West Seattle coyotes: Pigeon Point sighting

Out of the WSB inbox, from Crystal:

I noticed that the coyote sightings are being posted on the blog so I just wanted to mention that we saw one tonight. We were walking through the Pigeon Point neighborhood toward the school there and we saw one behind the fence, near the Duwamish trail. It ran away from us because we were walking our dogs, but looked pretty big.

If you missed it – our previous coyote-sighting report included a photo. And as always, we don’t publish these because they’re cause for major alarm, but because some still aren’t aware they’re among us; here’s the “coexisting with coyotes” link frequently shared here.

3 Replies to "West Seattle coyotes: Pigeon Point sighting"

  • crystal June 5, 2010 (11:21 pm)

    I mainly wanted to share as a reminder to people to keep cats and smaller dogs indoors. It was pretty exciting to see a coyote and he was very beautiful, but I wouldn’t want to hear of anyone losing a pet either.

  • Johhn June 6, 2010 (8:38 am)

    Coyotes help control the rat population. If you want to control the coyotes, control the food supply.

  • Skip Haynes June 6, 2010 (9:02 am)

    Waiting For Rosie – new book telling the powerful story of a small, sick coyote’s journey that brought a community together.

    This new book and companion website by author, musician and animal activist Skip Haynes tell the compelling story of the months long effort to successfully track, capture and rehabilitate a small coyote that appeared suddenly in their Laurel Canyon neighborhood.

    It involves a crew of volunteers that rival M.A.S.H., three animal communicators, a world renown vet and a coyote that was smarter than all of them, who brought their community together in a positive way that never could’ve been imagined.

    “Our entire community learned invaluable lessons from Rosie. I didn’t write the story, I just wrote the words to pass on those lessons and possibly change a few perceptions about how we interact with the animals we live with in the urban interface. Rosie’s story is a great teacher about how to deal with our environment in a real and positive manner, something that becomes more necessary with each passing day as evidenced by the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Meeting Rosie turned us into advocates for coyotes, which in turn made us advocates for all animals and our environment. It’s a great against all odds story that will make you smile and teach you valuable lessons at the same time.”

    Rosie’s is the story of one animal uniting a community and teaching it how to learn to live with the wildlife rather than destroying it. Other communities can learn how to do the same.

    The website http://www.rosiecoyote.com, is the first step in an informational campaign to counter the often negative and misleading information on wildlife. Coyotes, like sharks, are completely misunderstood and misrepresented, yet a very necessary part of our ecosystem, as are all animals – including us.

    Rosie’s story has appeared in Steve Lopez’s column in the L.A. Times http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-lopez17-2010jan17,0,2462847,full.column

    This is the video/song of “Coyote Girl” – so you can see Rosie for yourself.
    One of the earliest videos of Rosie

    For more information, please contact:
    Skip Haynes

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