West Seattle weekend scene: John Doe at Easy Street Records

You never know when you might see a star at Easy Street Records in The Junction. Of course, John Doe‘s appearance was announced two-plus weeks ahead of time, so this was no chance encounter, but still. Easy Street proprietor Matt Vaughan waved a copy of Doe’s newest CD “Keeper” while at the mike for the intro:

John Doe was warming up for an acoustic show scheduled a few hours later at the Tractor Tavern on the north side of town.

Next, he and his longtime band X hit the road, starting in New Orleans later this week, then joining Seattle’s own Pearl Jam for a swing through Central and South America (schedule here).

4 Replies to "West Seattle weekend scene: John Doe at Easy Street Records"

  • neighbor October 24, 2011 (9:31 am)

    Thank you for covering this! John Doe is one of the best song writers we have. He’s an American poet with a voice so heartbreakingly beautiful. From X to just him and his guitar this man has carried me through a lifetime.
    Thank you to Easy Street!

  • mookie October 24, 2011 (9:50 am)

    Amen, neighbor. He’s a treasure, and I’ve been following him since the beginning days of X.

  • Findlay October 24, 2011 (11:38 am)

    I made this video of Mr. Doe( but had my finger over the mike for the first 30 secs. :( ):


  • bluegirl October 24, 2011 (12:33 pm)

    there was a good sized crowd for this (they even opened the “garage” doors to extend audience to sidewalk).

    John Doe is truly a living legend….

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