over at 16th and Roxbury checking out the situation and then as soon as we saw the chopper, thought we’d better put something out quick. We had heard scanner traffic that police had pulled over a van and were getting witnesses from the incidents – at least one in North Admiral – brought over to look at the suspect(s). More to come.
4:33 PM: Seattle Police spokesperson Det. Jeff Kappel confirms four people are in custody and also mentioned an incident in the 10000 block of 30th SW.
5:17 PM: No additional details yet, but discussion on the WSB Facebook page indicates that alert neighbors helped get the description to police. Photo added above this line is from a texter who says it was from the first moments after the van was stopped on the south (eastbound) side of Roxbury, when police as per standard procedure had weapons drawn (and traffic briefly stopped on that side of the street) until the situation was under control.
6:42 PM UPDATE: Here’s the police narrative on how this unfolded, from Lt. Ron Smith at the Southwest Precinct:
Officer was dispatched early in the shift to a call of a package theft from the porch of a house. The homeowner saw a suspect male take a UPS package from the front porch of her residence. The suspect went to a white van and left the area.
At about 1530, another package theft was reported at a different location. The witness to the theft saw a female and male suspect take the package and enter the white van. The witness was able to get the license plate of the van and it was broadcast over radio.
At 1537, suspect vehicle (the van) was observed at the corner of 16th Ave SW and SW Roxbury. Officers conducted a stop on the vehicle. The victim from the first theft responded to the scene and positively identified three of the occupants of the van. One being the suspect who took the package from her porch.
The witness from the second theft gave a description of the female in the van as well as the third suspect who wore red shorts. All were taken to the SW precinct and booked for theft. The minivan was impounded to the processing room for service of a warrant.
7:39 PM UPDATE: For those wondering about what was found in the van – we talked to Lt. Smith by phone a short time ago and he says four packages – from four separate locations – and two letters were recovered. All had clear addresses, so he says they will be photographed for evidence and then police will get them to their rightful recipients. One, he says, was a Nativity scene whose recipient was waiting for it to be part of a holiday event.
7:58 PM UPDATE: SPD Blotter has just published its version of the story.
(WSB photo from last Sunday)
The volunteer crew from Pathfinder K-8 will be back in The Junction during Hometown Holidays Sunday this weekend, 9:30 am-2 pm by the Farmers’ Market – but they need help right now so they can make more fundraising wreaths! From Lashanna:
West Seattle – Do you have beautiful ornamental greens and flowers? Does your holly need a trim?
You see us each weekend in the Junction selling our homemade wreaths; well, we have crafted ourselves out of materials. Pathfinder K-8 is in need of all kinds of ornamentals; yellowish colors, bluish, variegated, anything with pines, or acorns or nuts; seed-heads, rose hips. Basically anything in your garden or neighborhood that still looks good, even statice from your last bouquet of fresh flowers! The clippings need to be at least 5″ long in order to be usable – so 5″ to 12″ long or bring in an entire branch!
If you have some beautiful trimmings, please call or e-mail Lashanna 206-715-5265 or lashannaw@gmail.com with
–the name of what you have to donate
–good time to pick up or we can arrange a drop-off.
Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes this afternoon, starting with a photo to take a good look at:
Seattle Police have just gone public with surveillance-camera images of the now-notorious ukulele-armed shoplifter who attacked a Delridge convenience-store owner. The attack happened the night of Tuesday, November 27th. Police are still looking for the attacker. Know who he is? Call police at 206-684-5540.
Also in West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon: An anonymous resident’s mail-theft alert and a mystery motorhome on the move, both ahead:
Gatewood Elementary‘s latest successful Penny Harvest wasn’t just a collection – it was a lesson. Teacher Darren Radu shares the photo and report:
One of our guiding questions for Gatewood students is “How can we have a positive effect on the systems in our world?”. Keeping this question in mind, students jumped at the chance to continue the Penny Harvest, and worked hard to bring in as many coins as possible; this year it’s close to 300 pounds of pennies (and other coins). We’ll be sending the bags of coins to the local Penny Harvest offices next week.
In early 2013, we will again convene a Philanthropy Roundtable, where students from each grade will research organizations working for justice in the community, country, and world, and determine which organizations are most worthy of support. The Philanthropy Roundtable will then allocate grant funds from the pennies raised to these organizations. One of the Roundtable’s most important criteria is ‘leverage per dollar’ – the Philanthropists research and allocate funds to most effectively make a positive difference in the world. In the past three years, Gatewood students have awarded Penny Harvest grants totaling $3000 to organizations such as Oxfam Sudan Relief, Page Ahead, Child Haven, PAWS, Nature Consortium, Southwest Boys and Girls Club, and Save the Children Japan. Students weighed the impact of their decisions and made the final decisions on where to send the money.
