West Seattle snow aftermath: Bridge may be re-striped sooner

As everyone who drives The Bridge is more than well aware, it’s been without many of its lane markings since Snowstorm ’08. We checked back today with SDOT’s Rick Sheridan to ask about any update on when that problem might be fixed, and indeed, he just told WSB it now MIGHT be just a matter of days:

> As we need warm, dry weather to apply the lane markings, SDOT is closely monitoring the weather and pavement conditions. The paint will not adhere if it is raining and takes a long time to dry if too cold. The forecast for the upcoming week appears to have a break that will allow SDOT to restripe the West Seattle Bridge. We will keep a close eye on this high priority location and will perform the work as soon as the weather allows. A traffic advisory will announce the work before we start.

11 Replies to "West Seattle snow aftermath: Bridge may be re-striped sooner"

  • Krystal January 12, 2009 (1:44 pm)

    Oh please let this come sooner, much sooner than later!

  • OP January 12, 2009 (2:30 pm)

    Great post, WSB. I’ve been wondering about this, too. The very same thing could be asked of 35th, which requires nothing less than Steve Austin bionic eyesight to find the lanes if it’s raining and dark out since Snowmare ’08. Any word on SDOT repainting those lines?

  • MAS January 12, 2009 (2:33 pm)

    The bridge is clearly a priority, but 35th ave SW is in the same shape, and I think folks got into the habit if thinking of it as one lane in each direction (as it was during the worst of the snow.) I’ve nearly been sideswiped about a dozen times now by people not paying close enough attention to the obscured lane markers.

  • Hutch January 12, 2009 (3:10 pm)

    I agree that 35th Ave SW needs immediate attention…you can’t see lane designations at all at night.

  • Sharonn January 12, 2009 (3:59 pm)

    The labor cost the same whether you use good paint that will last through a snow storm or the poor quality paint that last six months regardless of the weather.

  • Todd January 12, 2009 (6:55 pm)

    This morning I almost got side swiped by someone so this is good news .. Over the past few weeks I have had a couple of close calls because people can’t see that they are not in a lane. I realize weather is a factor in being able to paint. Ironically, these lines are so needed when it is dark and rainy. People really rely on them then, IMO.

  • A neighbor January 12, 2009 (9:21 pm)

    It’s insane! Why do so few people remember what was there before the snow?!!! Aurora bridge is another hot-button…people merging in from Fremont just come sailing on thinking that it is the most luxuriously large lane ever created…wtf?!! I won’t even start on the etiquette of our bridge…it’s abysmal! People will totally dominate down over you for a car length, then brake almost to a stop before the Delridge and Admiral exits…so stoopid!

  • swthistle January 12, 2009 (10:39 pm)

    Could they please address the lack of street lighting on the bridge ASAP!! There are so many street lamps out that you can’t count them all. With the lack of striping and the light outages its a wonder that more accidents aren’t happening. This should be a number 1 priority for the city this week and there should be dry days to undetake this most important safety concern.

  • dana. January 13, 2009 (12:18 am)

    the lines on 35th were hard to see even before the snow……

  • Jill Loblaw January 13, 2009 (8:00 am)

    Amen swthistle! Lights and striping are badly needed.

  • Todd January 13, 2009 (9:11 pm)

    I second that Amen.

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