day : 16/11/2009 12 results

Junction parking review ends – last one in West Seattle for a while

Two headlines out of tonight’s meeting of the West Seattle Junction Parking Project Committee: First, 21 months after first word of the then-impending review, it’s all over. Results: A relatively minor set of changes in the works – anticlimactic since the city announced in July that the Junction study would NOT result in pay stations. Second, while the city’s original plan called for the 2009 Junction review to be followed up by a 2010 Morgan Junction review, Community Parking Program boss Allison Schwartz confirmed tonight that only 2 neighborhoods in the city will be studied next year (down from 5) because of budget cuts, and neither will be in West Seattle. So, back to the conclusion of The Junction’s parking review – read on for details on the changes, and what happens now:Read More

Tale of 2 mayors: Nickels interview; McGinn message/request

November 16, 2009 9:03 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

That’s Mayor Nickels‘ first post-election TV interview, with KING5‘s Jean Enersen, broadcast tonight. Only a few minutes long, but you hear him say why he thinks he lost, and what he considers his biggest failure. Meantime, his successor, Mayor-elect Mike McGinn, has posted a video on YouTube with a message to citizens:

We linked that video in the WSB Forums earlier today along with the transition team’s request for your answers to three questions – see them here.

A bakery for Admiral: Heavenly Pastry and Cake is on the way

Story and photo by Mary Sheely
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

A little bit of heaven is coming to Admiral Junction.

Heavenly Pastry and Cake will be taking over the storefront at 2604 California SW (formerly the West Seattle Herald offices). But while the bakery location will be new, the business isn’t — Heavenly Pastry and Cake owner Allison Barnes and husband Michael Stein, along with various nieces and nephews, are more than familiar to visitors at farmers’ markets around town.

“If we ever miss one, we hear about it next week, like, “Where were you guys?’†says Barnes.

It’s no wonder — the selection of “sweeties and savories†made by Barnes and her “partner in crime†Clove Burt include the Raspberry-Hazelnut Yum fruit bar (“Our niece named it, because that’s what it makes you say,†says Stein) scones made with heavy cream, and the signature Oma Stein’s Pretzel, from a recipe by Michael’s German grandmother.

Read More

Process set for filling Dow Constantine’s County Council seat

November 16, 2009 4:38 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

Update from the King County Council – looks like they’ve agreed to consider candidates who want the permanent job, as well as those who don’t. They’ve now fully laid out the process for appointing a successor to Dow Constantine in the County Council 8th District seat once he becomes King County Executive a week from tomorrow – read on to see the full process, who’s on the advisory committee that’ll recommend finalists, and how to apply:Read More

New WSB sponsor: Alki Mail and Dispatch, celebrating 20 years!

This afternoon we welcome a new WSB sponsor that’s about to celebrate a milestone: Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of Alki Mail and Dispatch, and they’re throwing a party tomorrow evening to celebrate. More on that shortly – first, here’s what Alki Mail and Dispatch wants you to know about their business: Proprietor Don Wahl (second from right) says it’s not just the convenience of all their services – get your mail, send a package, grab some coffee, use a computer – in one place, he also believes his business has thrived for 20 years because people want somewhere to connect with others – even in our world of so much screen time, you need face time too and that’s what happens at Alki Mail and Dispatch. Don says that’s what keeps people coming back – the fact that people know you, and know what you need. He describes Alki Mail and Dispatch as being like “Cheers” – where everybody knows your name, only with caffeine instead of alcohol. Recalling his business’s beginnings, Don says fax machines and computers and copiers cost a lot 20 years ago, so he saw a real opportunity, and his late partner Don Cavanaugh had owned a similar business, so they thought they could make a go of it. Indeed they did – on the beach for 15 years, and now for 5 years at a location Wahl owns. You’ll find Alki Mail and Dispatch at 4701 SW Admiral Way (map) – online at – and on Twitter, where customers can find out when the mail’s in, at @alkimail. Tomorrow night’s party, by the way, is 5-8 pm – stop in and say hi! We thank Alki Mail and Dispatch for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our sponsor team, and info on joining, all here.

Turkey with the Eagles: Another free West Seattle Thanksgiving

November 16, 2009 3:44 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

Just out of the WSB inbox, from Sean McGrath:

For over a hundred years the Fraternal Order of Eagles have been offering Thanksgiving meals across the country. The Eagles of Washington State will be holding free or low cost dinners at 24 of their 97 locations across the state. This is the first year the Eagles have put together what they are calling “A Thanksgiving To Remember”. Every year the Eagles offer these free meals, but have never put together a statewide effort to encourage as many locations as possible to participate and to get the word out. The hope is that it will be a time to remember what we have to be thankful for. A dinner to remember for those who attend, and a warm memory for those who volunteer to make it happen.

In West Seattle the Eagles offered a Thanksgiving dinner for many of the years since they opened here in 1948. The last time was about ten years ago. This year West Seattle Eagles will revive the tradition and offer a completely free meal on Thanksgiving Day from 2-5 at their hall. The hall will be open to anyone who would like to attend. There is no fee or any donation to being asked for. The Eagles motto is “People Helping People” and a portion of our mission statement is: “international non-profit organization, unites fraternally in the spirit of liberty, truth, justice, and equality, to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills, and by promoting peace”

The West Seattle Eagles hopes that anyone who wants to share a good meal and good company will join us in a traditional family friendly dinner. We hope that anyone who does not have family plans this thanksgiving will come down and share the holiday with us.

