Next steps at future Lowman Beach sewer-overflow-tank site: Fence this week, ‘painting party’ Saturday

Sometime before Saturday, King County’s Wastewater Treatment Division plans to put up a fence around the future site of its Murray Combined Sewer Overflow Control Project – a million-gallon tank across from Lowman Beach. That will precede demolition of the county-purchased homes/apartments on the site. “No parking” signs line both sides of the Lowman Beach section of Beach Drive this week, and the fence is scheduled to be up by Saturday (August 18). That’s the day the county plans a community “painting party” – 10 am-3:30 pm:

You are invited to help paint the mural that will cover the Murray Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Facility construction site fence for at least the next year. The Nature Consortium’s teaching artist will be onsite to explain mural design and help painters get started. Materials and templates will be provided, but wear your painting clothes! Families and children of all ages are welcome, and there is no obligation to stay for the whole day. You can paint for a while, enjoy a snack and then go enjoy the rest of your Saturday.

Along with the community-painted art, which will be on the Beach Drive side of the fence, King County’s Doug Marsano tells WSB that Urban Artworks will produce art panels for the Lincoln Park Way side.

4 Replies to "Next steps at future Lowman Beach sewer-overflow-tank site: Fence this week, 'painting party' Saturday "

  • Duckitude August 13, 2012 (4:32 pm)

    King County enlisting the help of children and “neighbors” to, in their words “dress up the neighborhood” is tantamount to employing slave labor to put lipstick on a pig before it is roasted and eaten by fellow pigs…
    Several neigbhorhood friends are posting signs to the effect of “Don’t Paint” “Protest” — “We invite you to protest the killing of this neighborhood by King County. No one we know of is celebrating (“paryting”) the death of an entire neighborhood and the destruction and disappearance of 19 rental units and 30 neighbors.”
    A wake would be more appropriate.
    For those of you who will start bashing the whole concept of holding King County’s feet to the fire for the foreseeable future, please, give a few thoughts to accountability and consequences.
    Your neighbors and friends’ homes could be next.
    On this block, we miss our former neighbors and friends.
    If you think this siting of the underground sewage tank was inevitable, you have not done your research.
    Bye, bye, neighborhood, hello sewage tank, I think I’m a-gonna cryyyy…

  • godofthebasement August 13, 2012 (5:10 pm)

    Good to see there are right thinking people like Duckitude out there to stand up in favor of dumping raw sewage in Puget Sound.

    Funny, you’d think all the West Seattle NIMBYs would be thrilled about removing rental units, considering all the hateful diatribes against renters that get posted in these comments all the time.

  • Duckitude August 13, 2012 (6:55 pm)

    Again, god, do your homework. Many possible locations for such a CSO tank. The community advisory committee of which I was an active member did not recommend nor endorse the site chosen, and, in essence, were seriously betrayed by King County. I would be happy to send you more information about that process if you would like it.
    As for NIMBYs and diatribes against renters… yah, I am a renter. So? What’s it to you? I guess your diatribe against me would be an example of the hateful diatribes against renters found herein. You should really choose a side and stick to it.
    I can tell you this. The owners south of Lowman Beach Park and 7043 Beach Drive SW are ecstatic about getting rid of the “riff-raff.” I don’t live south of 7043, nor do I own.

  • Godofthebasement August 14, 2012 (5:41 pm)

    I think my comment wasn’t clear, Duck. I’m an advocate for high density housing and I always challenge those who speak I’ll of renters. Please don’t think of me as your foe on that just because we disagree on the CSO. And yes, please post links to all the information you have. I will read it. But remember, just being on an “advisory group” (who chooses those anyway?) doesn’t in itself make you right. I believe King Co engineers are smart people capable of making the best decisions on infrastructure projects, so I’m inclined to favor their decision.

Sorry, comment time is over.