A new filing in the Admiral Safeway redevelopment project, and this one comes with a request for community comment (read the request memo here): The plan proposed by Safeway would require that the city “vacate” part of an existing alley – the L-shaped one shown here on the south side of the site:
The petition now has been received by the city and that means it’s time for comments, which are requested by October 23rd. The five-page document explaining exactly what Safeway wants to do and where also contains the newest outline of the proposed project (including “flexible workspaces” as first reported here in July, and the “public benefit” items meant to satisfy a city requirement that the public get something back if it gives up right-of-way). See the document (which includes maps) here. Then if/when you are ready to comment, here’s what the city asks you to do:
Return your comments to: Moira Gray, Seattle Department Transportation, PO Box 34996, Seattle, Washington 98124-4996, or e-mail comments to moira.gray@seattle.gov. Please include your name and whether you are responding as an individual or as a representative of an organization when you return your comments.
As for the project’s overall status, lots of city decisions yet to come: Because this vacation is part of the project, that means the Seattle Design Commission will have to sign off on it, after at least one hearing to review the project, particularly the “public benefit” proposals; rezoning also is requested, and that requires City Council signoff. Meantime, the project had not finished going through Design Review, so the West Seattle board also needs to see it at least once again before it gets a green light – nothing scheduled so far – here’s our report from the last DR meeting in November ’08.