West Seattle wildlife: Seal pup ‘Spanky’ rescued by ‘superhero’

November 4, 2011 10:27 pm
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News tonight from Robin Lindsey of Seal Sitters:

I thought your readers might want to know that seal pup Spanky was rescued successfully today after falling off a high rock, deep into a hole between immense boulders late yesterday afternoon. It was quite a challenging predicament for the little pup who could not climb back out – and we could not reach in far enough to get him. Spanky has been a fixture along the west side rocks since we first discovered him on October 5th, entertaining volunteers and onlookers almost daily with his antics. We want to thank everyone who has respected the stranding network’s tape perimeter which has been put in place on busier days so he could rest undisturbed. Thankfully, we have had a good ending to this nerve-wracking incident and we hope Spanky returns to his rocky stretch of beach – just not to this particular rock!

Robin says a state wildlife worker turned into a seal-rescuing “superhero” to get Spanky out of there – she tells the story on Seal Sitters’ “Blubberblog” site. (And remember that if you see a seal, or any marine mammal, on a local beach, call 206-905-7325 [SEAL] to let SS know.)

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