day : 19/11/2012 10 results

Car flips into yard near Westwood Village, no injuries reported

Thanks to Becky for the tip and Chris for the photo – just southeast of Westwood Village, that car missed a curve and wound up upside down in a yard. No injuries reported – there wasn’t even a medic dispatch for the crash. We’re checking with police for any more information about the circumstances.

‘It’s a wrap!’ Fauntleroy salmon watch over; biggest ever

(Photo courtesy Dave McCoy)
At Fauntleroy Creek, Salmon Watch 2012 is over. Five late spawners showed up Saturday, then none on Sunday, reports Judy Pickens, with the overview of the record-setting season:

Eighteen salmon watchers documented 274 coho spawners in Fauntleroy Creek between Oct. 24 and Nov. 17. Our previous high was 167, in 2001. We had an estimated 290 visitors, including five school groups. Watchers were able to see that nearly all the fish were hatchery-released (not fish that started life here or came through Salmon in the Schools). All, however, are now providing valuable nutrients to the habitat and we’ll be checking for “home hatch” starting late February.

As noted in our close-up look at Salmon Watch two weeks ago, last year brought only 11 coho to the creek – but that was still better than the completely spawner-less year in 2010.

West Seattle storm scenes: The water, then the wind

(Photos by Nick Adams for WSB)
Our stormy day had two distinct phases – in the morning, it was all about the water, including the mini-lake in WSB contributing photojournalist Nick Adams‘ image from SW Barton Street. In the afternoon, it was all about the wind:

The tree-buried SUV was in Sunrise Heights, in the 7100 block of 32nd SW; head-on, it was almost completely out of sight.

Other toppled trees were featured in our afternoon coverage.

Tomorrow’s forecast: Rain at times, but mostly in the afternoon, so the morning commute, at least, shouldn’t resemble anything like today.

West Seattle storm scenes: Navigating Nickelsville

(Photos by Nick Adams for WSB)
As we first showed you during afternoon storm coverage, getting around the West Seattle encampment that calls itself “Nickelsville” was like hopscotch this afternoon – and that was even after residents built a walkway.

(From left, Matthew and JS using pallets for a walkway over the water and mud)
WSB contributing photojournalist Nick Adams went to Nickelsville this afternoon after we learned from a volunteer that the camp was in need of fuel to power generators to provide power to pumps, to deal with the floodwater brought by today’s two-inch deluge.

That’s Nickelsville head of security Steve Westfall, surveying the scene.

A year and a half has now passed since the encampment returned to the triangle of public land at West Marginal Way SW and Highland Park Way SW – a site for which they have neither been officially organized nor told to get out, unlike the encampment’s original stay at the same site in September 2008, which lasted less than a week before police were ordered to go in and evict the campers. Nor, still, do they have running water or other basic services. There has been some talk of moving to another site – if somebody helps find one.

RapidRide C Line, 7 weeks in: Metro’s questionnaire for you

Every weekday (and some weekend days) since Metro debuted RapidRide C Line, riders have had discussions here on WSB about how it’s going. Metro’s made some tweaks. And now they want to know how it’s working for you. They’ve answered some frequently-asked questions, and launched a questionnaire to ask YOU some questions, with this online update (it includes the questionnaire link). Meantime, we’re continuing the daily discussions here too – every day, we launch a TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TRACKER story in the morning, and it’s the place to bring up any issues (as well as traffic reports); you’ll find it linked atop the WSB sidebar by 6:45 or so in the morning. (Today’s format was a little different because of the crazy weather.)

West Seattle Weather Watch, afternoon/evening update: Wind, rain, downed trees, more

(Our morning storm coverage is here)

(Added 2:30 pm: Tree down in Junction; photo courtesy Marty Sweetman)
1:25 PM: We’re launching afternoon storm coverage now, with widespread reports of power flickers – we were in a Junction business where it flickered twice a few minutes ago, and the wind is gusty out of the south here too. More to come.

(Added 2:40 pm: Nickelsville resident JS, building a walkway; WSB photo by Nick Adams)
1:32 PM UPDATE: We’ve received a request for help from Nickelsville via intermediaries – they need gasoline to power generators to pump out floodwaters at the camp (West Marginal and Highland Park Way). If you can help, just take some down.

1:36 PM UPDATE: Serious wave action south of Alki Point, as is usual with wind out of the southwest. We checked on the flickers – there is NO larger outage anywhere, so far. Just widespread flickers. Just in case it does go out later, be sure you have what you need nearby – charge your phone, have batteries for whatever needs batteries, keep a flashlight handy, etc.

