Robin Lindsey from Seal Sitters says they’ve been enjoying a rare sighting — an elephant seal on a private beach in West Seattle. It’s actually her second visit in the past month or so, Robin explains, while sharing the photo above:
Abby was molting on this same stretch of beach in early February for several days, but finally returned to the water after a huge windstorm one night. Seal Sitters received a call yesterday afternoon from a waterfront homeowner that the huge seal (estimated to be around 350-400 lbs) was on her beach. We rarely see elephant seals around West Seattle, but there has been some breeding activity at Race Rocks off Victoria, BC, over the past number of years. There have been occasional elephant seal pups molting onshore near Port Gamble and Port Townsend. Since we are seeing them more often.
You can see video of Abby on the Seal Sitters “blubberblog” – just go here.