The attached photo shows some of our many ‘harvesters’ with a few of the 30-pound bags they filled.
You can find out more about the Penny Harvest at commoncents.org/go/penny-harvest
Once again, our ‘Gator Gratitude’ goes out to our Gatewood neighbors, families, and friends, for supporting this worthwhile work!
Memorial and burial were scheduled today at Forest Lawn (WSB sponsor) for Mary Louise Killeen Richardson. Here’s how she is remembered:
Age 99 and one month, Mary Lou died peacefully in her sleep in her apartment at The Kenney. She was born on Yancy Street in West Seattle on November 2, 1913 to Walter Killeen and Gertrude Barnecut Killeen. She was proud of her Barnecut family pioneer heritage. The Killeen Family spent two years homesteading in the Priest Rapids area of eastern Washington from 1916-1918. When they returned to West Seattle, the family bought a home on SW Mills Street. Mary Lou attended Gatewood School and later graduated from West Seattle High School in 1931. She stayed on at West Seattle High for two more years of post-graduate secretarial study. Then she went to work for Peoples National Bank in West Seattle, where she met her husband, Wayne Harding Richardson.
(Photo courtesy Seattle Lutheran High School)
Congratulations to Seattle Lutheran High School cheerleaders Angel Cucio (Class of 2015) and Kayla Searle and Tiffany Tran (both Class of 2014), who have been chosen to be part of the New Year’s Day Parade in London, as part of the United Cheerleaders Association contingent of about 300 from around the U.S. According to SLHS’s announcement, “They have been practicing the cheer routine for several weeks and will practice with the entire group once they are all assembled in London. The students were selected for this opportunity while at a UCA Cheerleader cheer camp this past summer.” The parade starts at 11:45 am London time (that’s 3:45 am Seattle time) on New Year’s Day, with more than 10,000 participants traveling along a 2-mile route, according to the official website.
Back in October, WSB’er Stacy shared that double-rainbow view from Seacrest. This Sunday, a different rainbow view – as marriage equality will be celebrated by a free-photo shoot for newlyweds and newly engaged couples at Marination ma kai (WSB sponsor):
WHAT– Free seaside photoshoot with pro photog Erinn J Hale for newlyweds and newly engaged couples and their families.
WHERE– Marination ma kai, on the water taxi dock in Alki
1660 Harbor Ave SW, Seattle 98126 WHEN- This Sunday, December 9th, noon-3pmWHY- TONS of reasons! The LOVE, The perfect, romantic VIEW at ma kai, the NEW DAY for WA state citizens, and for a local food bank!
*HOW MUCH? The donation of any item on the West Seattle Food Drive wish list.
At Marination ma kai, we are aching to capture this moment in time! It is so important. So historical. So ALIVE. We were sitting here at ma kai thinking about it all, gazing across the perfect, unbelievable, best ever view and a BIG IDEA STRUCK.
THIS SUNDAY, DEC 9, NOON-3 PM, weʼre setting up a seaside LOVE PHOTOSHOOT for newlyweds, the newly engaged, and their families (kids, pets, whatevs!) with the breathtaking view across Puget Sound and our gorgeous Seattle skyline as the backdrop.
How much is this groovy opportunity for a professional photo-of-a-lifetime going to cost? We ask that you drop an item from the West Seattle Food Driveʼs wish list into our WSFD bin here at Marination ma kai. Thatʼs it! Wish list is here.
Erinn J Hale will be armed with a lens and ready to capture your gorgeous, smiling faces with a personal newlywed/newly engaged portrait for the family history book. You will receive a hi-res version of your photo over email, and then you can do whatever youʼd like with it! Best holiday card ever, by the way.
Extra love points if you bring your marriage license for the photo!
Worried about a little rain? Donʼt be! Right by your side youʼll have your sunshine, your only sunshine, making you happy when skies are gray. And weʼll have a pop-up tent. Questions? Email Emily, our Saucy Love Promoter. saucy@marinationmobile.com
Q: Is this awesome Seaside Love Photoshoot only for couples who happen to be the same sex?
Q: Will your bar be open and stocked with bubbly?
A: YES! Booze, too! Plus some beer & wine specials, and the kitchenʼs open all day!
The WSB Facebook page has an ongoing list of freebies/discounts, though some were just for yesterday’s licensees – here’s the link.
Washington State Ferries is warning of long lines on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route next week, as the 64-car Salish replaces the 124-car Issaquah, attributed to “necessary vessel repairs.” WSF says this will start Monday and continue “for approximately one week,” and adds that the Salish does not have wi-fi.
