day : 12/07/2011 14 results

West Seattle scene: Star Anna packs Easy Street in The Junction

Big crowd inside and outside West Seattle’s Easy Street Records tonight for Star Anna and The Laughing Dogs, performing live to celebrate the release of their new album “Alone in This Together.” We’re told Star Anna lives here now, as do some of her bandmates. Even from the street, though, as this clip tweeted by @darrenkwalsh shows, they sounded great. If you missed the Easy Street show, the band’s website says they’re live downtown at noon tomorrow (like tonight’s Easy Street show, free) – AND later this summer, you’ll see them again in West Seattle during Summer Concerts at Hiawatha (co-sponsored by WSB) series, as the grand-finale act on September 1st.

9:49 PM: Thanks to Colby for sharing a ground-level photo:

Metro bus-cuts hearing: Overflow crowd downtown

8:28 PM: More than two hours after the start of the “future of Metro” hearing before a King County Council committee, public testimony continues. It’s at the King County Council chambers downtown, which don’t have many seats in the gallery, and those waiting to speak are reported to be spilling over outside the courthouse – here’s a photo tweeted by Erica C. Barnett from the political-news site PubliCola. You can watch live on cable channel 22, or King County TV live online. The four councilmembers who are there include West Seattle’s Joe McDermott. One more hearing remains: 6 pm Thursday, July 21st, at Burien City Council chambers.

12:44 AM: In comments, Diane reports the hearing went till almost 10 pm. Here’s the wrapup from our partners at the Seattle Times.

Update: Crash closes West Marginal, injures 1; dog on loose found

(Photo by Patrick Sand for WSB)
6:20 PM: A “heavy rescue” call at West Marginal Way SW/SW Dakota (map) is for what scanner traffic describes as a flipped car, with at least one person seriously hurt (described as a man, about 20). More when we get to the scene; avoid the area TFN.

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
6:41 PM: That section of West Marginal Way will likely be closed a few hours. Since the victim is seriously injured, the Traffic Collision Investigation Squad is being called out, according to what police tell us on the scene. One more thing: They say a German Shepherd was in the car with the victim, and got out after the collision. The dog was last seen going south on West Marginal Way. If you see one or capture it – please contact police! It’s described as male, short-haired, with a collar and tag.

9:44 PM: We still don’t have any word on whether the dog was found. Nor do we know how the victim is doing – but we are adding a photo shared by A. Bocchetti, showing the Seattle Fire crews working to take care of the victim after the crash:

We haven’t heard whether West Marginal has reopened, but we’ll go check in a little while.

1 AM UPDATE: West Marginal is open again, but the search for the crash victim’s dog continues. Sarah, who e-mailed a photo you can see on the WSB Pets page, says they have not been able to get close enough to capture the dog, whose name is Cooper. “Please urge neighbors to keep alert,” she says. She also says the injured driver is in stable condition.

7:55 AM: Cooper was found overnight, according to another note from Sarah.

Admiral businesses! Answered the survey yet? Or, if you didn’t get it…

July 12, 2011 6:17 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

The Admiral Neighborhood Association – which meets tonight at 7 at Admiral Congregational Church – has taken a big step forward in its attempt to bring together local business owners. This week, according to ANA president Katy Walum, ANA sent a letter to more than 120 businesses in the general Admiral area, including a link to an online survey that ANA hopes to use to “gauge the current characteristics and priorities of Admiral’s businesses” and “gather cohesive information about what is important to all in the Admiral business community.” If you received that survey, they’re asking for participation by this Saturday; Walum says it’ll only take you three minutes. Once they have the results, ANA will invite participants to a gathering at Porterhouse, date/time TBA, at which Safeway representatives also will be on hand to talk about the new store (still scheduled to open August 12th). The survey is not public, so we don’t have the link to share here, but Katy has one very important point:

ANA member David Whiting has worked tirelessly to put together this survey and to compile the business names and addresses for this mailing, but we know that some businesses may have been missed. If you are a business owner in the Admiral District (we are including all businesses north of SW Charlestown, east to the Admiral Viewpoint, and west to Alki Mail & Dispatch) and did not receive this letter, please contact us at so that we can verify that you are a business owner or leader in Admiral, and email you a link to the survey.

