month : 06/2011 381 results

West Seattle scene: Original Bakery’s National Donut Day visit

We’ve covered some big, serious stories today … now on to a little Friday fun:

Let us be the 6,000,000th (or so) person today to quote Homer Simpson‘s immortal line “MMMM, doughnuts.” As noted here on Wednesday, The Original Bakery in Fauntleroy decided to celebrate National Doughnut Day today by visiting Southwest Community Center in Westwood with free coffee and applesauce doughnuts. Above, that’s David, first recipient of a free doughnut; below, Gina Saxby from the SWCC team at left, with Original Bakery’s Anna Alonzo:

Anna reports TOB’s new website launched today too – including a menu page with a list of all their regular doughnuts.

Skate for a Cure on June 4th at newly reopened Southgate Roller Rink

June 3, 2011 2:36 pm
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 |   Announcements

We received a nice email from Ashley Vincent asking for our help to promote their fundraising skate event this Saturday. She made a personal appeal for help, and how can we refuse?

My name is Ashley Vincent I’m 22 years old and a local West Seattle-ite. I am writing to you about a fundraiser that I am having this weekend. My best friend and I are walking in the Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure (my 3rd year and her 1st) and are holding a fundraiser at Southgate Roller Rink this weekend! We had our first fundraiser, a bake sale, listed through you during the Community Garage Sale Day and raised over $800! We were wondering if there was any way you could help us get the word out about our “Skate for a Cure” fundraiser for more people to show up?

Here are the event details:
Put on your roller skates and “Skate for a Cure”. Help local West Seattleites Amiko Imori and Ashley Vincent raise the $4,600 they need to be able to participate in the 2011 Susan G. Komen 60 mile 3-Day walk! A fun two hours of catching up with old friends, great music, and roller skating all while supporting a great cause!
Where: Southgate Roller Rink
When: Saturday, June 4th, 5:00-7:00 pm
• Entrance into the rink will be $10 per person (this includes skate rental) but any donations over that will be greatly appreciated!
• 100% of the donations received from this event will go straight to Susan G. Komen for the Cure!
• Prizes for best dressed (male and female), racing, limbo and more!

They also have a Facebook Event page where you can RSVP, ask questions, or make comments.

So come dressed in your craziest pink clothes and get ready to skate! See you there!

Video: 99/Viaduct’s south end 6 months ahead of schedule

1:56 PM: A high-powered team of elected officials led by Governor Gregoire summoned media to the south end of the downtown waterfront for what was billed as an announcement about the Holgate-to-King section of the Highway 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement project. The news: It is 6 months ahead of schedule and demolition will start Oct. 22. More to come.

2:12 PM UPDATE: This was an elaboration on what the Holgate-to-King project leader Matt Preedy had announced at the South Portal Working Group meeting on Wednesday (here’s our coverage; no other newspeople were there). While he had reported the work ahead of schedule, he didn’t say how much ahead of schedule, but said timelines were being revised. So today came the details, with Governor Gregoire joined on a stage in the work zone (top photo) by Transportation Secretary Paula Hammond, King County Executive Dow Constantine, City Councilmembers Sally Clark, Jean Godden, Tim Burgess and Sally Bagshaw, and Port Commissioner Gael Tarleton. (Clark spoke for the City Council, saying that other members might have been there too, except for the fact committee meetings were still under way back at City Hall. Agendas show one committee meeting this afternoon – 2 of its members, Clark and Bagshaw, were at this event; the other two, Nick Licata and Tom Rasmussen, were not.)

The state says the demolition work wasn’t supposed to start till next April, but contractor Skanska has worked so quickly, it’s now going to start in October. The new cost is $3.5 million less, says WSDOT, but Skanska gets about 70% of that as a bonus, so taxpayer savings is $1 million. The new 99 structure you see taking shape along the old one will be opened before that happens, and traffic will be shifted onto it. So does this mean any shorter timeframe for the traffic woes West Seattleites (among others) are experiencing, which intensified with the mid-May reduction? We asked Hammond that question when the announcement segued to Q/A:

(A new WSDOT graphic also reiterates it will still be two lanes each way while traffic is using the new structure.) County Executive Constantine had an interesting stat: Two weeks of West Seattle Water Taxi stats are now in, post-Viaduct Squeeze, and ridership in the commute periods is up 60 percent.

