(First 3 photos by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
Music, fun, and food right now in the north lot at Westside School (WSB sponsor), 34th just south of SW Holden, where CoolMom‘s “Think Outside the Car” kickoff celebration continues till 2 pm. BottleRockit is playing, and the Lumpia World and Athena’s food trucks are selling lunch:

There’s another kids’ bike parade planned at 1:30 pm, and in the meantime, don’t be chicken about getting an “Undriving License”:

(added) Here are Hannah and Elliot Goldstein with theirs:

(Photo by Undriving’s Julia Field)
“Think Outside the Car” is a campaign not to get you entirely out of your car, but to encourage walking and biking when possible, and also to reduce driving impacts – asking people not to idle their engine while waiting at school, for example. Watch for more info and events to come.
ADDED 5:40 PM: One more photo – this one from Don Brubeck, who was there volunteering with Cascade Bicycle Club:

The Cascade mention reminds us – Bike To Work Day is coming up on May 18th.