
West Seattle Summer Movies on the Wall season starts Saturday!

That’s the trailer for “The Princess Bride,” which kicks off the West Seattle Summer Outdoor Movies on the Wall series (co-sponsored by WSB) this Saturday night in the courtyard between Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) and Dr. Wolff. Bring your own chair/blanket and a few dollars for concessions and the raffle, all benefiting nonprofits, but otherwise, this movie and the five that follow are FREE! This 1st showing is sponsored by Dr. Wolff, Dr. Horowitz, Lady Di Pet Chaperone (WSB sponsor), Hands to Paws Animal Massage and Dream Dinners (WSB sponsor), which is serving Barbecue Pork Sliders before the movie and providing a $100 gift certificate for the raffle. Also: BACHELORS STILL NEEDED! Each movie this summer has a pre-show activity and this Saturday it’s a Dating Game – two more bachelors needed to play along with bachelorette Kerry (originally explained here). Movie starts at dusk – you’re welcome to come early and stake out your spot, enjoy concessions and meeting your neighbors. Full movie-series lineup here!

6 Replies to "West Seattle Summer Movies on the Wall season starts Saturday!"

  • Dreamland July 13, 2009 (7:11 pm)

    What do they mean by “concessions,” do you know? Because it’s not a movie without Junior Mints! :)

  • WSB July 13, 2009 (7:34 pm)

    Usually candy, popcorn, baked goods, sodas and bottled water, really reasonable prices. Can’t say for sure about Junior Mints. If you go this weekend and don’t see them, put in a request – I totally agree with you, it’s not a movie without ’em …TR

  • Ingrid July 14, 2009 (7:41 am)

    It’s probably listed somewhere obvious and I’m just missing it – what time does the pre-show start? And how early do we really need to get there to secure a good seat? This’ll be our first MOTW!

  • WSB July 14, 2009 (9:01 am)

    The times vary. It’s gotta be pretty close to dark before the movie can start – it’s usually sunset or so when the preshow activities start – we often will go stake out our spot around 7:30 and you can mingle, go get something to drink at Hotwire, enjoy concessions, walk around …

  • SarahScoot July 14, 2009 (11:08 am)

    It’s an even better movie experience with *frozen* Junior Mints. Unfortunately, the only theater I know of around here that sells ’em frozen is the Meridian 16 downtown, and I hate that one. :-(

  • Caffeine_Queen July 15, 2009 (7:57 am)

    We’re going to have the frozen Jr. Mints so your movie experience will be complete! Any other requests?

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