(2011 WSB photo of sustainably LED-lit OLG tree)
Huge holiday weekend begins – on land and by sea. The highest-elevation tree, the brightest boat, opening night for two more holiday productions, music, open houses, much more … here’s the highlight list for today/tonight:
SANTA! “Ex-Westwood Santa” is back at CAPERS in The Junction today/tonight, 3-7 pm. Benefiting the West Seattle Food Bank – bring canned food and/or cash to help. For other Santa appearances this season, check the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide.
HOLIDAY HAPPY HOUR AT JAN’S: Jan’s Beauty Supply in The Junction is having Holiday Happy Hours Fridays during the holiday season, 3-5:30 pm, offering snacks/beverages and weekly specials.
MINI-BAZAAR: At Nepenthe Massage (6016-A California SW) 3-6 pm today (and continuing this weekend, 10-3 both days): Hot beverages, art, handmade jewelry, photography, holiday cards and items, chair massage, upcycled clothing, organic teas, lotions and soaps, baked goods, gift certificates.
‘FIRST FRIDAY’ TO HELP TRANSITIONAL RESOURCES: First giving opportunity of the night – join the Rotary Club of West Seattle at its “First Friday” gathering at The Cask in The Admiral District, 5 pm; they’re collecting first-aid kits, flashlights, and batteries to help support preparedness for the residents and clients of Transitional Resources.
DOUBLE OPEN HOUSE: Twala Intimates and Heidi Fish Swimwear in The Junction, 5-8 pm – details here.
CORNER BAR, HOLIDAY EDITION: Jingle and mingle with your Highland Park neighbors during the monthly Corner Bar at Highland Park Improvement Club (12th and Holden) – all ages! Starts at 6 pm (see the HPIC tree, which we visited in progress earlier this week).
PAJAMA DRIVE AT WEST SEATTLE Y: From the YMCA (WSB sponsor) – thanks to Joleen for the tip:
This Friday night at Family Night, Our Adventure Guides will be collecting new and used Children’s Pajamas for WestSide Baby. Bring your family down to play on the obstacle course and wear your pajamas too!! Please spread the word – we would love to collect a hundred pajamas! Friday, 6:00-8:00 pm, West Seattle YMCA.
PORT FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Bin 41 in The Junction is hosting its annual port tasting from 6-7:30 pm: “We’ll have an array open to try including a white port, ruby and a mix of delicious tawnies. Swing on in to warm your belly and sample some delicious ports!”
OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE TREE LIGHTING: Carols, cocoa, cookies, and the highest-elevation tree (500+ feet above sea level) in Seattle – its lights go on tonight at 7 pm, right outside Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at 35th and Myrtle. The street’s closed, the merriment reigns, and the new Parish Life Center across the street will feature activities too. Bring canned-food donations to fill the sleigh!
‘SANTA’S FIRST MAGICAL RIDE: THE MUSICAL’: It’s premiere night for this brand-new locally written/produced Christmas musical (which is sponsoring WSB to help get the word out), Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW), 7 pm; tickets available online.
HOLIDAY STORY TIME: 7 pm at Barnes and Noble in Westwood Village, the annual “Polar Express” story time. B&N says, “Pajamas and jingle bells are welcome for this evening event. There will be treats and hot chocolate to go with this fun holiday story!”
WHOVILLE TOY ROUNDUP: 7-10 pm at OutWest Bar, 5401 California SW – It’s back again this year, and The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Abbey of St. Joan, are bringing the toy drive to OutWest for the Whoville Toy Roundup, collecting new unwrapped children’s toys and clothing items for Rise n’ Shine. Bring in a gift and have a chance to win some prizes and enjoy some holiday drink specials! We will also be accepting cash donations as well, going directly to Rise n’ Shine! Join us at OutWest and don’t let the Grinch spoil anyone’s holidays! For more information on Rise n’ Shine: risenshine.org
For more information on the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Abbey of St. Joan: www.theabbey.org.
‘MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET: THE RADIO PLAY’: Twelfth Night Productions‘ holiday show begins its run tonight at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW), 7:30 pm; tickets available online. Also: A Children’s Hospital toy drive will be held during the show’s run:
Please consider bringing a new unwrapped toy or gift card for these families. The following items are in greatest need: Crayola® crayons; Play Doh; fuzzy coloring posters; small Lego sets; Brio trains; nail polish; coloring books; arts and crafts kits; playing cards; tactile toys for all ages; rattles; links; Disney/Pixar DVDs; PG-13 DVDs; gift cards; videos, books, and music.
