Don’t let the fruit rot – help pick it with Community Harvest!

This morning, Steve wrote to share this story:

> So, we have this gigantic plum tree in our yard. Way more than we could ever eat on our own. Way more.

Typically we spend the end of the summer wiping smashed plum off our shoes and depositing plums into the yard waste bin. This year, we got in contact with a cool organization called Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle (in West Seattle). You call them or fill out an online form about your fruit trees. They show up with a bunch of volunteers, pick the ripe fruit, deliver it to local food banks that night. You can help pick or not. Really nice people, super easy to work with. They came and harvested the plums last night, they left us as many as we wanted for ourselves and took the rest. Might be cool to let people know about this — I was vaguely aware of the idea, but finally remembered to track them down this year.

Shortly after Steve’s note, we coincidentally heard from Aviva at Community Harvest, who says they’ve got more trees waiting to be picked – 10 new tree donors this week alone! – but they need a hand – more than one hand, actually:

This year has been an amazing year for plums, and it is hard to keep up with the calls and e-mails. We are looking for more volunteers to help pick plums, figs, apples, and pears, and supply our food banks with fresh local fruit. Volunteers can pick standing or from a ladder and are welcome to take home a small bag of fruit. If you are interested, you can contact Aviva at 206-762-0604 or You can sign up directly from the website: . Help your community with a fun evening picking fruit.

And if you have friends in other neighborhoods – a citywide tree-mapping effort has just begun at (recently featured by our fellow independent neighborhood-based news-service providers at Rainier Valley Post).

4 Replies to "Don't let the fruit rot - help pick it with Community Harvest!"

  • MargL August 19, 2009 (9:25 pm)

    We donated our plum last year and will again this year – hopefully Community Harvest will be able to schedule a picking next week. It’s starting to drop fruit like crazy!

  • ellenater August 19, 2009 (11:02 pm)

    Community Harvest is so cool!

  • CraigB August 20, 2009 (6:57 pm)

    Thank you to Aviva for coming to my home this evening. We harvested about 20lbs of Italian Plums. What a great service to the community!!

  • Leroy August 20, 2009 (10:03 pm)

    This is wonderful – I am so proud to live in such a great community where people care enough to share.

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