(Hummingbird nesting at The Kenney – thanks to Katie Krause for sharing)
Fairly quiet day on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar: Tonight’s marquee meeting is the Delridge District Council, which always precedes its 7 pm business meeting with a broader 6 pm discussion about issues and ideas (you’re invited to that too). On the business-meeting agenda are the issues raised by medical-marijuana dispensaries, particularly the one that was briefly reported to be moving into a commercial space in the 5200 block of Delridge (here’s our report on that from last weekend) and a briefing on the county’s sewer-overflow-control “green stormwater infrastructure” plan for part of Sunrise Heights and Westwood. Last week we reported on early testing work related to that, including drilling next to Westside School (WSB sponsor) – we later received a photo of how that work drew an audience:

(Photo courtesy Maryann Petrocelli)
The Delridge District Council’s meeting is as usual at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Delridge Way.
FREE WORKSHOP: Feel overwhelmed when it’s time to find and choose a home-service professional? Tonight the Savvy Seattle Women take on the topic, and you’re welcome to be there, 6 pm @ Prudential NW Realty in Jefferson Square. More info online.
‘ONE WORLD’ DISCUSSION: The facilitated-discussion series continues at the Senior Center of West Seattle with gender as today’s topic: “How have male and female roles changed over time? In what ways have you experienced sexism, personally or societally?” 10:45-noon.
SOLVING SCHOOL CROWDING: Before its regular meeting tonight, the Seattle School Board has a work session focusing on Capacity Management – how to deal with issues including school crowding, which is a particular challenge for several West Seattle elementary schools right now (including the ones where new portables have arrived to help handle the overflow). The public is welcome to observe work sessions, though there’s no public-comment period; 4 pm, district HQ in SODO.