We’re reviewing the “official” materials handed out after the speeches ended and will add more details shortly.

10:47 PM: One more thing to add – Seattle Channel video’d the 20-minute event in its entirety, so here it is:

(Our question to Secretary Hammond is about 17:50 in – the event venue was so noisy, reporters were motioned to the front of the stage to ask our questions, and ours was the first. )

BULLETIN: Fauntleroy Place (aka ‘The Hole’) case settled

(WSB photo of ‘The Hole,’ taken last month)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

WSB has confirmed with two sources that the longrunning legal case involving the idled West Seattle development called Fauntleroy Place, but better known as ‘The Hole,’ has been settled.

That’s according to both the bailiff for King County Superior Court Judge Susan Craighead, who has been on the case, and one of the myriad attorneys representing the many parties involved.

Neither bailiff Jennie Cowan nor the lawyer had (or could divulge) details of the settlement, and there is no paperwork in the court system so far – so that’s all we know at this point, but we are continuing to work to find out additional information. There had been a motion hearing scheduled in the case this afternoon, but bailiff Cowan says that when lawyers informed the judge that a settlement had been reached, the hearing “was stricken.”

The case had gone to mediation at the suggestion of Judge Craighead, as we reported here in April, while a second trial date continued to approach. It’s a complicated case, and the judge already had rendered one decision back in November, to settle whose liens had priority. (That decision was appealed; we’ll be checking on its status.)

The big question for most West Seattleites, of course, is whether this will lead to the resumption of development at the site. Judge Craighead had repeatedly expressed concern about its safety, and suggested that it was important for the West Seattle community to see something done with the site sooner rather than later. At one point earlier this year, she ordered a foreclosure sale, but in February, it was called off at the last minute when the concern that wants to take possession of the site, 3922 SW Alaska LLC (associated with the owner of Madison Development), put up a $7.7 million cash bond.

Ground was ceremonially broken for Fauntleroy Place in June 2008; it was slated for a new Whole Foods Market (they have long since pulled out of the project), a new Hancock Fabrics store, and apartments. The development stalled later that year, and the squabbling over why and who was to blame has been at the heart of the legal fight.

We’ll add to this story as we find out more.

Video: Chief Sealth Athletics’ 1st benefit golf tournament

The carts were lined up and ready to go as the first-ever Chief Sealth International High School Athletics Benefit Golf Tournament teed off this morning at Rainier Golf Course and Country Club. Last-minute registrants were still signing up, much to the delight of athletic director Sam Reed, who has been working hard to make the event happen. He and principal John Boyd opened the tournament with a few words:

Also among the golfers, Chief Sealth’s basketball coach Colin Slingsby:

Tournament participants will wrap up their day with an early dinner/auction event. As noted in event previews, proceeds will help pay for athletics-program components including “C-team†participation (enabling sports to be played by more than just the top athletes), transportation, new uniforms, equipment, off-season camps and leagues, and continuing education for coaches. (The event comes the same week Sealth celebrated the conclusion of a successful spring-sports season, as detailed here.)

Beautifying Boren: Tomorrow’s the day 2 hours can make a difference

June 3, 2011 11:21 am
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

(WSB photo from September 2010)
A reminder today about a need for two hours of your time tomorrow – a small investment for a big difference: Eight months after the now-vacant Boren School on Delridge Way was boarded up, Pete Spalding and other community activists want to take action to discourage graffiti/tagging vandalism by putting up more murals. The murals already have been painted, but need some work so that they will last longer once they’re installed. Tomorrow from 9 to 11 am, help make that happen – and then get on with the rest of your Saturday fun in the (expected) sun! Here’s our original invitation; Boren’s at 5950 Delridge (here’s a map).