The menu will be turkey with all the trimmings and desert. We are planning on serving at least two hundred people. No reservations needed.

4426 California Avenue SW (next to the Post Office)
206-938-4426 or

This is in addition to, and separate from, the traditional annual free Thanksgiving dinner noon-3 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy, mentioned here just this morning.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 4 suspects arrested in serial robberies

In recent weeks, we’ve reported on a string of holdups at West Seattle/White Center-area convenience stores. Now, Seattle Police think they have the suspects in custody. The 4 juvenile male suspects actually were arrested after a robbery in the Rainier Valley (4400 S. Mead; map) last Thursday – written up on the SPDBlotter here without any mention of other incidents – then today, we confirmed with the SPD Media Unit that Southwest Precinct detectives believe those same suspects are linked to the robberies in this area. Det. Renee Witt in the Media Unit tells us three of the suspects are 16, and the fourth is 13. Prosecutors are working on charges against the four; we don’t know for sure yet which ones they’ll be charged in connection with, but some of the recent robberies (as linked from the WSB Crime Watch page) included two in one night in early November and a robbery shortly after a holdup attempt on the night of October 22nd.

West Seattle Holidays: Nutcrackers arrive at Salty’s on Alki

Salty’s on Alki sent out a media invite about a fancy dinner to taste holiday fare and see the popular nutcrackers. We e-mailed back and said, never mind the dinner, can we just see the nutcrackers? And this morning, they obliged, as the fabled decorations arrived. (The music in the background of the video, by the way, wasn’t added by us – exterior speakers provided the soundtrack.) Inside, ballerinas Wisten Klein (in white) and Andi Bryzinda (in red) from Evergreen City Ballet greeted the first nutcracker:

They’ll both be in “The Nutcracker” next month at the Ikea Center for the Performing Arts and the Auburn Performing Arts Center. Oh, and we peeked inside the truck for a look at a few of the others:

In case you’re wondering – Salty’s tells us they still have a few reservations available for Thanksgiving at Alki and Redondo. They’re also offering “Thanksgiving to go” (explained here).

Update: Small fire at house on 22nd SW

(photo added 12:28 pm)
On our way to check – it’s a ‘fire in single-family residence’ call in the 8600 block of 22nd SW. 11:41 AM UPDATE: Small fire in the house’s breaker box, out now, no one hurt.

West Seattle Weather Watch: The worst of the wind may miss us

If you were with us last winter, you know we often mention the National Weather Service “forecast discussions” as a source of behind-the-scenes details elaborating on the forecasts themselves. The newest one says the worst of the next round of wind, late tonight, is most likely to hit north of the city. Be ready anyway, of course. 12:24 PM UPDATE: Cliff Mass has updated his site; he’s expecting 30-40 mph in the city, not much more than we saw overnight.

Thanksgiving tradition: Free Fauntleroy meal – and how to help

November 16, 2009 9:46 am
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 |   Holidays | How to help | West Seattle news

(WSB photo of a table set for last year’s free Fauntleroy feast)
From e-mail to Facebook, we’ve had several inquiries about whether there’s any place to help serve others this Thanksgiving (a week from Thursday!). We don’t have the definitive answer to that question so far, but we did confirm with Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes that the traditional free holiday dinner is on again this year and they do need a bit of help:

The free community Thanksgiving meal is on Thanksgiving Day, November 26th, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM at The Hall at Fauntleroy. All are invited to this traditional turkey meal with all the trimmings prepared with love by our executive chef, Mike Chase. For anyone who has attended before it is a wonderful mix of folks from the neighborhood and the surrounding area.

This is the 11th year that Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering owners David and Meg Haggerty and David Meckstroth have opened up their hearts and the Hall at Fauntleroy for this fantastic meal and event. It really seems to usher the season in with warm beginnings.

We have enough volunteers this year; however we do accept pies, whipped cream and cookies for desserts. People can bring them to the Hall at Fauntleroy the day before Thanksgiving or that morning after 10 AM. For information or directions please call our office at 206-932-1059 or go to our website

Before (and after) Thanksgiving, of course, our two local food banks – West Seattle Food Bank and White Center Food Bank (which is tracking turkey prices!) – welcome your donations, too. Any other Thanksgiving-related service opportunities? Comment here and/or e-mail us so we can help get the word out too.

Today/tonight: Sustainable West Seattle “shopping spree,” & more

(WSB photo from last year’s Money-Free Shopping Spree)
SUSTAINABLE WEST SEATTLE’S “MONEY-FREE SHOPPING SPREE”: Once again this year, SWS invites you to come swap sustainable gift items – services as well as goods (see last year’s list here) – this year, the event’s at what is truly a brand-new venue, High Point Neighborhood Center (just dedicated on Saturday! WSB coverage here), starting with potluck dinner at 6:30 pm.

HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Sold Home Decor Furniture Consignment (WSB sponsor) is offering “a host of planet-, family- and budget-friendly ways to enjoy the holidays at home,” 7 pm. RSVP to be sure there’s still space –

LINCOLN PARK COOPERATIVE PRESCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: This co-op preschool based at Seaview Methodist Church (4620 SW Graham) has room in some of its classes and invites you to stop by 3-5 pm today to find out more about the school.

More of what’s happening today – and beyond! – on the WSB Events calendar page.