2 North Delridge notes: Future demolition; future restaurant

FIRST NOTE: That photo shows the boarded-up, ramshackle house at 4801 23rd SW (map), on the day that then-North Delridge Neighborhood Council leader Mike Dady led a tour of neighbors, media, and city officials, visiting several neglected-to-say-the-least properties, as a plea for help with the trouble such “problem properties” have caused. 11 months have passed since the tour (WSB coverage here); Mike just sent word that a demolition permit’s been issued for 4801 23rd SW (here’s the city infopage). At least one other property visited that day (4117 Delridge) has already been torn down.

SECOND NOTE: A banner’s up (no photo yet, sorry) on the new two-story building that went up adjacent to Olympia Pizza on Delridge (map). It promises Vietnamese soup and sandwiches, coming soon. Haven’t found any other info so far but will keep checking.

8 Replies to "2 North Delridge notes: Future demolition; future restaurant"

  • WSB March 10, 2010 (3:49 pm)

    And before anyone asks, no, the Vietnamese restaurant on Alki has not been cleared to reopen yet.

  • DownOnAlki March 10, 2010 (9:11 pm)

    Thanks for the update – I have been meaning to email that exact question!

  • whoknows March 10, 2010 (11:08 pm)

    That sign is driving me crazy! It should read “Coming soon” or “Opening in April,” not “Coming soon in April.”

    In either event, the building at least looks much nicer after the paint and will hopefully be a nice place to eat.

  • Demo the Ramshackle March 11, 2010 (9:46 am)

    I hope the owner of the “ramshackle” will act more responsibly and respectfully towards the neighbors of 23rd street and demo the house immediatly. This abandoned house has been a health and saftey hazard for too long. I also hope they are not in it to make a quick real estate buck by building a crappy rental or cheap house.
    Plain and simple if you can’t afford to do something with your property do the responsible thing sell it or donate it and move on! Stop buying properties and leaving others to deal with your mess!

  • DEMO DEMO DEMO March 11, 2010 (10:20 am)

    This is great news! Looks like Delridge is moving in the right direction. I walk by that house all the time using the goat trail to get to pearls and always wonder if/when that house is going to fall (on its own or by a bulldozer). It seems to have been a safety issue for some time. I haven’t seen anybody living in that rat hole in years.

    Can’t wait to try out the Vietnamese soup restaurant…I hope to see more business here!!!

  • WilliamC March 11, 2010 (12:03 pm)

    This is great news! Looks like Delridge is moving in the right direction. I walk by that house all the time using the goat trail to get to pearls and always wonder if/when that house is going to fall (on its own or by a bulldozer). It seems to have been a safety issue for some time. I haven’t seen anybody living in that rat hole in years.
    Can’t wait to try out the Vietnamese soup restaurant…I hope to see more business here!!!

  • Mike D. March 11, 2010 (2:12 pm)

    WilliamC – Glad to hear you are making good use of the ‘goat trail’! The goat trail is on City owned public land that has been stewarded by my wife, another neighbor and I for about three years now. It used to be nearly impenetrable with blackberry, junk, fencing, encampments, etc. The grand vision is to move the swath of land in the direction of a neighborhood pocket park with some areas for vegetable gardening. The City has basically said go for it. There has been additional interest in this effort by some wonderful new neighbors in the area.

    As for the collapsing behemoth, let us hope it is leveled to the ground soon. It has spawned problems to numerous to mention since it was gutted nearly four years ago.

  • alki_2008 March 12, 2010 (5:29 pm)

    Seems that the current owner of the house on 23rd bought it only 1.5 years ago…so how about giving them some credit for taking the financial risk of buying it, and they they’re actually doing something with it. Getting plans and permits for remodeling, especially demo’ing, a house isn’t an inexpensive or quick process.

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