West Seattle Crime Watch: Street trees trashed

BCK has an alert from near 32nd/Trenton in Westwood (map):

A note of warning to anyone with small street trees : All of our street trees and those of several neighbors have been deliberately run over by cars. Large posts set by the trees and iron stakes were not enough to deter these vandals. If you have trees that are not yet big enough to defend themselves , save yourself some heartbreak and put big rocks near them.

Crime is one of the topics on the agenda later this week, by the way, as the Westwood Neighborhood Council meets for the first time in several months. Join them at 7 pm Thursday, Southwest Community Center; more info here.

3 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Street trees trashed"

  • DNA September 21, 2009 (12:32 pm)

    Try some tire spikes on the curb.

  • sacatosh September 21, 2009 (3:01 pm)

    DNA has it right. Good grief. This sounds like some idiot with too much testosterone behind the wheel.

  • Justin September 21, 2009 (3:58 pm)

    There are also a few downed bus signs and no parking signs on sw Barton. Same vandals, likely.

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