West Seattle Friday: Skylark birthday, WSHS reunion, CSIHS golf

That photo is from yesterday’s low tide (near Luna/Anchor Park), and today’s low tide, around 12:30 pm, will be even lower – just in case you are looking for an excuse to get out into the sunshine, by the water! Also from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SKYLARK: Skylark Caf̩ and Club (WSB sponsor) has its 5th birthday celebration tonight with the solo acoustic debut of Zach Davidson from Vendetta Red/Sirens Sister, doors at 8 pm, $5 cover Рdetails here (3803 Delridge Way SW).

WEST SEATTLE HS ALL-SCHOOL REUNION: It all begins with cars on display along SW Stevens starting around 4 pm, then the school doors open at 5 pm. Events include West Seattle Big Band performance and more – here’s the full schedule (originally published on WSB in April).

WSHS CLASS OF ’86: 1986 grads are having their 25th reunion in conjunction with the All-School Reunion, at the school 5-8 pm, and then off to an afterparty at The Bridge (4439 35th Ave SW), plus a family-friendly potluck on Alki Saturday (contact class rep Jeff Stern at if you’re not already in the loop).

CHIEF SEALTH INT’L HS ATHLETICS GOLF TOURNAMENT: The first-ever fundraising golf tournament for Sealth’s athletic program is under way all day at Rainier Golf & Country Club, with an awards dinner tonight.

FRIDAY NIGHT SKATING: If you can’t make it to the rink – West Seattle has a place to skate too, every Friday night at Alki Community Center (5817 SW Stevens), 6:45-8:45, you can borrow skates there if you don’t have your own. $3/person.

NATIONAL DOUGHNUT DAY: Anna from The Original Bakery (follow the link to see their new website) says they’re celebrating by giving out free applesauce donuts and coffee at Southwest Community Center, 1 pm (previewed here).

SKA/REGGAE/CARIBBEAN MUSIC: Live tonight at Brickyard BBQ in the Admiral District, 7 pm.

WINE TASTING: At Bin 41 (4707 California SW), 6 – 7:30 pm. Pinot Noir Tasting with Sojourn Cellars.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Can you help find this car?

Out of the WSB inbox this morning, a request from Peter, for your help in finding a stolen car:

My wife’s car was stolen from our driveway on Wednesday night. We’ve reported the theft to the police, but hope WSB readers can help us find it. It’s a black 2004 Saab convertible, license plate ADC 1007. If someone sees it, please call 911. Thanks to one and all.

(He didn’t mention what neighborhood, but we’ve got a return inquiry out and will update – please include general location info with Crime Watch reports – nearest intersection will suffice – thanks!)

Benefit Sunday for motorcyclist who survived crash on Avalon

The eye-catching posters are all over town – ERIC RICE BENEFIT. If you haven’t read the fine print (full-size version here), it’s about an event this Sunday night at Brickyard BBQ in the Admiral District, to raise money for the motorcyclist hurt in a collision with a car in the Luna Park business district on April 30th. We covered the crash that night (the driver was cited). A benefit organizer, Michelle, tells WSB that Eric “is healing but will be in recovery and therapy for many months ahead. He is with us (thanks) to those from the Luna Park Cafe who witnessed the incident and saved his life before medical help could arrive.” She says five local bands will play at the benefit between 1 and 9 pm, and Eric is expected to attend in the afternoon; they’ve amassed many donated items for the raffle/auction: “Everyone is invited and welcome to join in the benefit, all donations go to Eric.” 2310 California SW. (You can also donate online via Facebook.)

Security at ‘Nickelsville’ camp: 1st of 2 reports – ‘The Incident’

Story by Joanne Brayden
Photo by Kevin McClintic
Special to West Seattle Blog

The incident that sparked this story began when a West Seattle resident reported in the comments section of this recent WSB report, “So You Think You Know Who’s at Nickelsville?â€, that an automatic notification had informed her/him that a registered sex offender living in the vicinity of the camp that moved back to eastern WS three weeks ago today.

At first glance, that report and how Nickelsville rapidly responded to it seemed to be all there was to tell, but this story, like all tales of human interaction with bureaucracy, turns out to be much more complex than anticipated.

