Bill, Kathy, and Don were still on duty at the West Seattle Bike Connections outreach station under the bridge when we caught up with them just before they wrapped up for the morning. In addition to offering treats and information about the new bicycling-advocacy group (here’s the original announcement in the WSB Forums), they also counted bicyclists till about 9 am, and report 254 came by that spot where three trails meet, under the high bridge and at the west end of the low bridge. Also there throughout the morning – till just before we showed up – the trio told us, was Stu Hennessey of Spokespeople West Seattle and Sustainable West Seattle, with which WSBC is joining forces. A major goal right now is to give West Seattle a strong voice as the city’s Bicycle Master Plan is updated; keep up with future meetings (next one – 8:30 am Saturday at C & P Coffee [WSB sponsor]) and comment opportunities via their Facebook page, where you also can post your “top ten list” for bicycling-improvement priorities in the area.