New revelations in Jeremy Peck case: Search warrant unsealed

(May 1, 2011, WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

One morning back in May, we published a short story with two photos (including the one above) of Seattle Police investigators on the “low bridge” – which they had shut down for a short time to gather evidence. No one would comment about which case they were investigating.

This afternoon, we know what case it was: They were investigating the disappearance and death last winter of 24-year-old West Seattle resident Jeremy Peck. You will likely recall the huge search for him in early January, and then the discovery of his body on a Bainbridge Island beach:

(January 2011 photo by Tristan Baurick/Kitsap Sun; used with permission)
He was reported to have been last seen the morning of December 24th at the Admiral Pub.

Seattle Police picked up the investigation, which has been classified only as a “suspicious death.” After doing an autopsy, and receiving toxicology reports weeks later, the King County Medical Examiner told WSB they might never know how he died, unless new evidence emerged.

But now, SPD confirms that a search warrant has been unsealed, and we have obtained the documents including that search warrant, which was for a West Seattle residence. The narrative accompanying the search warrant details why police have reason to believe that Peck may have been killed, including a tip about two men seen putting something heavy into the water from the “low bridge” not long after the time that Peck was last seen. Police tracked down a car linked to that sighting. After it was tested for blood, the documents say, DNA testing matched it to Peck’s blood.

The search warrant was sought in early June. Police tell WSB no one has been arrested, and our check of both court records and the jail register for the two men mentioned in the warrant, so far, does not indicate any charges have been filed either. (WSB policy is to generally not identify suspects until they are charged.) “We have been investigating from day 1, and we continue to investigate,” SPD Sgt. Sean Whitcomb tells WSB. He reiterated that for now, this remains a “suspicious death” and has not so far been classified as a murder.

West Seattle traffic alert update: Partial bridge closure delayed

July 12, 2011 3:38 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

Just in from SDOT – the overnight closures of the westbound Spokane Street Viaduct (the West Seattle Bridge between I-5 and 99) have been delayed:

The westbound lanes of the Spokane Street Viaduct will not be closed overnight tonight as originally planned. The dates for overnight closures have changed to July 15-17. Also, July 14 a single westbound right-lane of the Spokane Street Viaduct (I-5 to SR 99) will be closed. Details are as follows:

• July 14 (11:30 p.m. to 5 a.m.): One westbound right-lane of the Spokane Street Viaduct (I-5 to SR 99) will be closed
• July 15-16 (11:30 p.m. to 7 a.m.): The westbound lanes of the Spokane Street Viaduct will be closed completely and the I-5 off-ramps to the Spokane Street Viaduct will be closed. Southbound SR 99 to westbound West Seattle Bridge will remain open.
• July 17 (10 p.m. to 5 a.m.): The westbound lanes of the Spokane Street Viaduct will be closed completely and the I-5 off-ramps to the Spokane Street Viaduct will be closed. Southbound SR 99 to westbound West Seattle Bridge will remain open.

Also, July 18 – 28, Sixth Avenue S at S Spokane Street will be closed overnight, from 9 p.m. each day until 5 a.m. the next morning. See for more details on this project.

West Seattle wildlife: Update – injured gull rescued

ORIGINAL REPORT, 2:54 PM: Katie took that photo of an injured gull and explains, “I wanted to report an injured seagull on the beach between Cormorant Cove and Rocky Beach. His wing is badly injured and just hanging limp. I called Sarvey Wildlife Rescue, but they don’t have the resources to come out and help. They do have info about dropoff centers if someone wants to take on the task of capturing and transporting him. I am unable to do so, so I wanted to put the word out for anyone that might be able to help. Sarvey’s phone number is 360-435-4817.” We also suggested she call PAWS, but she says they had basically the same message. So if anyone’s able to help – the gull was still there last time she looked. (Cormorant Cove is the park in the 3700 block of Beach Drive, just north of the Harbor West out-on-pilings condos.)

