West Seattle, Washington
25 Tuesday
From last night’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting: Big turnout – about 40 people – after the new West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network put out the call for members to be there. Featured speaker was the man who helps coordinate Block Watch and other crime-prevention efforts for the Southwest Precinct, Benjamin Kinlow (who’s a Seattle Police Department civilian employee). That topped the agenda – with some other interest later including a discussion of the beer/wine license for which Walgreen’s has applied – read on:Read More
Incredible sliver moon tonight, just before moonset – didn’t have the camera handy but luckily Christopher Boffoli caught this image a few hours ago, from 33rd SW and Hinds (map). Meantime, Mike Scharer sent his Hamilton Viewpoint shot of last night’s rainbow, too beautiful not to share even though it’s semi-old news by now:
More sunshine due tomorrow, by the way.
ANOTHER NEW JUNCTION BUSINESS SETS THE DATE: We first told you in December about Donna Ryan Photography coming to The Junction, in the former Swee Swee Paperie storefront just east of Cupcake Royale (WSB sponsor). Just got word from Donna that she has set April 23rd as her official opening date – and she adds it’s not just going to be a photo studio:
I am also super-excited to announce that I will also be carrying the Tea line of children’s clothing – mostly daily Tea – which is quality, fashionable every day wear at an affordable price. I will also be carrying some kids’ accessories, shoes and layette items.
Donna actually has worked in that space before – it’s where she did Santa photos for the West Seattle Junction Association last holiday season. Meantime, east of The Junction in The Triangle:
1ST DAY FOR THE WAX BAR’S 2ND LOCATION: As reported here last night, today was opening day for The Wax Bar, which was founded in Ballard and now has added a West Seattle location (37th/Alaska). We dropped by in the early afternoon and talked briefly with co-owner Mac and aesthetician Bevan (one of three on the WS WB staff for starters). A comment on last night’s story asked about grand-opening specials – Mac said they’ve got a special on “Brazilian” waxes for starters, $45, which is more than a third off. As with their Ballard location, they plan “happy hour” specials 1-3 pm. And of course – what about the beer, since that’s part of what sets them apart? Several types, including Corona and Pike, Mac said – plus they have non-alcoholic beverages too (he mentioned Dry Soda). Their formal “grand opening” festivities, he added, will be in about three weeks.
SNOW IN THE MOUNTAINS MEANS SMILES IN THE TRIANGLE – PLUS A SIDEWALK SALE: Another new business in The Triangle, ski and paddle shop Mountain to Sound Outfitters (WSB sponsor), is looking ahead to a huge weekend March 26-28: In conjunction with its sister business Alki Kayak Tours (which just reopened for the season), there’ll be a big sidewalk sale at Mountain to Sound (3602 SW Alaska). Here’s the flyer; deals are planned for ski and paddle gear, plus skate rentals, as well as a free barbecue on Friday night (with the store staying open till 9:30 that night), and a raffle to benefit the now-forming West Seattle Snow Sports Council, which is being founded to help get West Seattle-area kids more access to snow sports.
Here’s official word of the next Parks Board meeting:
Please note special 6:30 p.m. starting timeThe Seattle Board of Park Commissioners will hold its next meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 25, in the Park Board Room at 100 Dexter Ave. N, the Parks
Administration Building at the corner of Dexter Ave. N and Denny Way.The agenda includes:
Green Seattle Partnership
Parks and Cascade Land Conservancy staff will provide the Board with an update on
progress on the Green Seattle Partnership. The Partnership, between the City of
Seattle and the Cascade Land Conservancy, is a commitment to restore 2,500 acres of
urban forest by the year 2020. For more information on the Partnership, please go to
http://greenseattle.org/.Viewpoint Management
Parks staff will bring the Board up to date on Parks and Recreation’s implementation
of the Viewpoint Management Policy. It will include information on the status of
designated public viewpoints and the efforts underway to manage the vegetation at
these sites.Budget Briefing
Parks staff will provide a briefing on information received to date on 2010 City
revenues and the likelihood of a 2010 mid-year budget reduction, and on the 2011
budget process.
Following our report on Saturday about the new Dynamic Messaging Signs that SDOT is putting up in West Seattle (and other areas of the city), commenter Aim wondered why one wasn’t going up on Delridge. We checked with SDOT to see if one was in the works for Delridge further down the line. Short answer: No – Fauntleroy, Admiral and 35th are the three where you’ll get information before you get to The Bridge. We asked SDOT why Delridge isn’t getting one. Not enough money – they had to prioritize, according to SDOT’s Marybeth Turner, and of the four main roads that carry traffic onto The Bridge, Delridge has the lowest volume. So, she says, “While Delridge would benefit from a DMS, it is not funded at this time.” Adiam Emery from SDOT’s Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) team says, “For the lower level roadways, we will keep all the flashing beacons that inform drivers when the swing bridge is open and operating.” Speaking of bridges, we also inquired with SDOT when the West Seattle Bridge traffic camera would be back in operation – the one that points westbound has been dead for months. Emery’s reply: “The new West Seattle Bridge camera is installed and ready to go, waiting for electrical service connection. We are coordinating with Seattle City Light to assist in any way possible to get power to the equipment. They hope to have power to the camera by the end of this month, if not before.” By the end of August, 136 traffic cameras will be in operation within the city limits, though Emery cautions they’re not all reflected on the travel-info page so far (web5.seattle.gov/travelers).
