(scroll down for updates, including new info from police added at 11:23 am)
(photo added 8:28 am)
ORIGINAL 8:14 AM REPORT: California is closed at Dakota, north of The Junction, because of an emergency response; tipster Alison says a pedestrian was hit – we are en route to find out more. 8:20 AM: Arriving on scene – the closure is from Genesee to Dakota. Clear signs of a police investigation, which appears to be centered on the west side of the street. 8:38 AM: Some info from police on the scene – a pedestrian was indeed hit and has been taken to Harborview Medical Center. Still sorting out the circumstances; the street will remain closed a while because they are waiting for collision investigators to arrive. 8:50 AM: More info from police at the scene: The victim is a woman who was crossing at the corner, though they haven’t figured out yet whether east to west or west to east. The car that was involved can be seen nearby, with visible front-end damage. We are checking with the Fire Department, whose crew took the victim to the hospital, to see if they have any idea regarding the seriousness of her injuries. 9:40 AM: The collision investigators have arrived (see photo below). Authorities still don’t have official information on how the victim is doing, though police tell us this particular investigation team usually is only called to incidents involving serious injuries (or worse). No ETA on the street reopening but we will keep checking – please share word if you are nearby and see it reopen, as you’ll probably notice it first.
10:53 AM: Thanks to Julie for first word that California has reopened at the scene. 11:23 AM: We now have the police’s official summary, as it stands, from SPD media unit Det. Mark Jamieson: Around quarter till 8, an 81-year-old woman driving a Saturn was headed south on California at Dakota when she hit a 53-year-old woman who was crossing, headed west. The victim was taken to Harborview with what police describe as “serious head and leg injuries.” Investigators interviewed the driver but have not arrested or cited her – whether any charges result from the crash will depend on further evaluation by investigators, which often takes months in cases like this. Det. Jamieson did say that after an evaluation of the driver, they do not believe alcohol or drugs were involved. 12:16 PM: The official police account is also up at SPDBlotter – same details we added an hour ago (the media unit writes SPDBlotter), with the addition of “failure to yield” as a potential factor.