West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
Received two reports tonight about what may be affiliated solicitors – read on:Read More
West Seattle’s busy sign-painter Japhy Witte, aka the “Sign Savant,” was at Skylark Café and Club (WSB sponsor) this afternoon, to decorate Skylark’s exterior at 3803 Delridge Way with signs of the changes kicking in a week from today: 7 days a week – no more Monday closures – but no weekday lunches (brunch continues); also, there’s a new campaign to make sure you know you can call ahead to order Skylark dinner for takeout/pickup (convenient if you come off The Bridge at Delridge) – 206-935-2111, as the sign says:
(The menu is online, of course, as is the live/no-cover music schedule.) Skylark announced the changes last week – proprietor Jessie SK told us today that a few people were so excited about Mondays, they showed up today, but she wants to remind everyone, the first Monday is NEXT week, September 20th, doors opening at 3 pm.
(The night after that, incidentally, is Skylark’s very popular monthly Alauda belly-dance showcase.)
Two notes tonight about upcoming events at local schools: First, there’s an addition to the schedule for the September 25th open-house celebration at Chief Sealth International High School, according to word tonight from principal John Boyd: The event will start with a 9:30 am “early-bird preview” for parents/guardians of Sealth students, before the “all-community celebration” begins at 10 am. Tours will be offered of the new galleria and the renovated gym and main Sealth building.
Second, Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson is launching a series of “coffee chats” and regional meetings, and two West Seattle stops are on the list: She’ll be at Sealth Thursday, September 30, with other top district officials, 6:30-8 pm, for a “welcome back” meeting geared toward all public-school families in the WS area. Then as part of a series of “coffee chats,” Monday, October 25, she’ll be at West Seattle Elementary, 6-7 pm. Both of the superintendent’s WS visits are scheduled to have interpretation available in Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese, according to the district announcement.
(Photo added 10:44 pm, from first post-summer edition of Bingo on Alki)
Three quick notes, two involving weekly activities resuming after summer hiatus: First, Fran e-mailed to say that Monday night Bingo on Alki resumes tonight, 6:30 pm at Alki UCC – you’re welcome to play any Monday night. Second, Mary Pat from Alki Community Center sends word that Friday night skating is back this week:
Come start off school in a fun way! Bring your family to Alki Community Center for Friday Night Skate. Enjoy free hamburgers, chips and lemonade. Cost is $3 per person. (Skaters & nonskaters) You may bring in your own clean skates or borrow them from us. Come enjoy our new sound system. Time is from 6:45 – 8:45 p.m. For more information please call 684-7430. Alki Community Center is located at 5817 SW Stevens St. Skate Night will continue every Friday, excluding October 8th, November 12th & 26th, December 24th & 31st.
Finally: Seven weeks to go till Halloween. We mention that only because the dates are set for two big trick-or-treating events (and we are already starting to get inquiries!): Admiral Treats and Treasures is set for 3-6 pm, Friday, October 29, according to Parris from Max and Quinn’s Atomic Boys; the West Seattle Junction trick-or-treating event is set for 1-3 pm Saturday, October 30th. We’ve got a message out to see what’s planned at Westwood Village this year. This’ll all be on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar, where we already have other fall events, even the West Seattle schedule for the Christmas Ship!
We’d heard a bit about West Seattle’s “Green Bikes” but hadn’t come across one for a WSB photo-op till Jason Grotelueschen photographed the one shown in our photos – then today, they got a citywide spotlight on Slog (read the story here; thanks to Max for the link). They’re donated and fixed-up bikes you can borrow (if you come across one); Guy Olson is leading the West Seattle Green Bikes effort and has a Facebook group for it here if you want to find out more.
Just got a few questions about this, and they coincided with a heads up from the Southwest Precinct: Police training is under way at the vacant Genesee Hill Elementary campus, continuing till late tonight. ADDED 3:33 PM: You can see why, if you drive by and don’t see the sign, you might think something had happened – long stretch of yellow tape. From SW Genesee, you will also note that at least one entrance to the playfield below is blocked off. SW Precinct’s Lt. Norm James, by the way, says the neighbors did get advance warning.
Two weeks from today – 2 pm September 27th – Mayor McGinn will unveil what is by all accounts expected to be a bleak budget – cuts at many turns. When the summer “midyear” budget ax loomed, you heard a lot of pleas from parks and libraries workers and patrons. But we haven’t heard much from the Department of Neighborhoods. Among programs including the popular P-Patches, it runs two Neighborhood Service Centers in West Seattle, where you can do everything from pay a city bill to borrow a wagon full of paint to get rid of graffiti – and a lot more. The Delridge District Coordinator, Ron Angeles (photo right, with graffiti-paintout equipment last April), has just shared this with his mailing list, headed “DON and I Need Your Support”:
Dear Friends
Today is the time to take action! Please urge the Mayor and City Council to minimize reductions to the budget for the Department of Neighborhoods.As the 2011/2012 biennial budget is being created, the Mayor and City Council are facing a $67 million budget shortfall. Cuts ranging from 9-15% are anticipated for most City Departments.
Community building and civic participation are at the heart of the mission of the Department of Neighborhoods. In difficult economic times it is more critical than ever that we have programs and services, such as the Neighborhood Matching Fund, P-Patch, Neighborhood District Coordinators, and Neighborhood Service Centers that bring people together to look out for and support each other.
