Update: Commenter says heart-attack patient ‘stable’ today

In case you aren’t following the comments on last night’s report about the medical emergency toward the end of the day at West Seattle Summer Fest – though official information is not available because of medical-privacy laws, a commenter has provided this update on the man who collapsed and received “citizen CPR” before medics rushed in:

I am friends with the man and his family. He suffered a massive heart attack. He made it through the night and is in stable condition today. The doctors are optimistic about his condition. His wife is keeping us up to date. My thanks to everyone who helped out.

Comments on the previous story also have included more information about learning CPR – thanks to everyone who’s contributed information – as this shows, you never know when it could save a life.

9 Replies to "Update: Commenter says heart-attack patient 'stable' today"

  • West Seattle mom July 11, 2011 (2:02 pm)

    Yay!! Me and my 5 year saw this happen. We were hoping for a good outcome!

  • AJP July 11, 2011 (3:31 pm)

    Wonderful news! Hope he continues to improve.

  • ellenater July 11, 2011 (3:35 pm)


  • ad July 11, 2011 (4:07 pm)

    Good to hear. I had been waiting for an update. How scary to happen in such a public place- but it probably saved his life because he had access to CPR!

  • RWSharkWatson July 11, 2011 (5:21 pm)

    Great job West Seattle!
    The King County Medical Director, Dr. Mickey Eisenberg will be so happy to hear about this heroic effort to save another citizen from the jaws of death. Be sure to visit Learn CPR at http://depts.washington.edu/learncpr/ for a CPR refresher and/or to download the free iPhone/Android App. Best wishes to the patient his family!

  • Catherine July 11, 2011 (6:28 pm)

    We were there and got out of the way as fast as we could.

    The men moving tables, etc. out of the way so the truck and ambulance could move through worked very fast.

    I was wondering how the man was doing and I am very happy to hear that he is going to be okay.

    My mom died last year and it has been so awful..My kids were with my yesterday, but I could not let them see the goings on. Our family has seen enough emergencies in the past yr and a half. I did not want the kids to see that, so we left after the trucks came. Good job!! to all who saved the man’s life. :-)

  • Cathy July 11, 2011 (6:49 pm)

    I’ve been checking the WSB every chance I get just to see if the man made it. I’m so relieved to hear that he’s stable. I’ve been sending positive thoughts to him, his friends, & family. I was at the Festival yesterday & I must say the events staff handled the situation outstandingly(if that’s a word) And the Firefighters/Medic’s were just as good. Thanks to the citizens who gave CPR-you got the blood flowing! Good luck to the patient. +_+

  • Cathy July 13, 2011 (7:37 am)

    Any NEW updates on this gentleman???? Concerned citizen +_+

  • Dave July 26, 2011 (7:29 pm)

    Thanks to all the great W Seattlelites! I am very much on the mend in the hospital. I don’t want to think about my chances if this happened somewhere else. Bless you all for your thoughts & prayers.

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