MUSICA SACRA CHAMBER CHORALE: Performing the concert “Candlelight Christmas,” 7:30 pm, Holy Rosary Church (42nd/Genesee), more info here
CHRISTMAS SHIP’S FIRST WEST SEATTLE STOP OF 2012: Cap the evening with a visit to Don Armeni Boat Ramp (map) for the Argosy Cruises Christmas Ship (WSB sponsor)’s 9:15 pm stop.
Believe it or not, there’s even more … check our regular event calendar and the Holiday Guide!
We’re continuing to add to the Holiday Giving list on the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide page, and here’s the latest:
The West Seattle High School Girls Cheer Team and Son-in-Law Tree Farm are holding a fundraising event Saturday and Sunday, December 8th and 9th.
The WSHS Cheerleaders will be selling hot chocolate Saturday and Sunday, December 8th & 9th, from 10 am – 8 pm to help raise money to attend cheer camp next summer.
The fundraising event will be held at the Son-in-Law Tree Farm. The tree lot is on the corner of Charleston and California Ave – look for the blue and gold poms!
Owner of SNL Trees, Greg Potts, has generously offered to donate a percentage of each tree sold this weekend to the cheer team as well – so stop in, buy your Christmas tree, garland or wreath, a cup of hot chocolate and help support the girls who support the Wildcats!!!!
(REMINDER – each day, the traffic/transit update is the primary place we add traffic notes if it’s not a major incident, and the place we appreciate your reports/comments too – every weekday, you’ll find it linked atop the WSB sidebar)
(Live view from the only WS Bridge camera currently in operation; see other cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! Embarking on Friday morning traffic watch. Nothing to report so far. One note: The extended grace period for the city’s 4 school-zone traffic cams is about to expire – as of Monday, the official tickets begin.
9:04 AM: Thanks to the texter (206-293-6302 any time – add it to your phone contacts just in case! thanks!) who reports a crash on Sylvan Way near Forest Lawn (WSB sponsor) – the 911 log has a fire callout to Sylvan Heights Drive/Sylvan Way. We’re going to go check it out. (added) Thanks to @HommeSea for the tweet with photo:
Medical response by Forest Lawn. Traffic now getting through. @westseattleblog twitter.com/HommeSea/statu…
— Homme Sea (@HommeSea) December 7, 2012
(WSB photo from 11/6/12)
One month ago, on Election Day – November 6th – West Seattle health-care practitioner Chris Porter was the last sign-waver on the Fauntleroy overpass. One month later, on December 6th, he and partner Ross were among the first wave of couples to get a marriage license.
They were #215, with County Executive Dow Constantine still there to sign their license at 3:30 am, 13 hours before the County Recorder’s Office closed for the night after issuing hundreds more:
We are closed for the night! Final count is 489 licenses issued since we opened the King County Recorder’s Office at 12:01 a.m. today.
— King County, WA (@kcnews) December 7, 2012
From an essay Chris wrote about the historic occasion:
… The fuss, argument, and fight for marriage equality is not so much about being able to marry the one you love, but about humans caring for others by extending something that brings us all closer and building a greater commonality and community.
… As we stood in line, I cannot remember an event that felt more like a reception into a new world. Volunteers agreed to work until the early hours of the morning, offering: Chocolate, coffee, tea, snacks, and congratulations. King County setup for the barrage of couples was so finely orchestrated, I have not seen a finer display of what government , working for the people it serves, is capable of. Couples braving the cold stood in near-shock as the midnight hour approached – some holding their breath, bracing for a change that would thwart the process.
As midnight approached, people began to hug, and kiss, and cry when we all realized that that moment had arrived. A moment many thought may have been another 5-10 years away. We met so many other couples and heard and shared stories. It was unlike any movie, amusement park, or holiday – this was real and visceral. So real, it seems like a dream and that the whole thing was imagined.
About 12 hours after Chris and Ross, Amy and Jennifer Hallmon went downtown on Thursday afternoon – no line, Amy reports.
She and Jennifer are raising five kids who also will accompany them to their City Hall wedding on Sunday. Amy says, “We were originally married in July of 1998, and are looking forward to lasting legal recognition (unlike that San Francisco wedding in 2004).” Here’s their original wedding photo:
Thursday’s celebration spread beyond King County headquarters; one of the West Seattle couples shown in our “live” coverage from early Thursday, Marley Blonsky and Whitney Young, went later to White Center’s Full Tilt Ice Cream, one of the businesses around the region that offered freebies or discounts to couples who brought in their new marriage license.
That’s Marley in the photo. The next big day of celebrating will be Sunday, when those who got licenses on Thursday are eligible to wed.
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