Thanks to WSB contributor Keri DeTore for the photo of Delridge’s Dragonfly Pavilion in that sunshine we enjoyed earlier this week … nowhere to be found at the moment. But we can always dream. In the meantime, things to consider for today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:
LEARNING WHILE HELPING: From Matt Evans at West Seattle Academy/WS Montessori (WSB sponsor): Students are doing park cleanups at Lincoln Park and Alki today. “The clean-ups are an extension of our Leadership class in the middle school, and the result of a class brainstorm about how we can give back to our community. We will be armed with trash bags and rubber gloves to help make Lincoln Park and Alki litter-free, so if you see our students at either location today, show them your appreciation with a ‘Thanks!’.”
ROXHILL SKATESPOT’S DOWNTOWN REVIEW: Seattle Design Commission looks at Roxhill Skatespot, 1 pm, Boards and Commissions Room at City Hall.
WSHS SPIRIT DINNER AND AUCTION: West Seattle High School Athletics are the beneficiary for tonight’s gala sponsored by the PTSA and WSHS Foundation, The Hall at Fauntleroy, doors open at 5:30 pm for silent auction/appetizers/drinks, dinner is at 7, live auction/dessert dash/raffle at 7:30 pm. Call to see if tickets are still available – 206-252-0476 or e-mail rjlee@seattleschools.org.
LESBIAN AND GAY FILM FESTIVAL IN WEST SEATTLE: Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (WSB sponsor)’s first of three days with screenings at the Admiral Theater in West Seattle – schedule here – first screening tonight is at 6 pm.
LOWMAN BEACH SEWER-OVERFLOW PROJECT: The Murray (that’s the pump station at Lowman Beach) Combined Sewer Overflow project will be updated at a community meeting, 6:30 pm, Fauntleroy Church fellowship hall (9140 California SW).
GIRL SCOUT INFO NIGHT: Girl Scouts have another free family information night in West Seattle – this time it’s at WS (Admiral) Library, 6:30 pm.
For more information, please visit GirlScoutsWW.org or call 425-614-1126
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Monthly meeting at Alki UCC Church Parlor, 6215 SW Hinds, 7 pm – topics include landslide mitigation (see recent WSB story) and community-center changes.
SOUTHWEST COMMUNITY CENTER’S FUTURE: If the budget-cut proposal to change Southwest Community Center into a Teen Life Center and Neighborhood Service Center goes through, what programs and hours should the center keep? City-led discussion tonight, 7 pm (details here)