9:10 PM UPDATE: Denise has the good news, after pitching in – “The gull was rescued – Michelle was awesome. She doesn’t even live in West Seattle and she came down to help! She threw a netting over him and we were able to get him in a cardboard box with a lid. He was in the same location as you posted – got a little spooked when we first showed up and tried to go back into the water, but then quickly realized that wasn’t a good idea and came back to land. Dropped him off at the Burien emergency vet. Sarvey will pick him up tomorrow and keep me posted on his status.” (She’s also posted an update in the comment section.)

Foreclosure fight sprouts at Village Green Perennial Nursery

(March 2011 photo of Village Green’s Vera Johnson during West Seattle for Japan fundraiser)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Driving to Village Green Perennial Nursery from the south edge of West Seattle, there’s a yellow sign about a block before you get there, pointing to a property involved in a foreclosure auction.

Village Green owner Vera Johnson is fighting tooth and nail to keep a sign like that from appearing outside the 26th Avenue SW site where she has lived, worked, and organized community events for eight years.

Vera took her struggle public a few nights ago, by launching an online petition at and asking for support. But this is not a tale of “woe is me, somebody save me.” This is a tale of an entrepreneur who is also a longtime community advocate, and with those instincts, trying to make sure her battle yields help and support for the many others she is learning are going through the same thing.

It is also a tale of fighting against a big bank that she says has frustrated and complicated her attempts to do the right thing and get her loan “modified” while she struggles to get on her feet after a life change that suddenly slashed her household income.

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West Seattle scene: Google Street View car making rounds

When photographer/musician extraordinaire Trileigh Tucker told us she’d heard a Google Street View car was in West Seattle today, we didn’t believe it until Meredith shared the photo via Facebook (the picture’s from Pigeon Point). Trileigh’s suggestion is that we all go put “I (Heart) West Seattle” signs outside our homes/apartments/whatever just in case the GSV car drives past. (We know they’ve been here in a previous July – if you look up California/Edmunds, the view you see includes West Seattle Summer Fest tents and road-closure barricades!)

West Seattle Hi-Yu’s big events almost here – and a deadline today!

Prime time for West Seattle Hi-Yu Summer Festival activities is just about here. First – today’s the deadline for girls to apply for the Hi-Yu Junior Court, whose new queen and princesses will be chosen this Friday, and coronated as part of Friday’s Hiawatha Fun Fest activities. Here’s the form (which explains the requirements and expectations, too). The Fun Fest, by the way, is noon-3 pm this Friday at Hiawatha Community Center (usually out on the east lawn), with lots of activities.

Then on Saturday, it’s the Hi-Yu Community Breakfast – 9 am to noon at Admiral Congregational Church Hall, California/Hill, $6 adults/$3 kids, proceeds benefit the Hi-Yu Scholarship Program. (Donations also will be accepted for WestSide Baby and West Seattle Food Bank.) And on Tuesday, July 19th, it’s the Hi-Yu Concert in the Park with West Seattle Big Band on the east lawn at Hiawatha, 7-8:30 pm. (Plus you’ll see the Hi-Yu float, royalty, and volunteers in the West Seattle Grand Parade at 11 am July 23rd, along California SW from Lander to Edmunds! Our photo, by WSB contributor Stephanie Chacharon, shows the Sparkling Seattle Hi-Yu float at West Seattle Summer Fest last weekend.)

Fresh produce at High Point Farm Stand: Season starts tomorrow

(WSB photo from July 2010)
In case you haven’t already seen it in the WSB West Seattle Events calendar – the city just sent a reminder that the High Point Market Garden Farm Stand opens for the season tomorrow afternoon. Every Wednesday through September, you can buy fresh produce there – grown and picked just feet away – from 4 till 7 pm. According to the city Department of Neighborhoods‘ announcement, what’s fresh right now includes “spinach, carrots, leafy greens, new onions, peas, turnips, and radishes.” The High Point stand is at 32nd and Juneau (map) – be sure to peek through the fence at the beautiful mini-farm/garden while you’re there.