1:52 PM UPDATE: Just got back to WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy for the first time in an hour or so – we’re out of power here. City Light map says about 150 customers (homes/businesses).

(Added 2:30 pm: Tree down on 18th near Sanislo Elementary; photo courtesy Cary Swain Seely)
2:25 PM UPDATE: There is some good news – the rain stopped. For now. But there are scattered reports of trees down – saw one along Fauntleroy in Fairmount Springs; Kevin sent word of one in Endolyne; no major road blockages reported, though. (Update – see the photo added above from 18th SW – that may be causing trouble.) City Light, meantime, says it doesn’t know yet what’s to blame for the outage in Upper Fauntleroy/Gatewood.

(Added 2:40 pm: Tree down at 45th and Wildwood in Fauntleroy)
2:49 PM: Scott reports via Twitter that Admiral is closed between 58th and 59th because of a power pole that looks to be in danger of falling.

3:04 PM UPDATE: Cami says it’s actually closed at 57th. We’ll have a crew in the area shortly. Also via comments, Cait says Webster is closed in the Delridge vicinity. THANK YOU to everyone continuing to share information and photos.

3:14 PM UPDATE: Photojournalist Nick Adams, out on storm coverage for WSB today, is at 58th/Admiral with the power-pole problem and says traffic is now open again, one lane each way.

(added later) This photo courtesy of Don Brubeck shows the pole while it was leaning:

NEW traffic problem that might affect some people headed toward West Seattle – southbound Battery Street Tunnel is closed, apparently because of a crash, per SDOT.

3:37 PM UPDATE: City Light map shows the Gatewood/Upper Fauntleroy outage over – we’re working away from HQ right now so can’t verify. Couple other scattered, very small outages in spots around West Seattle. (Few minutes later) Battery Street Tunnel southbound now OPEN again, per WSDOT. Meantime, some bus reroutes out there – just got one from Metro re: Route 128 routed off 16th between Henderson and Cambridge.

4:23 PM UPDATE: No new problems reported lately. But still give yourself extra time to get home. Any break in the weather is just temporary, the forecasters say. And take note this is already the rainiest November 19th on record.

5:27 PM UPDATE: Got e-mail saying that the Admiral exit from the West Seattle Bridge has a major puddle/pond, so avoid if you can. Meantime, the rain comes and goes – raining hard again about 20 minutes ago, not so bad right now, but still lots of water everywhere. P.S. If you’re on a bus and have some time, here’s a new West Seattle-specific survey from Metro, explained and linked here.

West Seattle restaurants: Beachside Café to be Bada Asian Grill

Change is in the works for Beachside Café, in the space long previously known as Alki Bakery (which closed almost exactly two years ago). Beachside Café/Alki Café co-owner Sharon Bang says the Beachside space on the southwest corner of 61st and Alki is going to become Bada Asian Grill:

We will be closing Beachside Café for remodeling. We will open on Thanksgiving Day and the weekend following. We plan to close our business from Monday November 26th for about 2 months.

When Alki Bakery closed their doors, John and I thought the community was looking for the space to be as close to Alki Bakery as possible. John and I are not bakers by nature, and we found it hard to keep the business as a coffee shop next to Starbucks.

Our restaurant career started in downtown Seattle serving breakfast, however, we found great success in building Asian fusion restaurants unitil we got back in the breakfast restaurant with Alki Cafe. We have decided to change our concept and open up Bada Asian Grill. “Bada” means ocean in Korean. We want to open a restaurant serving families delicious and healthy Asian BBQ and teriyaki along with appetizing side dishes. Our location is an ideal spot for what we want to bring together. We will have open kitchen with char broil grill at the front and have a full bar serving variety of Asian wine, beer, cocktail and sake.

We will continue to have Caffe Vita espresso in the morning hours. Lunch, Happy Hour and Dinner will follow. Construction will start in last week of November, and we plan to open Bada Asian Grill mid to late January.

We believe Bada Asian Grill will be a great addition to Alki and residence living in West Seattle. We want to thank you and so many loyal customers who frequently visited Beachside Café. John and I are excited to bring this new change. We will bring you more details including hours of operation and whole menu in near future.

As for Alki Cafe, we will be open from 8am to 3pm daily. We will open for dinner again in spring time.

