West Seattle Crime Watch: Possible serial burglars arrested

Police think they have solved several burglaries with two arrests in West Seattle this afternoon. First, we heard from Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Steve Paulsen, who says that a vehicle description provided by neighbors after a burglary in the 9200 block of 13th SW led officers to a car in the 1900 block of SW Brandon (here’s a map of the 2 locations), and the 2 suspects. And then, we got this report from Zach – whose home was the one broken into on 13th (he shared the broken-window photo above):

Thanks to a good neighbor and some fast-acting cops, the teenagers who broke into our home were nabbed and our belongings were recovered. One of our neighbors had noticed a suspicious car cruising the neighborhood earlier. Later, our neighbor noticed a stranger opening our front door and letting in another person who emerged from our backyard. In moments, the pair of teens left carrying our flat screen TV and a laptop. They dumped the items in the trunk of their car and drove off. … The car is a silver, four door sedan.

Our neighbor alerted the police, who were able to identify a partial plate using some of the photos our neighbor took using a cell phone. The police, Officers Thompson and Longley, were not only familiar with the owner of the car, but they were able to catch up with the suspect and recover our things. Granted, we’re out a window, but it could have been much worse.

He says one officer told him they believe the suspects “are affiliated with a network of thieving minors who are ‘hammering’ the greater Seattle area. And Zach added, “I only wish that our courts weren’t so lenient on minors. It seems like we’re making teenage crime a deal that’s just too good to pass up.” Following juvenile cases through the court system is difficult, because the documentation is not openly available as it is for adults, but we will do our best to followup. Meantime, Capt. Paulsen says police appreciate another case of “alert citizens calling 911 when they are observing suspicious circumstances in their neighborhood.”

20 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Possible serial burglars arrested"

  • don'tpassgo March 15, 2012 (11:15 pm)

    Now that’s some teamwork! Good job all. Way to go SPD you guys are awesome.

  • mookie March 15, 2012 (11:54 pm)

    I agree with Zach on wishing we had tougher laws for minors who continually rob and burglarize us. Note the 19-year-old recently arrested and tied to a recent spate of burglaries in North Seattle. That #%@$*&) is the no-doubt proud owner of a “…long rap sheet that includes 15 felony convictions, including eight residential burglaries and six motor vehicle theft convictions.”
    Seriously. At what point do these little darlings actually pay for their damaging b.s.? 6 felony convictions? 8? “Oh, he stole a car when he was 13, he didn’t know any better, he was hanging with the wrong people” – sure. When Junior steals his SIXTH vehicle, and keeps breaking into peoples’ houses, why does he still get too more damn chances to be out and wreaking havoc?!
    If you want stronger laws about this, join me in pressing the lawmakers. I’m sure the police are tired of repeatedly dealing with these same (insert expletive here) as we are.

  • me March 16, 2012 (1:00 am)

    I’m out of spit

  • Dr H March 16, 2012 (6:50 am)

    Same thing happened to my house 2 wks ago here in west Seattle. They took my laptop, camera, tv, etc. The problem is that although even young criminals should be punished, they shouldn’t be put through the adult legal system. Surely there is a better answer than a slap on the wrist or an extended jail sentence.

  • Amalia March 16, 2012 (8:05 am)

    Agreed, mookie. And thanks to the smart neighbor who did NOT confront the little *&^$#s, but took photos and called the police. I know people think they’re doing a good thing when they chase the criminals away, but that is not the best way to get them caught! Get a license plate and a description and CALL 911! Don’t let them see you doing it.

  • Silly Goose March 16, 2012 (8:43 am)

    Mookie, I agree with you about the laws, but I do think they are slowing changing from what I hear at the Crime Council Meetings, as the officers and courts like us are tired of these repeat offenders. Great team work on the neighbors and police officers part, glad they caought these low life’s.

  • lookingforlogic March 16, 2012 (8:43 am)

    Where are the parents? Arrogant, selfish, greedy rats, I am fed up with the thieves, from the burglaries, addicts, bankers, what are we a 3rd world country now?

  • Thadeus March 16, 2012 (8:54 am)

    I live near 19th and Brandon. It would b nice if they locked these guys up for good. The cops r at that house once at week. Came home yesterday afternoon and saw the cops there, was wondering what happen this time.

  • Cowpie March 16, 2012 (9:17 am)

    I thought I’d remove my comment……………

  • Lachlan March 16, 2012 (9:31 am)

    Crap! This is my street. Makes me even more glad I have a security system and vigilant neighbors. I definitely keep my eyes open when I’m home; hard to do that during the day, which is why our neighbors who are home are such a god-send. I bet I know who reported this, too. She’s a gem.

    So glad they got ’em. Kudos all around!

  • Will March 16, 2012 (11:00 am)

    I don’t suppose anyone can provide any description of the criminals so that we can keep an eye out for them, as they are likely to be back at it in a matter of weeks….

  • phil dirt March 16, 2012 (11:09 am)

    I’m really glad these thieves have been caught, however, they’ll only get a slap on the wrist by our bleeding heart court system. We should get ready for a huge increase in this sort of thing if Obama gets re-elected and continues to destroy the economy of this country. All of this is the result of our country’s decline. Go ahead all of you apologists and slam me!

  • drb March 16, 2012 (11:19 am)

    Good Grief now you are blaming thefts on our President. Hate to tell you this but thefts have been happening long before President Obama was elected. Just another excuse for Obama bashing I assume. Shame on you.

  • Heh March 16, 2012 (11:20 am)

    I pity you Phil

  • Josh W March 16, 2012 (1:00 pm)

    Sometimes I wish we treated thieves like they do in Saudi Arabia… remove enough fingers and it makes stealing a lot harder

  • Tim March 16, 2012 (1:32 pm)

    This has nothing to do with the economy and everything to do with the erosion of a common view of what is right and wrong – the rules that hold society together. If these are juveniles, then their parents either don’t know what they are doing, or don’t care (or they don’t have parents). I would like to see the offenders spend a couple of weeks in juvenile detention AND their parents spend a week or two in the county jail.

  • Cindertang March 16, 2012 (9:15 pm)

    I think we need a web site that shows all peoples photos (mug shots) so we know who it is and can keep an eye out for them in the future as in these thieves.Hello I am selling magazines oh nice flat screen Ill be back. I will be waiting.

  • Mary March 17, 2012 (9:17 am)

    What type of silver sedan was it? Can you post the pictures? We were burglarized in August in NE Seattle by a similar group of minors. My sister was burglarized a month later, and she lives 5 blocks away from us. The suspects were caught and they had the same MO as the West Seattle robbing spree. I want to know what the car looked like because we live across the street from a park and we had a silver car frequented the park a lot right before we were rob. They still drop by every now and again to deal drugs. We call the cops every time we see them, but the cops either show up too later or not at all. One time we saw this young kid get out of the car and cock a gun from his trunk. Again we notified the police, but what can they do if drugs and weapons are in the trunk of a car.

    • WSB March 17, 2012 (10:02 am)

      Mary – I believe I have a photo that I can add here – things have been busier than usual the past few days and I didn’t go back to this story after posting the first take with the broken-window pic (the car photo came separately). Give me a bit and check back – TR

  • Mary March 19, 2012 (9:33 pm)

    Thanks I appreciate it.

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