West Seattle Tuesday: Traffic alert; bus cuts; neighborhood x 3

(Barred owl fledgling at Westcrest Park, photographed by Lisa Stencel)
Give a hoot – go to your neighborhood council meeting. Maybe yours is one of the three meeting tonight. Or, perhaps you have something to say about Metro funding – in which case, go downtown. From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar, here are today/tonight’s highlights, also featuring a big road closure:

WESTBOUND SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT CLOSED OVERNIGHT: As part of the ongoing Spokane Street Viaduct Widening Project, the westbound SSV – the West Seattle Bridge between I-5 and Highway 99 – will be CLOSED overnight, 11 pm-5 am, for three nights starting tonight. That also means the WS Bridge ramps from I-5 are closed.

$20 CAR-TAB FEE? OR BIG METRO CUTS? That’s what County Executive Dow Constantine says the choice is. Got something to say about it? Tonight’s public hearing is the closest one to West Seattle, of the three special evening hearings that are being held. 6 pm, county council chambers at the courthouse downtown (516 Third Avenue, 10th floor). Details here.

JUNCTION NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION: 6:30 pm, Ginomai (corner of 42nd/Genesee), with the agenda including the Fauntleroy Expressway seismic-retrofit project (here’s our update from yesterday) and West Seattle In Motion (signed up yet? freebies and deals, for trying transportation alternatives now and then).

ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: 7 pm, Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting, 7 pm, Admiral Church lower-level meeting room (California/Hill), with the agenda including an update on the upcoming Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series.

FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 7 pm, Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting, all welcome, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, 9131 California SW.

ROTARY DISTRICT 5030’S YEAR AHEAD: The Rotary Club of West Seattle‘s own Ann Liberato is this year’s District 5030 Governor and will be talking about her plans for the 2011-2012 year, with other District Governors expected to be in attendance, at their weekly lunch meeting, noon at Salty’s on Alki.

TRIVIA ROCKS: Rock music trivia tonight and every Tuesday night at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm

Bridge-backup truck followup: Tricky 8-hour tow task

(Photos courtesy Jared of Road Samaritan Towing)
Turns out there was a lot more to the story of the truck-trailer trouble that caused the massive, multi-hour traffic backup on the westbound Spokane Street Viaduct (and beyond) Monday afternoon. Having first noticed the scene on a drive back from the Eastside at 2:20 pm, thinking it would be clear soon since a flatbed tow trucks was there, we were surprised when notes started coming in two hours later about the worsening problem during afternoon rush hour, indicating it hadn’t yet been cleared. Then bits and pieces of information started emerging in comments – and with Jared of Road Samaritan Towing responding to our followup questions and request for photos, we have the full picture of what happened, stretching on into late-night hours! More photos ahead:Read More

West Seattle, belly-dance mecca: Festival next weekend, and more

EDITOR’S NOTE: Belly dancers delighted West Seattle Summer Fest crowds last weekend and will welcome you to the annual Mediterranean Fantasy Festival in the park around Hiawatha Community Center next Saturday and Sunday (July 16-17), plus they have a monthly showcase at Skylark Café and Club. With all that, we sent WSB contributor Keri DeTore out in search of the people behind West Seattle’s belly-dancing mecca status.

By Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

If you’re interested in watching a belly-dance performance, or taking classes, you might be surprised to find that you need look no further than right down the street.

Our own West Seattle and White Center neighborhoods boast a large community of belly dancers who perform and teach classes locally. In fact, when local belly dancer and costume designer Dina Lydia> was asked for an interview for this WSB story, she quickly gathered three other dancers for what became something of a panel discussion regarding our local community of dancers, its history and opportunities for involvement.

Joining Dina Lydia were Adriene Rice and Julia Demarest of Troupe Hipnotica and Imei, who performs solo.

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