West Seattle scenes: The point; a perch; on stage; on street

Thanks to JayDee for that view from Sunset Avenue SW, looking out toward Alki Point, with Blake Island in the background. Next: Ground-level on Alki, we spotted this bird a few days ago, and have been meaning to ask aloud if it’s yet another eagle-in-transition:

Different kind of creatures onstage this past week at West Seattle Montessori School (WSB sponsor) – congratulations to the preprimary performers who put on “Three Billy Goats Gruff”, and thanks to Jennifer for sharing the photo:

Last but not least, we published a photo tour last week spotlighting a new WSB sponsor, Mural Apartments in The Junction — a few days later, Brian sent us this photo, with appliances-in-waiting seeming to mirror the windows above:

Thanks to everyone who shares photos via WSB, whether breaking news or interesting sights – yours are welcome any time at editor@westseattleblog.com (including links to Flickr or other types of galleries, as long as you tell us it’s OK to publish)!

8 Replies to "West Seattle scenes: The point; a perch; on stage; on street"

  • Jim Clark April 20, 2009 (1:01 am)

    It’s an Osprey

  • WSB April 20, 2009 (1:11 am)

    Wow! I don’t think I’ve seen one of those before. It was right in one of the Alki trees where everyone always seems to be photographing eagles … kid and I were beachwalking, spotted group of people looking up at tree, and there it was. thanks … TR

  • hopey April 20, 2009 (6:54 am)

    Here’s some Osprey info:
    Juvenile bald eagles are speckled, but mostly brown:

  • Wednesday April 20, 2009 (7:32 am)

    I believe there are some Osprey nests on low poles down on the edge of the Duwamish by the power plant (you see when driving on Hwy 599). I’ve never seen birds there, but I see the nests all the time.

  • herongrrrl April 20, 2009 (5:07 pm)

    There’s activity in the osprey nest just south of the WS bridge and east of the Duwamish, middle pole of three in the parking lot area there. Hard to spot while driving over the bridge (if you are the driver, anyway), but you can get a good look from the Harbor Island Marina parking lot. I believe there is also another light-pole top nest on the west side of the Duwamish, visible from the NE corner of Herring’s House Park. I’m pretty sure those are the ospreys we see fishing off of Beach Drive, since they are known to fly some distance to fishing grounds.

    They are a pretty recent (re?)introduction; when I was growing up here you never saw them (or eagles too often, for that matter), and now here they are! I’ve seen USGS researchers observing them from Emma Schmitz viewpoint in the past couple years. I think some of the Duwamish restoration work, particularly putting in habitat perching snags and nest boxes, has coaxed them back into the urban environment.

  • La April 20, 2009 (9:24 pm)

    I’ve lived in W. Seattle near the Duwamish for five years now and I know it’s Spring when I’m working in the garden – or even inside, with the windows open – and I hear the Osprey’s unmistakable call. I try to get my family interested (“HEY! IT’S THE OSPREYS!!” as I go charging into the front yard for a better look) but invariably it ends up that I’m the only one staring up at the sky at 3 birds, way up in the air, wings extended and soaring in 3 slow circles on the updraft. Go ospreys!

  • miws April 21, 2009 (9:10 am)

    How cool, La!


    When I had my house, the first sign of Spring for me was when the Forsythia started blooming, sometimes as early as February, and I thought that was a cool sign!



  • Cheryl April 21, 2009 (9:05 pm)

    Truly my favorite bird of prey! Great shot, and I’m so going to go looking for them now. :-)

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