Rescue crew at Admiral Bridge: Training, not trouble

Thanks to everybody who e-mailed us about that startling sight at the easternmost Admiral Way bridge late this afternoon – particularly Mike Russell, who not only took photos, but also went over and asked the crew what was going on. Answer: Training. Or, as Mike put it more vividly:

I heard some noises coming from outside, and looked out the window to see this. At first my heart just sank, thinking someone had jumped. But looking closer, I realized (and hoped) that the one being rescued was also wearing a uniform. My suspicions were confirmed when I heard someone ask them if they were just training, and they said yes. Phew!

(One way for a quick check, by the way, is that if you see a fire crew but you do not see the location listed on the live 911 fire/aid/medic log, 99.9% likelihood it’s NOT breaking news.)

2 Replies to "Rescue crew at Admiral Bridge: Training, not trouble"

  • sam September 20, 2009 (8:58 pm)

    that is good to hear.
    that is what I figured, seeing only 2 vehicles there.

  • Christopher Boffoli September 20, 2009 (11:38 pm)

    Nice image Mike! Good vantage point.

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