I confess, as the person breaking the story of WSB Forums member Mike’s move to Nickelsville, I was inclined to dismiss the initial comment about a sex offender living at Nickelsville as one of the many Not In My Back Yard reactions to the homeless camp, but as the evening progressed, the probable offender was identified.

Read More

Just 1 week till West Seattle Relay for Life – still time to be in it

June 3, 2011 12:53 am
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(WSB video: Walking along the line of luminarias at 2010 West Seattle Relay for Life)
One week from tonight, it’s the summer’s only all-night fundraiser in West Seattle – Relay for Life. Though some teams have been planning and raising money for months, it’s also not too late to form one and sign up now to be part of the cancer-fighting walkathon at West Seattle Stadium. WSB is proud to be among the West Seattle Relay for Life co-sponsors this year; here’s the latest update from Rebecca Polivy:

The West Seattle Relay for Life is right around the corner! Join us by creating a team or just coming out and seeing what it is all about. Festivities kick off at 6 pm on Friday June 10th with fun for the whole family – walk the track for American Cancer Society or just come to check out an awesome performance by the Seattle Civic Dance Theater, practice your marshmallow launching skills, or compete in the first annual Minute-to-Win-it competition!

We are also looking for lots of day-of volunteers – if you could come and help us out any time between 1pm on June 10th through noon on Saturday we would love to have you. E-mail Rebecca ( to learn more about how you can help! Between setting up, helping set up for the luminaria ceremony, or manning our information tent – we could use volunteers of all ages!

Hope to see you there –

You can also donate online right now to any of dozens of participants – the links are here.

Got something to shred or e-cycle? Free event Saturday

Got documents to shred, and/or computers, monitors, cell phones, TVs to recycle? You can do it all in West Seattle on Saturday, presented by Windermere Real Estate in The Junction (home to WSB sponsors The CoHo Team). 10 am-1 pm, you can bring your shreddables and e-cyclables to the parking lot behind the office, off 42nd between SW Alaska and SW Oregon, and drop them off for free. ( will be providing the e-cycling services.)

Police search in Highland Park

The big police response in Highland Park this past hour, around 9th/Henderson, is linked to a family-violence case, according to police. They say a father and son clashed after one showed up at the residence with a gun. We’re told one is in custody and the other was still being sought, at last report.

Update: Cars hit house, fence after 34th/Trenton crash

Driving along SW Trenton just east of 35th might be slow going for a bit as two tow trucks are busy towing two cars that collided on the north side of 34th/Trenton, one winding up in a house’s yard, one through a fence (photo above). No serious injuries; one driver has been taken to the hospital in a private ambulance. 34th is blocked off at the scene till the towing crews’ work is done.

ADDED 5:36 PM: The family who owns the home escaped injury, though they were all home – husband, wife, and two little kids. He told us that he heard three loud impacts, and thought maybe someone was hitting parked cars along 34th – then went out to discover the car in the yard (which also damaged the house, at the daylight basement level) and the one through the fence next door.

ADDED 6:06 PM: About to add more photos. Nathan reports that the street is open again. (Also thanks to Sam and Val for the original tips.)

Dog need a wash? Chief Sealth fundraiser on Saturday

Fundraising car washes, you hear about often. Today – we have word of a fundraising dog wash. This Saturday, 3:30-6 pm at Southwest Athletic Complex, the Chief Sealth International High School Yoga Club is raising money with a dog wash. $5 minimum donation per pooch.

West Seattle Target finishes grocery-store-adding remodel

Five months after we first reported that Westwood Village Target would remodel and add a full in-store supermarket, the work is done and the shelves are stocked. Assistant store manager Shelby Palmer invited us over to take a look; she says this is the second day since the new fresh offerings – produce, meat, etc. – arrived, and stocking is continuing to ramp up, but it’ll all be complete by Sunday, which is the day they’ll celebrate the official grand opening. Produce is sold “by the unit” – notice the 24-cent bananas in the top photo. They’re carrying some local brands (Tim’s chips, for example) in both fresh and processed food, as well as Target house lines and other national brands. The dairy and other cooler cases now line almost the entire west end of the store, where electronics and hardware used to be, among other things.

