Video: West Seattle Community Orchestras’ first-ever gala

(WSCO’s Toni Reineke and Rob Duisberg – photos by Patrick Sand for WSB)
What a season for the West Seattle Community Orchestras. The name alone is a big development – the organization was founded as, and known for a long time as, Westside Symphonette, but to recognize what it’s become, multiple intergenerational groups, it’s now known as West Seattle Community Orchestras. The youth programs are a particular point of pride – so to ensure funding to make sure all kids can play, WSCO organized its first-ever fundraising gala. And that historic event last night at Kenyon Hall was a wall-to-wall success, with more than 100 people filling the hall for buffet dinner, drinks, music and dancing:

Dozens of performers of all ages and talents were part of the program. We recorded video of some of them – here are five minutes of highlights, starting with Kenyon Hall maestro Lou Magor playing the hall’s centerpiece, “The Mighty Wurlitzer” and featuring excerpts from five other performances (we wish we had recorded them all!):

The evening, emceed by Adam DeBruler, also included a wide array of silent-auction items, including many donated by other West Seattle (and environs) arts organizations in support of WSCO. We checked with WSCO founder Toni Reineke to see if they have any totals; she says their preliminary tallying indicates the event definitely came out “in the black,” and she adds, “We thank everyone who attended and those who contributed in so many ways — food, labor, energy, smiles, music—and their lusty singing! A special thanks, of course, to Lou Magor!” As she announced last night, the next WSCO performances are May 3 and 10 – more on those soon; meantime, they practice at Chief Sealth International High School every Tuesday night, and are always open to new musicians – check for contact and schedule info.

2 Replies to "Video: West Seattle Community Orchestras' first-ever gala"

  • Trileigh March 13, 2011 (2:03 pm)

    As an orchestra member, I want to say how very grateful we are to our beloved West Seattle Blog for helping us share music with our wonderful WS community. Many of our players came to us through the Blog, and with your support, we were able to raise a significant amount of funds to help kids keep music alive in their lives. Thank you!

  • Kathie March 13, 2011 (10:18 pm)

    West Seattle Blog, you captured the evening to a T! So much fun and excitement with folks from all age groups from West Seattle. Genuine community fun of this family friendly nature is hard to come by. And Kenyon Hall was the most perfect venue!! Truly was like going back to a more simpler time, if only for an evening. A BIG thanks to Kenyon Hall, the performers and all those that donated items for the silent auction. We will be back next year!!

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