Trader Joe’s has finally officially “announced” the opening date of its West Seattle store – the same one reported last month, April 13th, now on their store-locator webpage.

Meantime, a few more views of the new store – starting with the murals, which Diane pointed out in the WSB Forums night before last, noting that they are easily visible from the street.

We have asked TJ’s repeatedly, through both local management and corporate PR, for permission to go into the store and take pictures, and it’s been repeatedly denied; they say there will be no media previews, period. But at least we can show you what is visible from the street since their windows are huge and uncovered. Above, one mural shows the Alki Lighthouse (and check out the Water Taxi on the left!); we’ve been trying to guess the next one, mostly out of sight behind the light fixtures and sign (Fauntleroy Schoolhouse?):

Meantime, we are getting recurring questions about the parking situation. What you might not realize is that the surface lot – which has an entrance at 38th/Fauntleroy south/east of, and separate from, the exit onto Fauntleroy – is only part of it.

There’s also upstairs parking; J. Hughes Construction, Inc., is working on finishing touches this morning. This too has separate entrances and exits, both off 39th SW (south of West Seattle Bowl and across the street from “The Hole”) – here’s the entrance:

And just north is the exit:

Store hours, according to the TJ’s website, will be 8 am-9 pm. And if somehow this is the first you are hearing of all this and you don’t know where the store is – 4545 Fauntleroy Way SW. It’s been 21 months since the company announced it had leased the former Huling Brothers Buick site, P.S. We’ve added two additional photos to our “West Seattle Trader Joe’s” board on Pinterest.