day : 01/03/2010 10 results

West Seattle scenes: Take a neon tour

WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli has been shooting neon signs around West Seattle, and this is the first compilation he put together – after we took a look at it, we thought you might be interested too. See if you recognize the signs!

“West Seattle, Be Prepared” in the citywide TV spotlight tonight

View West Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs in a larger map

After the Chile earthquake over the weekend – and a belated reminder that yesterday was the 9th anniversary of our area’s last big quake – it’s high time for us all to be sure we’re ready for the unthinkable, just in case. So on Saturday, we published a reminder about West Seattle, Be Prepared – the trailblazing preparedness effort that tireless volunteers have been ramping up peninsula-wide for two years. Part of it is making sure you know about the West Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs – the nine spots marked on the Google Map above; memorize the one closest to you, because in case of catastrophe, that’s where you’ll go to get information and help. Tonight, West Seattle, Be Prepared got a citywide spotlight, as part of a KING 5 TV story about local readiness – one of its key organizers, Cindi Barker from Morgan Junction, is featured in the middle of reporter Glenn Farley‘s story:

In addition to the Hubs map, the West Seattle, Be Prepared website has tons of information – take some time and wander around – and if you’re on Facebook, be sure to join the WSBP group —just go here (and if you haven’t friended us on FB yet – we’re WS Bloggo here).

Update: Prep work starts tomorrow for Don Armeni paving

(Parks Department photo of cracked pavement @ Don Armeni)
As first reported here Friday night, Seattle Parks plans to repave Don Armeni Boat Ramp for the first time in a quarter-century, and that means a temporary closure is ahead. Just got a Parks news release with an update – prep work is now scheduled to start tomorrow, though that will not require lot shutdown – read on for the latest:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: No evidence of shots fired

A quick followup on the Pigeon Point “shots fired?” reports from early Sunday morning: Southwest Precinct Lt. Norm James says that officers found “no evidence of gunshots” while investigating – in other words, no shell casings turned up anywhere. The hours-earlier Alki call turned out to be fireworks, according to nearby residents. That’s often the case with “shots fired?” calls, but you never know, so police would rather hear from you, just in case.

Update: Senate Ways and Means approves “Jason McKissack Act”

ORIGINAL 1:26 PM REPORT, WHEN WE GOT WORD THE BILL *WOULD* BE VOTED ON TODAY: Just got that word from Sen. Joe McDermott and law-enforcement advocate Renee Maher – it’s now on the list for the Ways/Means Committee meeting that’s about to start. 2:53 PM UPDATE: The meeting is live on TVW – we’re watching online here. Looks like they are still in public hearings; the votes, described on the agenda (see it here) as “executive session,” generally come up afterward (the public hearing on this bill was held last Monday – we went to Olympia to cover it; here’s our story). As of a moment ago, they took a break to go into “caucuses” prior to those votes, but the live broadcast should resume soon. 4:18 PM: The live broadcast just resumed. 1679 is the next bill. 4:24 PM: Senate Ways and Means voted for it unanimously. It goes to the Rules Committee with a “do pass” recommendation. We’re checking on what exactly that means – and what happens next, as well as whether further expressions of support are still needed – look for an update. 4:48 PM: Sen. McDermott tells WSB he will keep working to move the bill ahead – getting out of Rules is apparently not a slam dunk; the bill’s history says that’s where it stalled last year.

Partially submerged tug in the Duwamish – now back up again

Thanks to a tipster (who didn’t want to be credited) for pointing out the Coast Guard’s report of a partially submerged 65-foot tugboat at Island Tug and Barge, in the Duwamish, just north of The Bridge. It had more than 6,000 gallons of fuel and oil on board, but according to the Associated Press, it was brought back up this morning without spilling anything but 25 gallons of oily bilge water.

Monday midday notes: School-surplus auction; “Taste” date change

AUCTION: Just got word from multiple sources (thank you!) that this Saturday (March 6) at 9 am, there’s an auction of surplus Seattle Public Schools items at the old Hughes School building (map) in Sunrise Heights. Power tools and musical instruments are on the highlights list (see it here); photos are here, the full list here (Excel doc). The auctioneers’ site says it’s open for preview an hour ahead of time.

“TASTE OF WEST SEATTLE” DATE CHANGE: Anna Fern from West Seattle Helpline says the fundraising event offering food from multiple local restaurants has been moved back a week, to May 20, so it doesn’t conflict with that month’s West Seattle Art Walk. And they’re still signing up restaurants interested in participating – call Anna at 206-932-2746.

2 OTHER BENEFIT REMINDERS: Among other benefits coming up are two for which WSB is among the event sponsors, so we’re taking the opportunity to remind you if you haven’t checked them out already: The benefit brunch for the Nature Consortium, which focuses on restoring the West Duwamish Greenbelt – Seattle’s longest remaining contiguous forest – is March 14 (RSVP info here); West Seattle Food Bank‘s Instruments of Change gala is April 30 (event/ticket info here).

Update: Small house fire in the 8800 block of 18th SW

(photo added 6:26 am)
Firefighters are at the scene of a house fire in the 8800 block of 18th SW (map). According to the scanner, they say it’s tapped. We’ll have info from the scene shortly. 6:28 AM UPDATE: Some of the fire crew is already pulling out. They think a ceiling fan started the fire. No injuries but “a lot of mess, a lot of smoke” and they’re ventilating the house right now. Five people were in the house, and they all got out OK. 7:04 AM: Adding video from the mop-up … within less than an hour, as some fire crews left and others mopped up, the only sign of the fire visible from outside was the light smoke still coming from the roof:

10:06 AM: SFD says via Twitter that the fire did $35,000 damage.

Seattle All-City Band hits the road today for a TV tryout

That’s the Seattle All-City Band, performing at the first-ever Band Jam at Southwest Athletic Complex in West Seattle last summer. The student musicians are from all over the city, but they’re led by Marcus Pimpleton, the renowned music man from Denny International Middle School and Chief Sealth High School. Last night, band members rehearsed at Denny to get ready for a road trip today: They’re headed to Portland to try out for the “America’s Got Talent” TV show. We got the tip from Carrie Hewitt, who says someone from the show saw an online video of the ACB and invited them to come try out – this is the second day of a two-day round of tryouts in Portland. Good luck!

Next chance to see West Seattle’s “Rosie the Riveters” (& WAVE)

(February 2009 photo by Christopher Boffoli)
That photo’s from WSB coverage a year ago, when a group of local “Rosie the Riveters” appeared at The Mount with stories and songs about their World War II-era exploits. Just got word from one of them, Georgie Bright Kunkel, that a group of Rosies – plus a WAVE – will be at Daystar Retirement Village in Westwood this Thursday, 11:30 am. They’re planning a sing-along of WWII-era songs, according to Georgie, who adds, “The host is the First Thursday Democrats, who meet there every month.”