West Seattle wildlife: Coyote sighting, and raccoon-vs.-dog alert

Two wildlife notes this Friday evening. First from Sue:

Just a FYI, I saw a coyote this morning (7/16) 4 am at 35th and Manning [map].

And from WSB’er “Buddsmom“:

Coyotes aren’t the only wildlife that pet owners need to look out for. Last night at approx. 5:45 PM in the 108th block of Arbor Heights, our dog was bitten by a mama raccoon in our fenced back yard. Apparently, mama and babies were making their way across the yard when spotted by the dog and a chase ensued. Fortunately for both sides ,the raccoons got away and our dog suffered only superficial puncture wounds.

We often share the coexisting with coyotes link; here’s similar information regarding raccoons.

9 Replies to "West Seattle wildlife: Coyote sighting, and raccoon-vs.-dog alert"

  • Concerned July 16, 2010 (6:31 pm)

    Glad your dog is ok!!! Hope it had it’s Rabies shots up to date!

  • onceachef July 16, 2010 (6:42 pm)

    What kind of dog do you have? Glad no one was hurt!

  • Heather July 16, 2010 (9:58 pm)

    My yorkie-poo got into a fight with a raccoon at my cabin on Vashon last weekend. Thankfully it was just a few scratches and a small puncture on his side. It could have been a lot worse, but luckily I was able to get there in seconds and break up the fight without any injuries. These raccoons are scary!

  • Silly Goose July 16, 2010 (10:11 pm)

    Woke up this morning to both my pond and deck water feature destroyed from racoons last night ugh!! So tired of these nasty critters!!

  • Jon July 17, 2010 (1:17 am)

    I had my first coyote sighting Friday morning. We’ve lived on Othello, on Gatewood hill, for three years now. As I walked to my car at 7 a.m., there was the coyote standing smack in the middle of the street, headed south. He saw me, froze, dropped his head, turned around and ambled back to the north, up a neighbor’s driveway. We live right against the Orchard Street ravine, so it’s no surprise they’re around. Just hadn’t seen one in the flesh before. Usually just possums, raccoons and rats.

  • guinivere July 17, 2010 (9:20 am)

    One summer night on Beach Drive, I was in bed, I heard the cat seriously munching on his chow, so i decided to go down and get him some wet food. As I got ready to go down, a huge cat came up the stairs and slid out of the open slider on the top floor. Without my glasses, I decided I would think it was a big cat (although it moved like a raccoon.) Went back to bed, and 15 mins later I heard the munching again. Put on my glasses, opened the slider wider, and stood where I could overlook the stairs. I hissed several times, yes, a large raccoon came up the stairs and wriggled out the slider. They are very clever and can be really mean. Fortunately, it never came back for thirds. It was during a heatwave so not to keeping the slider open was not really an option. Thankfully, it never came back.

  • coffee July 17, 2010 (12:04 pm)

    guinivere, just like the ad for glasses for sears!

  • buddsmom July 19, 2010 (11:47 am)

    To concerned and onceachef: Thank you for your concern re; my dog. Yes, he’s up to date on his shots and has shown no ill effects from his wounds as of today. He’s an American Staffordshire Terrier/pit mix, not a small dog by any means. It could have been much worse had been a smaller breed.

  • Scot Augustson August 2, 2010 (9:05 am)

    Hey, I’m here in White Center/Top Hat. This morning at about 5:30, Coyote in our backyard. It had killed someone’s cat.
    Heads up small pet owners.

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