In case you wondered: Loud West Seattle flyover = V-22 Osprey

(Photo by Danny McMillin)
When someone texted us a half-hour or so ago saying an Osprey was headed this way, we thought maybe they meant the feathered type. Nope. It was the tilt-rotor military-aircraft V-22 Osprey type. We have already mentioned this on Twitter and on Facebook, but some FB commenters say it was window-rattling quality in parts of West Seattle (not down here in Upper Fauntleroy, though), so in case you were wondering too, we’re also making note of it here. (Boeing is apparently awaiting some news about an upcoming contract for more.)

11:26 PM: Finally a photo! Major thanks to Danny McMillin for sharing what he and his camera captured from Alki.

19 Replies to "In case you wondered: Loud West Seattle flyover = V-22 Osprey"

  • AJP April 19, 2011 (6:33 pm)

    I saw that going over the Sound as I was walking on the beach at Lincoln Park. It was cool, it didn’t sound like any plane I’ve heard before.

  • JunctionMonkey April 19, 2011 (6:48 pm)

    It definitely rattled the Junction.

  • John April 19, 2011 (6:51 pm)

    It was heard loudly at California and Edmonds. I was wondering waht it was.

  • MsEvelyn April 19, 2011 (8:00 pm)

    Saw it. Wow!

  • RG April 19, 2011 (9:13 pm)

    I was so glad to see it today – we need the V-22 Osprey program for the sake of combat operations. Our troops need them in the field.

  • Alki Area April 19, 2011 (9:35 pm)

    I’m glad to know I wasn’t seeing things…thought it was odd to see that particular plane around here.

  • Bob April 19, 2011 (10:25 pm)

    Dang..missed it…Thanks for reporting it anyways.

  • polkadot April 19, 2011 (11:35 pm)

    I’m glad I didn’t see it, I would have thought the aliens finally made it here…

  • mark April 19, 2011 (11:41 pm)

    Very low flyover at Fairmount. Why were they so low, really rattled neighborhood windows.

  • Charlie April 20, 2011 (12:16 am)

    I was alongside Boeing field and it did a high speed flyover at no more 40 feet above the ground. Awesome!! And yeah what an alien sounding vehicle.

  • DF April 20, 2011 (8:25 am)

    Down with the waste spent on these useless military machines. Wake up people where are all the F28767G liberals!!

  • Lola April 20, 2011 (8:38 am)

    It flew overhead yesterday when I was walking the dog on 49th & Edmunds. It was very low and loud but cool when I looked up and saw what it was.

  • gary April 20, 2011 (9:52 am)

    Wake up to what, Freedom?

  • Yardvark April 20, 2011 (10:13 am)

    Very cool. Who was Boeing showing off for?

  • Neighbor April 20, 2011 (11:35 am)

    Isn’t this the same plane that is responsible for soldiers being killed? Didn’t the military warn this plane is flawed? Aren’t there wrongful death suits because of this plane?

  • Eddie April 20, 2011 (11:54 am)

    Neighbor – That’s hundered-year-old “news”. There’s wrongful death suits because of your Rambler too.

    Boeing wasn’t flying the aircraft in the area – that’s military issue equipment. Probably on a training flight.

  • RG April 20, 2011 (12:08 pm)

    Neighbor: this aircraft has a history that goes back decades. Cheney wanted the program scrapped. This is the book that was recommended to me about the evolution of this aircraft, you might find it interesting.
    The Dream Machine: The Untold History of the Notorious V-22 Osprey by Richard Whittle

  • Josh April 20, 2011 (9:22 pm)

    This is why I love this site. I saw this thing while driving home from work and though, “What the heck is that thing? I bet I could find out by checking The Blog.” Thanks for the update and for providing our community with such a great place to get so much info.

  • LocalGuy April 20, 2011 (9:52 pm)

    It’s an Air Force Osprey… you can tell by the paint. It’s flown by their special operations pilots. Probably training in the area with troops at Ft. Lewis. First time I’ve ever seen, or heard of one coming out here. They are really rare. Though I don’t see why they need to be flying over the downtown or populated areas at low altitude. That doesn’t seem to fulfill any training requirement in the day time.

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