The X Gym: Welcoming a new West Seattle Blog sponsor

Today we welcome a new WSB sponsor – The X Gym, on Alki. As is our tradition, we offer new sponsors the chance to tell you about their business, and here’s what The X Gym wants you to know: “The X Gym distances itself from the competition in every way. We have taken exercise and health out of the Dark Ages and have brought it into today’s world of busy parents, professionals, and weekend warriors. Everything we do, from strength training to nutrition, is based on the latest scientific research. Gone are the days where a person has to spend hours at a gym just to achieve mediocre results. We have invented our own specific exercise methods based on the latest scientific research to achieve the outstanding results we have demonstrated since 1998. These methods allow us to train clients safely and effectively, achieving a functional, well rounded fitness in much less time than traditional training for more than double the results. The X Gym is a place where the Average Joe and Jane can become real urban athletes. Our client base runs the age spectrum from 15 to 90, from all types of backgrounds, and every fitness level. For our clients there is no more diet yo-yo, guessing, fitness plateaus, or frustrations. The X Gym covers all four components of health: Physical, cardiovascular, mental, and nutritional. Finally, one of the biggest factors that separates us from the rest is that our services do not start and stop at the door. Clients are held accountable for everything relating to their health, whether it be food tracking or showing up for appointments. At The X Gym, you are not just another number, you’re family, and we always take care of family. Clients are constantly amazed at the stark contrast in the results they achieve and in the short amount of time they actually spend working out. Some clients have spent years trying to get into shape, but traditional training has failed them.” The X Gym on Alki is at 3213 Harbor SW (map); online at; by phone, 206-938-XGYM.

Thanks to The X Gym for supporting West Seattle’s only independent, neighborhood-based, community-collaborative 24/7 news, information and discussion service; our current sponsor team can be seen here, along with info on how to join.

15 Replies to "The X Gym: Welcoming a new West Seattle Blog sponsor"

  • wowza August 18, 2009 (1:44 pm)

    Wow- the gym looks great- but HOLY MOLY $300 per month!!!! I am sure that they offer awesome services- but come one now- people with less money tend to eat unhealthier, exercise less- this is a gym for people with $$$$$. I know people make choices- but even with making the right choices, 2 incomes and determination i couldn’t afford this one! If they ever get less expensive i’ll be there!

  • CraigB August 18, 2009 (2:27 pm)

    I’ve been a member of the X-Gym for a number of years. It is hardcore – but it works. Wowza, I had a hard time with the membership fees as well and had to leave the gym because of the cost. However, they now offer a group bootcamp that will kick your bum into shape. Much less expensive than the 1:1 training. Great results. Beautiful location (Jack Block park). Come and join us!

  • Robert August 18, 2009 (2:47 pm)

    I wanted to address the comment left by Wowza. X Gym is a personal training studio, it’s not the kind of place where you go in on your own to lift weights. They have been voted “Best in Western Washington” for their trainers and though the bill seems steep, at first, it’s actually 1/2 ( about $37 per session) the price of traditional trainers and it’s 4x’s as effective. For those out there who need something even less expensive, go to their outdoor boot camp. It’s 3x’s a week and is only $177 (about $15) a month.

  • X Gymer Client August 18, 2009 (3:20 pm)

    X Gym is really a great way to train. I know it’s expensive yet worth every penny. Being a female I was worried about lifting weights which leads to weight gain. My mindset has always been to watch scale weight. This is where the X Gym helps transition your mental state from watching the scale to focusing on fat loss and muscle gain. It really works as I have managed to lose 48% fat over the last 8 months…and I eat as much as I want to from my “good food list” (so I’m never hungry!!).

  • RachelL August 18, 2009 (3:29 pm)

    I have been an XGymer for over 2 years now, and absolutely LOVE it, nothing else compares. It is so inexpensive for what you get, you just have to make the sacrifice if it’s a priority, even if you can only do it for 6 months, it will make a huge difference. Wowza, this is much less than any other personal training if you research it. And I have lost 26 pounds and gained muscle unlike with any program I’ve ever done. And they really do care about you, the owner has discussed every aspect of my past experience with weight/nutrition/exercise, as well any current issues, ongoing counseling and ideas, etc. They are at the cutting edge in every way, with their gym and trainers, their website, their value-added services such as recipes, brain-training techniques, etc. A definite must-try if you are serious about getting in shape.

  • Michael August 18, 2009 (3:45 pm)

    I have been a member of X-gym since August of 2008 and I can tell you that I have achieved results I never could have achieved on my own. I am a very happy X-gymer. I attribute this to the quality of their personal trainers and their attention to the latest research in fitness and nutrition. Also, it is just a fun place to be around. It is worth the monthly investment I make in myself. I am worth it! The confidence and discipline I have developed has spilled over into all areas of my life and made a positive influence to more than just my waist line. Many thanks to PJ and his team at the X-Gym. You guys rock! Keep it up! it has been a joy to write this comment.