This is one of hundreds of stores the company is remodeling to add supermarket sections. Shelby explained that Target has two levels of supermarket – this is the smaller, urban-style “P Fresh” model, not the “Super Target” you’d recognize from other regions, such as the Midwest. Meantime, Sunday’s grocery “grand opening” is fairly low key – no ribbon-cutting or other ceremony, but some giveaways are planned.

West Seattle scene: Eastside comes west for low tide

June 2, 2011 2:59 pm
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As the school year wanes, the school-bus visits to Alki and vicinity increase, for low-tide field trips. Just before noon today, we spotted those six Issaquah School District buses south of Alki Point – they’re way off to the right in our beach photo:

Today’s tide wasn’t nearly as low as last full moon, but still low enough for good exploration, -2.0 – and tomorrow just past 12:30 pm, it’ll be a bit lower, -2.2. But this month’s lowest tides aren’t for two more weeks – June 14-16, we’ll see minus-three-foot tides again. (Here’s our favorite chart.)

Land-use updates: 42nd/Oregon followup; 9030 35th proposal

From the city Land Use Information Bulletin:

42ND/OREGON CHANGE-OF-PLANS COMMENT PERIOD OPEN: The official comment period has just opened for a project change on which we reported yesterday, the 42nd/Oregon (official address: 4502 42nd SW) development changing from 89 apartments and 20,000 sf of retail to 135 apartments and less than 3,000 sf of retail. Here’s the notice; it lists the comment deadline as June 15th (and explains how to comment). Though the city website cites May 18th as the “application date” for this proposed change, it has apparently been in the works for several months: CIty documents dated in January and in March related to the developer’s application for the Multi-Family Tax Exemption (that’s the tax break spotlighted recently by our partners at the Seattle Times), list the project as having 135 apartments, not the longstanding, already approved 89.

9030 35TH SW REVIVED: Also on the LUIB, an application for 9030 35th SW in Westwood. We last heard about this site more than three years ago – here’s our report from a Design Review meeting back then. At the time, developers were talking about four stories and 30 apartments; now the proposal is for five stories and 40 units. The new proposal doesn’t appear to address what was a controversial point in that earlier review – parking. In 2008, DR Board members were concerned that the 30-unit proposal had only 38 units, given parking challenges related to the nearby Southwest Library; this new 40-unit proposal has fewer spaces, 32. Here’s the notice for the new application, which also has a comment deadline of 6/15.

Followup: More information on East Marginal/Spokane closure

As promised, here are more details on the upcoming closure at East Marginal Way/Spokane, as part of the Port of Seattle’s ongoing overpass construction (the project you see on the southeast side of the West Seattle Bridge as you head east), mentioned briefly in our coverage of Wednesday’s Viaduct South Portal Working Group meeting. First, a map:

Per this Port of Seattle news release, the intersection of East Marginal and Spokane will close tomorrow night at 7 pm and stay closed through next Thursday (June 9th):

During this short-term closure, the port will route traffic through the area with the assistance of flaggers and uniformed police. During this period, there will also be intermittent nighttime closures of eastbound lower Spokane between the East Duwamish Waterway and East Marginal Way.

The port scheduled this closure to begin on a Friday night so that staff members can monitor traffic closely and make any necessary adjustments prior to truck traffic increasing again on Monday.

The official name of the $49 million port project, building a flyover to separate vehicle and train traffic, is the East Marginal Way Grade Separation (explained in detail here). Note that this closure is scheduled to end the day before the next Alaskan Way Viaduct shutdown, which is set for 11 pm June 10th through 5 am June 13th. And also note that the news release mentions another closure further north on East Marginal, set to start later this month, related to a separate city project, but not till there’s a “bypass” in place.

West Seattle schools: Chief Sealth’s spring-sports success

June 2, 2011 10:12 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools | WS & Sports

One more event happening tonight: Chief Sealth International High School‘s spring-sports banquet celebration (6 pm at the school). To accompany that event, athletic director Sam Reed has written one of his trademark season recaps, calling the season “one of the most successful” spring-sports seasons ever at Sealth – read on for the details:Read More

West Seattle Thursday: Spira Power Yoga opens; ’50s show…

June 2, 2011 9:51 am
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(Photo by Lisa Stencel)
Three notes from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

OPENING NIGHT FOR SPIRA POWER YOGA: Another new business opens today in Admiral. Spira Power Yoga starts operations with a 6 pm class.

