West Seattle seals: Two updates, and a presentation tonight

(Photo taken by Brian Fenske on Wednesday while kayaking off Alki)
It’s still the heart of seal-pup season on West Seattle shores, and we have a few notes today. First, Robin Lindsey of Seal Sitters has good news: Storm, the pup rescued from Lincoln Park on Labor Day, is doing well at PAWS, and Robin’s published an update on the Seal Sitters’ Blubberblog – with video of Storm at PAWS – see it here. Robin also notes that PAWS is funded entirely by public donations, so if you’d like to chip in for their work, she has information on how to do so – Storm needs to gain weight before they’ll consider her healthy enough to release back into the wild. 2nd note: We’d received a note this week from Keith, who found a dead pup near Cormorant Cove and sent photos. So far, Robin says, there’s no indication of anything unusual about that death, so we’re not publishing a photo; sadly, she says, pup deaths aren’t unusual – only about half of them make it. She did photograph and document this one, she says, for NOAA to monitor, as they do with all others – so if you see a pup, alive or not, please let Seal Sitters know. Meantime, late notice if you see this shortly after we publish this, but Seal Sitters and NOAA are part of a presentation about West Seattle’s marine wildlife, tonight at Camp Long Lodge at 7 pm.

2 Replies to "West Seattle seals: Two updates, and a presentation tonight"

  • S October 15, 2010 (10:33 pm)

    What a sweet little baby. look at that face :)

  • ten October 16, 2010 (7:39 am)

    A reminder to all kayakers and boaters to please not approach the platform(s) too closely when there are seals resting. Yesterday, another kayaker went within several feet of the platform and scared a resting pup back into the water. Minutes later another boat passed much too close as well. The NOAA 100 yard recommended perimeter applies to marine mammals both in the water and on shore. Beautiful telephoto (hopefully) image of this pup – the same one who was also trying to use the shoreline to rest yesterday.

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