Hard to believe the school year only has three weeks to go (June 22 is Seattle Public Schools‘ official last day) – lots of school events happening as the year wraps up; we have two reports to share today, sent along with photos recently by Jeanne Merritt of Madison Middle School:
On May 21 Madison Middle School had its annual May Day Bash. The evening included a spaghetti dinner, a sundae bar, a cake walk, and a silent auction. Funds raised will help support the school library, plus school and classroom activities.
Silent auction items included some truly fine art and craft items that were donated, classroom baskets (e.g. a gardener’s basket, a dog lover’s basket, etc.) and more. [Photo below] Ms. Myers’ math students did an artistic rendering of their name by using reflectional and rotational symmetry. Then the names were put together into a large work of art for another auction item. (If you don’t know what reflectional and rotational symmetry are, you will need to ask a Madison sixth grader!)
Madison staff are very appreciative of their PTSA for all their hard work putting together this fun event.

Madison also celebrated its Super Science Night this month – click ahead to see that report, and photos, plus the answer to an unusual question:

What happens when a soda can is heated up over a burner, then is plunged into ice water? (Answer at end of article…*) Madison Middle School students recently watched as their science teachers performed this experiment.
This was part of Madison’s 4th Annual Super Science Night. Students were able to come into contact with many members of Seattle’s science community, who very generously volunteered to share their time, knowledge and expertise with Madison students and families. For example, the Northwest Herpetological Society brought pythons for students to hold:Seward Park Audubon naturalists had owl pellets for students to dissect, enabling students to discover what kinds of animals the owls had eaten. A seventh grader and his parents brought in a hovercraft they had made and students were able to glide around on it.
There were snails and Madagascar Hissing cockroaches to examine. Students took turns riding a bike that powered a blender and made smoothies.
There was an amazing display of African-American inventors and inventions — many items that we take for granted in our daily lives were in the collection.
Also in attendance were scientists from science departments at the UW, including Animal Behavior, Oceanography, Neuroscience, Bioengineering, and Atmospheric Sciences. Science teachers and students from West Seattle High School brought fabulous hands-on experiments from their Forensics and Marine Biology classes.
Madison students take a full year of science at all three grades. Last year Madison’s Science WASL scores increased by 16 percent.
(*Answer: The soda can collapses from the changes in pressure. One science teacher jokingly told students that this was his way of flattening his aluminum cans.)
Thanks again to Madison MS for sharing lots of school news and photos this year – we welcome you to share your school/group/etc.’s news any time too – here’s how!
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