FANTABULOUS FIFTIES: The Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon) presents “Those Fantabulous Fifties: A Musical Revue†conceived and directed by Kent Johnson. The musical will include more than 35 popular ’50s songs and a Hula-Hoop Challenge. All ages are welcome. 6 pm, $25, starts with dinner (by Salty’s on Alki) followed by the musical around 7 pm. Call 206-932-4044 for ticket info.

SIFF AT THE ADMIRAL: Two Seattle International Film Festival screenings at the Admiral Theater tonight: “Fire in Babylon” (UK) at 6:30 pm, “A Few Days of Respite” (Algeria) at 8:30 pm. Schedule/ticket info here. (P.S. Thanks to SIFF for joining WSB as a sponsor for the second half of the festival.)

Bakery news: Baked. ‘all moved in’; Original Bakery’s ‘Donut Day’

Two notes for West Seattle baked-goods fans:

BAKED. IN ADMIRAL: The custom-cake creators of Baked. are now “all moved in” at their new HQ, 2604 California SW, which they are sharing with Heavenly Pastry. (Neither business plans a retail storefront – Baked. makes custom-ordered cakes; Heavenly bakes wholesale.) We stopped by Wednesday afternoon to meet the Baked. proprietors; above, that’s Baked.’s Kristina Serfass, working on a batch of cake filling; below, that’s Natalie Vorpahl, working on the Mercer Island High School logo for a cake to celebrate that school’s state lacrosse championship:

Their website includes a “menu” link, where you’ll find a long list of potential flavors and ingredients, as well as a “seasonal menu” (one of the current options: mango coconut). Next bakery note:

ORIGINAL BAKERY TO CELEBRATE ‘DOUGHNUT DAY’: Tomorrow, Anna Alonzo tells us, is National Doughnut Day. And since she is with one of West Seattle’s most celebrated doughnut (and more) shops – The Original Bakery in Fauntleroy (9253 45th SW) – she ought to know. Anna tells WSB she’s planning to visit Southwest Community Center at 1 pm on Friday, “giving applesauce doughnuts and coffee to folks to celebrate.” A website update is in the works for the bakery – which has been building a following on Facebook (check out the onesies!) – and it might debut on Doughnut Day too.

SW District Council, report #1: New Neighborhoods boss

June 2, 2011 2:18 am
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 |   Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

Bernie Matsuno, awaiting confirmation as director of the city Department of Neighborhoods, met with the Southwest District Council on Wednesday night, asking for “patience.” She inherited big changes required by big budget cuts last year – most notably the reorganization of the District Coordinators team, no longer including one coordinator per district, but now serving 13 districts with 9 coordinators who work in teams. “It’s going to take some time before they know the region as well as they know their own district.” (The South Region team now serving West Seattle does not include either of the area’s longtime coordinators – Stan Lock, who had staffed Southwest, moved to another part of the city; Ron Angeles, who had staffed Delridge, retired.) Though district councils including SW have expressed concern, Matsuno said she doesn’t expect that staffing level to change any time soon – especially with directors having been asked by the mayor to come up with potential 12 percent budget cuts.

An extra wrinkle for Matsuno: Mayor McGinn has asked her and four other department directors (Economic Development, Housing, Sustainability/Environment, and Arts/Cultural Affairs) to explore the possibility of consolidation . She told SWDC members she doesn’t believe the mayor wants to get rid of Neighborhoods or “minimize it to the point where we don’t know what it is any more,” but she admitted it’s tough to review without knowing where he’s leaning. Earlier in the day, she said, had been the sixth meeting regarding the “feasibility study” for the potential consolidation, and the question remains whether it would save any money. “We have it down to five different options,” she revealed.

Speaking of research: DON has an online survey going, asking you how they should prioritize their “outreach and engagement” activities. Share your thoughts here.