(“First sign of spring!” says West Seattle photographer Machel Spence)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:
TONIGHT’S BRIDGE WORK: No closures announced so far, but lane closures for the Spokane Street Viaduct Widening Project continue – listed here.
IN CASE YOU HEAR PLANES: A WSB’er calls our attention to a NORAD alert about exercises over the region – might have already happened (or not), but in case you see/hear military aircraft (the latter’s more likely today), this might explain it.
LIBRARY STORY TIMES: From the Seattle Public Library Calendar of Events – Preschool Story Times at 10:30 am (West Seattle/Admiral branch) and 11:30 am (Southwest branch), Somali Story Time at 5 pm at the High Point branch.
WEST SEATTLE FIRMS AT SEATTLE HOME SHOW: The annual Seattle Home Show continues at the CenturyLink Event Center, noon-8 pm, with West Seattle participants including WSB sponsors Ventana Construction, Potter Construction, and NCompass Cottage Company.
MOVIE TIME AT SENIOR CENTER OF WEST SEATTLE: 1 pm, “Heart and Souls” (1993). California/Oregon. (from Twitter)
TEEN ZUMBA: Fourth Wednesday of the month means Teen Zumba at the Southwest Teen Life Center, open to anyone between the ages 11-19, 5 pm, free. (2801 SW Thistle)
DAYSTAR CHAT: Open conversation with Daystar Retirement Village (WSB sponsor) residents and families, 5 pm, full details here
POEMS AND STORIES: Poetry Bridge‘s 4th Wednesday Poems & Tales at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 5612 California SW, from 7-9 pm. Featured readers are Noel Parkinson and Beau Pritchard, followed by open mike (signup starts at 6:45 pm); free and open to all ages.