That’s the phrase Luckie used as she shared that photo taken in a kindergarten class at Lafayette Elementary:
Mrs. Bell decided to combine Dr. Seuss’s birthday (March 2) and St. Patrick’s Day (today) with a reading of Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham, followed by a banquet of green eggs and ham and a few other green foods. A little green food coloring turned the ham and eggs into a Seussian spectacle! And, just like the protagonist of Green Eggs and Ham, the kids were willing to try them. They polished off pretty much everything!
Got a couple notes about a strong chemical-like odor in the Gatewood area at midday. Not an avalanche of reports, so at first we weren’t going to write about it – but it does provide an opportunity to remind you that odor IS an air-quality issue and the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency wants to hear about it. So if something is persistent or otherwise worrisome, file a report – at least this will help them track it. The information is on the PSCAA website – you can file online or call during business hours.
That photo’s from the West Seattle Thriftway egg hunt last year – always a hugely popular tradition. Just a few hours ago, we got a note that this year’s event is set for 9 am April 3rd, and just now, the city has just sent its list of egg hunts at local parks/community centers – see the full list here. We’re working on our West Seattle Easter page right now; we invite everyone with Easter-related events/specials, from church services to brunches to egg hunts and beyond, to share the info with us so it’ll be on the page (here’s our contact info).
A new development in the jail-site fight: The planning process for a new municipal-misdemeanor jail is still moving ahead, with a West Seattle site (Highland Park Way/West Marginal Way) among the 6 possible locations. However, the potential need for that jail (in which Seattle would partner with other cities) is moving further into the future. Last fall, the city and county agreed to a 3-year extension of the contract for the county to handle misdemeanor offenders; by the time the proposal got to the Seattle City Council Public Safety and Education Committee today, it had become a 4-year extension, through the end of 2016. (Here’s the council bill; here’s an explanatory memo.) It doesn’t cover all the city’s expected needs for that time, warned council staffer Peter Harris, so they will need to keep contracting with Yakima (and possibly the new south-end jail) for some space. But the agreement requires the city to confirm that it has no expectation that King County will be able to handle its misdemeanor-offender needs beyond 2016, which means the jail-planning process continues, though Councilmember Sally Bagshaw noted, “There’s little stomach for building a new jail.” (As noted earlier, Bagshaw is in West Seattle tonight, guesting at the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting at 7 pm.) The committee voted unanimously to approve the 4-year extension; it goes now to the full council.
Two Crime Watch notes this midday – a car theft and a “suspicious transaction” – read on:Read More
(Photo from “Celebrate Seattle Summer Streets” event on Alki Ave, 5/31/2009)
With the mayoral change and budget cuts, this was by no means a sure thing, but with two months to go till the West Seattle 5K Run/Walk, it’s just been confirmed, according to organizer Jo Bader from the West Seattle High School PTSA: The second annual edition of their successful-from-the-start fundraiser will again be the kickoff to a “car-free day” on Alki – as part of Celebrate Seattle Summer Streets, as the city rechristened the series last year. We don’t know yet about other Celebrate Seattle Summer Streets plans around the city – an official media announcement is in the works. But since the Alki “car-free day” is confirmed, you can mark your calendar for Sunday, May 23, starting with the West Seattle 5K, followed by special events along Alki SW. Here’s our wrapup on last year’s Alki CSSS event; here’s our story on the first-ever West Seattle 5K that kicked off the day. By the way, registration is under way now for this year’s run (WSB is among the co-sponsors for a 2nd year), with an early-registration discount available.
Sending that photo of last night’s rainbow, Edgar from Captive Eye Media wondered if leprechauns would be finding the pot o’ gold at that SW Dakota playground. No reports of that yet. But Frances at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor, with their Daylight Saving Time sale continuing till Sunday) did find the green line down the middle of 41st SW, north of Admiral:
Now, the highlights:
JAIL AGREEMENT ON SEATTLE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: You’ve probably heard about the “aggressive panhandling” law coming up for a public hearing at today’s meeting of the City Council’s Public Safety and Education Committee. But another item on the agenda might be of even more interest in West Seattle: The city’s planned extension of its jail-services agreement with King County – extending it till 2016 – which is part of what took a proposed new municipal jail (with a West Seattle site under consideration) off the fast track. The committee meets at 9:30 am and will be live at seattlechannel.org (cable channel 21).
BRING MORE “SEATTLE FREE SCHOOL” CLASSES OUT WEST: 6:45 tonight at the West Seattle (Admiral) Library branch, you can join a class on how to facilitate a Seattle Free School class to share your skills with the community; SFS is hoping to offer more classes here, but that means they need instructors to offer them! This class, of course, is free. Sign up here.
DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOODS DISTRICT COUNCIL: 7 pm tonight at Youngstown Arts Center, reps from community groups and organizations around eastern West Seattle get together for their monthly meeting. Tonight’s agenda includes City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw, an update on Camp Long Lodge renovations, and a presentation by White Center residents supporting annexation by Seattle (as Mayor McGinn proposes a vote in northern North Highline this fall).
More, with a few St. Patrick’s Day nightlife notes (including a big slate with food and drink specials at Feedback Lounge [WSB sponsor], plus the schedule at West Seattle’s only Irish pub), in the WSB Events calendar.