New school at Genesee Hill: Offer your ideas @ meeting tonight

From tonight’s calendar: Reminder from the Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council – a community conversation is scheduled tonight with the Design Team for the new school at the closed Genesee Hill site, 6:30-8 pm tonight at Schmitz Park Elementary. Read on for some examples of what they’re looking at, to help inspire your suggestions (and see how to comment even if you can’t go to the meeting):

Read More

WEATHER/TRAFFIC UPDATES: Soggy Monday; water woes everywhere

(SCROLL DOWN for newest updates – we’re out checking on trouble spots too)

(Live view from the only WS Bridge camera currently in operation; see other cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:33 AM: Rain is the big challenge this morning – and deep water is causing trouble on at least two ramps, according to Twitter reports – Delridge to the bridge, and bridge to 99. Lots of water on the roads everywhere we’ve driven. We’re monitoring trouble spots as always.

6:54 AM: A commenter says the ramp from the bridge to I-5 is developing deep-water trouble too. And even if you’re just walking outside your home, beware – our crew just back from an early-morning fire scene found a parking strip with ankle-deep, shoe-filling water. An urban/small-stream flood advisory is in effect all day – into the evening commute – for the entire county, with the possibility of up to 2 inches of rain.

7:33 AM: More reports in comments about water woes around the peninsula – including Fauntleroy and Raymond, a perennial trouble spot, and 35th/Avalon. Our friends at KING 5, who have had crews roving, mentioned a 35th/Barton puddle too.

7:55 AM: From onboard a bus:

8:24 AM: Out roving now. Delridge has many spots with serious puddling, including at Myrtle and just south of Webster. Mary just sent us a photo of someone working to clear out the ramp “lake” by the bridge:

8:39 AM: Another sign of a serious storm: The combined-sewer overflow at Barton (north of the Fauntleroy ferry) is discharging. You can check the CSO status in ‘real time’ on this county webpage. Around the area, efforts continue to reduce the need for those overflows by catching stormwater in other ways. We were reminded of that while just passing the stretch of 26th SW in North Delridge that is getting bioswales – not ready in time for this storm, but some of the holes are dug.

(Minutes later …) We’re checking Longfellow Creek by the Allstar Fitness lot, where water is spouting up from one manhole on the south side.

9:18 AM: Along Alki, some curbside overflow, and downtown is hard to see from Seacrest:

Along Alki and along Delridge (where the next photo was taken), we’re continuing to see people braving the rain to clear the storm drains and reduce puddling:

Seattle Public Utilities is responsible for the storm drains but can’t do it all, so citizen help is appreciated if you can do it safely. If not, or if you see a big road problem that only the city could address, here’s the number to call: (206) 386-1800.

10:46 AM: Beach Drive has a huge “pond” in the 4800 block, alongside the historic Satterlee House’s big front lawn, and a few blocks south, Lisa Dawson tweeted this mini-geyser photo from the 5400 block:

Keep us posted on what you’re seeking – we’ll be watching it all day long, and today we will likely open a separate story for the PM commute around mid-afternoon, rather than keeping this one running.

10:58 AM UPDATE: There’s now a power outage reported in the heart of the White Center business district – 65 “customers” (one customer = one business or home) affected so far. Meander’s sent word they’re affected; we’ll be checking on the range. (Added) Here’s how it’s shown on the City Light map:

11:53 AM UPDATE: Brian sends word that if you’re going to Westwood Village, “Bring your life raft… or at the very least rubber rain boots. The parking lot isn’t draining in Westwood”:

He took that photo in the lot by Starbucks and Big 5. Meantime, after a few other quick news updates, we’ll be launching afternoon coverage shortly.

Update: Early-morning house fire in the 9000 block of 16th SW

(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
6:31 AM: We’re checking on a house-fire call in the 9000 block of 16th SW. It appears to have been fairly short-lived, with an investigator called just a few minutes after the original call at 5:09 am, but we’ve gone to the scene to find out.

6:41 AM: According to the investigator on scene, this was another case – like Saturday night’s fire on 14th SW – of an “illegally occupied” house, across the street from the Salvation Army center. Neighbors told fire crews that transients are frequently seen at the site. The front of the building shows significant fire damage; nobody was hurt. Official word of the cause isn’t expected until later.

8:03 AM: Also like the Saturday night fire scene, this house has a record of city-code complaints, including a case listed as “not resolved,” with problems including “vacant, open to entry, overgrown, outdoor storage of junk.”

9:33 AM: SFD spokesperson Kyle Moore tells WSB this was an accidental fire: “Transients inhabited the house and created a cooking fire in the living room which resulted in the fire to the vacant home. The estimated dollar loss is $151,000.”