Please think about the value of the programs with DON and the impact they have on the city and your neighborhood and share your experiences with the Mayor and City Council. For example, if you’ve been part of a Neighborhood Matching Fund project describe how it has changed your neighborhood, brought people together and created relationships as well as leveraging the City’s investment in itself. The same story can be told for your experience with a P-Patch community garden or your interaction with a Neighborhood District Coordinator. Let the Mayor and City Council know that you value citizen engagement, community building and the resulting strong connected communities. Working together these services and programs bring efficiencies to government, provide proactive solutions to problems and bring together groups in the community. For many, the Department of Neighborhoods is the face of City government and the liaison to other parts of the city.
Now is the time for you to speak up on behalf of the Department of Neighborhoods as the Mayor’s budget is being formulated. He will announce his budget on September 27th. We’re hoping you will join us in supporting the vital work being done by DON by contacting the Mayor and City Council now through letters, phone calls, or meetings. Also, public hearings will be held on September 29, October 13 and October 26. The hearings are an opportunity to offer public comments of no more than two minutes and a chance to voice your priorities and concerns. For more information about the City budget process and upcoming public hearings, please see:
http://www.seattle.gov/council/newsdetail.asp?ID=11035&Dept=28We recognize that all Departments will have to help meet the budget deficit and are not suggesting that the Department of Neighborhoods is untouchable. However, we are suggesting that the Department offers essential services and that reasonable reductions be made with minimal impact on the public. Thank you.
(Ron’s counterpart at the Neighborhood Service Center in The Junction is Stan Lock. They are often the unsung heroes of many events, programs, and citizen-assistance actions large and small.) As we reported here last week, one of the City Council’s budget hearings will be here in West Seattle, at South Seattle Community College on October 13th.
Checking on a court appearance scheduled today for Stephen Hayes Kirk, the suspect who’s been in jail since his arrest a month ago after a wave of so-called “smash-and-grab” burglaries, we discovered prosecutors have now charged him in two of the West Seattle cases: Uptown Espresso (Delridge) on July 29th, and Luciano’s Pizza on August 8th (photo at right). Though Seattle Police and the King County Sheriff’s Office had been investigating more than two dozen of the smash-and-grabs, mostly in West Seattle and points south, he initially was charged only with three Burien cases (prosecutors have added a fourth Burien case now too). According to the additional court documentation,
a man believed to be Kirk (photo left) was caught on surveillance video in both of the West Seattle break-ins; detectives already had him under GPS surveillance (detailed here) by the time of the Luciano’s burglary, which netted loot described as a tip jar with about $20 cash/coins. At Uptown, which was hit twice, the cash register was taken, and then dumped in a bank parking lot 21 minutes later – where surveillance video also caught what authorities believe was Kirk’s distinctive red truck – one in which he also was known as a customer of West Seattle Recycling, which the court papers note also was hit by a smash-and-grab during the spree. Kirk pleaded not guilty two weeks ago to the first three charges filed against him, and the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office says he’s being arraigned on the new charges this morning. (We started reporting on the smash-and-grabs July 16th, when we got word of this one at The Swinery; police first confirmed to us August 2nd that eight West Seattle smash-grabs were all believed linked.)
1:58 PM UPDATE: KCPAO spokesperson Dan Donohoe says Kirk pleaded NOT guilty to the new charges, with his bail increased to $150,000 (what it was for a short time after his arrest, before being cut to $25,000), and is due back in court October 4th.
Thanks to Brian Presser of TouchTech Systems in The Junction for sending along that photo of the crew that’s working on the crosswalk at California/Oregon right now. That’s not the only new paint you’ll see along local roads – we also got a weekend tip from WSB’er “Jack Loblaw” that the West Seattle Bridge was getting some stripe-painting attention too. Typical for this time of year, as crews try to get work like this done before the weather turns for the worse.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
On Friday morning, Swedish Automotive owner Dave Winters looked out the front windows of his almost-finished new location at 7901 35th SW, as Seattle City Light crews hooked up the power – another milestone on the way to move-in day.
It’s been under construction six months (here’s our report from when the work began), but Swedish (a longtime WSB sponsor) has had this on the drawing board a lot longer.
This coming Friday, Winters and his team are scheduled to do their last work at their long-outgrown old site a few blocks north, before a weekend of moving. We visited him the other day to take a look at the new space, which you’ll be able to tour during a community celebration/open house on September 25th (that coincidentally is after the same day’s morning open house at the new campus of Chief Sealth International High School, which happens to be Winters’ alma mater).
He was one of three tour guides with us on Friday – joined by Sören, who’s handling parts, and daughter Farleigh, who was about to head back to the University of Oregon, where she’s studying architecture (while home for the summer, she’d done some work with project architect Curtis McGuire).
Click ahead for a look at some of Swedish Automotive’s new features, with a sustainability focus – plus what we’ve learned about who will move into its old site (when we first reported the lease-signing in late July, the tenant wasn’t ready to go public):Read More
After a very busy weekend in West Seattle (just scroll down the WSB home page and see the proof), today/tonight are relatively low-key: For everyone who started school last week, it’s the start of the first full week of classes. … On the neighborhood-meeting calendar (here’s our preview of the entire week), North Delridge Neighborhood Council previews its new website and gets an overview of two city $ programs during its meeting at 6:30 tonight, Delridge Library … Weekly rehearsals for Seattle Glee Clubs‘ no-audition, male-and-female Prelude group start in West Seattle tonight – contact info’s in this preview … And on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar, you’ll find all the regular Monday night excitement, including Bingo at Alki UCC.