  • CraigB August 18, 2009 (4:22 pm)

    FYI . . . If anyone would like to talk to me about my experiences with they gym, feel free to contact me. I am an actual member (not an employee/friend/family). The X-gym acknowledges their protocols are not for everyone. I would be happy to share with you my experience and results. craig 1 bye (at) yahoo (dot) com

  • Jacque August 18, 2009 (4:29 pm)

    I know it sound like a lot of money, but if you look at how much you spend on lattes and junk food and health care bills, it is actually a good investment.

    I started to go in april after 4 years of not much exersice and I’ve already lost 7 of the 14 punds i wanted to lose, I feel great and I look great! if you ask me, is the best investement I ‘ve made in my life!

  • JonathanS August 18, 2009 (4:35 pm)

    I’ve been going to the X-Gym since April of this year and while the price was a consideration, it has been well worth the money.

    My previous experience has been that I just wouldn’t get the job done on my own. I would try, sort of, but not really get anywhere. In a few months at X-Gym, I’m completely satisfied with the results (I can do over 75 push-ups now compared to maybe 20 when I started — go ahead and give that a try and see how you do! — my strength has improved, my endurance has improve, my health is better, I feel and look younger and I feel better about myself — most of those things by the way you can’t put a price on).

    The staff have been great, I know them all by name as they know my name too. They’ve never pushed me to buy anything, including my initial membership. In fact, their policy is to give you your first 3 workouts for free to see if it is a good fit for you and if you think it is worth the money. Compare that to other gyms who will not even come close to telling you what their fees are until they know they have all of your contact information so that they can hound you and hound you to sign up for their “latest special.”

    I’ve met the owner of the gym, a fitness guru, who is very accessible, knowledgeable, friendly and actively involved in the club’s operations and with the clients. He is also a top athlete and, along with the trainers at the gym, wins top fitness awards and he is also a published nutrition writer.

    The X-Gym may not be a good fit for everyone. If you are looking for the least expensive workout facility, the X-Gym isn’t it. If you are looking for highly qualified personal training, I don’t think you will find a better facility, better trainers or a better value anywhere. And since you can try it three times for free, I would recommend doing that first and then making the determination of what the value is to you. I know for myself, the expertise they provide is worth every penny.

    I’m on my way there in another hour and couldn’t be happier about it.


  • JonathanS August 18, 2009 (4:47 pm)

    Oh yeah, and I’ve lost about 15 lbs of fat in about 4 months (mid-April to mid-August) and that would be even better if I followed more of the nutritional advice which I’m working on and improving each week!


  • Kemp August 18, 2009 (9:01 pm)

    As people have said XGym is not for everyone. It does take a lot of determenation. All of the trainers are looking for you to do your best. I run a small business and do not have time to spend an hour in the gym if not more. I have done that on my own for years, but now do not have the time. And yes they do not sell you on anything. They do push drinking (Lots of Water that is)
    Also, they are trying to link people that attend and business relations. By being able to provide links on their website. It is at the early stages but they are trying to help give back to those that are members.

  • Happy Xgym customer August 18, 2009 (10:43 pm)

    I was paying more for personal training ($450/mo) at another gym in town, and that was for 4 sessions per month. At the Xgym, I’m paying $300 for 8 sessions per month. So, in my economics, Xgym is actually much less than what I was paying before.

    More importantly, it works! I get in, work out intensely, and get on to work. I’m motivated, and I’m finally eating right, because the approach is more than just exercise. It’s a wholistic approach to fitness and health.

    I suggest those who think it’s too expensive: add up what 8 sessions per month at any other gym would cost. I guarantee it’d be more than what you’d pay at the Xgym. They really deliver on the claim of “2x the result in 1/2 the time at 1/4 the cost”

  • GM August 19, 2009 (1:41 am)

    The XGym is absolutely amazing. I have been a member for nearly a year now. It has changed my life in so many ways. I was a bit concerned about the cost once I started, however I achieved my goals so quickly that it was definitely worth the money. It was a lot cheaper than “going it on my own”. It is an unbelievable value for the money.

    I could not recommend the XGym enough. If you are interested in checking out the gym, go in and talk to them about doing a trial workout. They will run you through one of their workouts so you can see what it’s like.

    If you are serious about getting results, check out this gym.

  • Ed August 19, 2009 (4:01 pm)

    The XGym is a fantastic place to train. The atmosphere at the gym is focused on strength improvement through exercise, nutrition, and a positive attitude.

    The trainers at the XGym are the best. They are always able to help me push past “empty” for a great work out that I would not have been able to achieve on my own.

    Over the past year I have definitely surpassed my original goals for improving my overall strength.

  • Lauren August 19, 2009 (5:24 pm)

    I cannot overstate how amazing the program and the people are at X-Gym. I have been a member for 1 1/2 years and I couldn’t live without it. As someone who had worked out for years on my own (and with other trainers), logging hours of time and effort in the gym each week with little results, I can attest to the fact that these workouts will change your life! X-Gym has not only drastically improved my strength and endurance it has given me a new confidence in my own abilities, in the gym and out. I am pushed to my absolute limit, each and every workout, and it is a tremendous feeling of accomplishment. It is strenuous but, I promise, the results are worth it. Thanks, PJ and the gang! You are the best!

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