Trash pickup catch-up: What’s SUPPOSED to happen today

Just a reminder, since some people apparently missed previous word about this: If you have Friday trash pickup, it’s supposed to happen TODAY — this was the plan long before Snowmare ’08; originally Thursday was a holiday for trash/recycling crews so the plan for a while has been for Thursday pickups around the city were to be made Friday and Friday to be made Saturday. (Some worked on Thursday anyway, catching up on missed Monday-Wednesday homes; if you are Mon-Wed pickup and were missed this week, call the city ASAP; if you are Friday pickup, you’re not supposed to call unless it gets to be late in the day today and you’re still waiting.) One twist – we’ve received a couple reports of Friday homes that DID get picked up yesterday. The graphic above is the one that was handed out at the mayoral briefing we covered at City Hall on Wednesday (click the graphic to see a larger version). No details yet about the “rebates” he mentioned for those who missed two trash pickups during the weather woes.

36 Replies to "Trash pickup catch-up: What's SUPPOSED to happen today"

  • No More Same Old Same Old January 3, 2009 (9:36 am)

    Just had trash picked up. Driver seemed especially peeved to be working on a Saturday as he threw the can and lid in different directions. Whatever…

    Had an interesting talk the other day with a tree pruning contract company that does work for City Light. They chained up their very heavy boom-truck and the chipper truck and trailer and didn’t miss a beat during the snow.

    Seems like the City Council needs to see that the contracts with Waste Management and CleanScapes are renegotiated to include either an incentive or penalty for allowing a three, (or was it four???) week lag in garbage collection in our Delridge neighborhood

  • Elikapeka January 3, 2009 (10:09 am)

    It’s 10:00 on Saturday morning – and my trash just got picked up!!!! My trash is gone!!! We’re in Sunrise Heights, normally Friday pickup.

    Whoever thought a girl would be so excited about trash?

  • CleanGreen January 3, 2009 (10:39 am)

    I had my garbage and recycling picked up last Monday. It was also supposed to be a yard waste pickup day.

    My question is will yard waste that’s been missed for a month be picked up on Monday, Jan. 05 or will I have to wait until Jan 12th?

    Thanks for any info!

  • christie January 3, 2009 (10:43 am)

    it is now 10:41 on Saturday morning and I still havent seen a garbage truck. Has anyone else seen them?

  • BG39 January 3, 2009 (11:04 am)

    I heard one backing up in my alley about 8:30…finally…

  • k January 3, 2009 (11:11 am)

    No trucks in HP yet…
    still hopeful!

  • supernova72 January 3, 2009 (11:37 am)

    11:30am. I’m in the 3600 block on 42nd Ave SW. No trash trucks in site yet. Has it been three weeks since the last pickup? Maybe so…

  • cjp January 3, 2009 (11:39 am)

    Yeah, What does ‘late in the day’ mean, for when people should consider them selves missed.
    They did my cross street, but not our street.
    This is week 3 at least.

  • WSB January 3, 2009 (12:36 pm)

    They say 6 pm. Personally, if it was me, I would call by 4.

  • WSB January 3, 2009 (12:37 pm)

    P.S. Coming back from Duwamish Longhouse event, I saw a truck trying mightily to make it up Highland Park Way toward HP. Also saw a different one earlier off Thistle east of 35th, so yes, they are out there!

  • JBL January 3, 2009 (12:40 pm)

    Clean Green, I’ve given up on trying to guess what they’re going to pick up so I put EVERYTHING out on the curb last week, because the last thing you want to happen is being surprised in your bathrobe when you hear the truck. Hopefully it’s today. No sign of it yet though…

  • M January 3, 2009 (12:47 pm)

    Trash was picked up in High Point yesterday but only half of the recycling (literally, half of my recycling bin was gone). The recycling trucks have been in the neighborhood all morning. I’m just appreciative that all of the garbage and recycling is now gone!

  • WSB January 3, 2009 (12:58 pm)

    If you look at the city info – yard waste, they say they will be trying to pick up next week. I do agree that putting everything out seems like better safe than sorry, because we did get a few reports earlier in the week of recycling getting picked up anyway…

  • Magpie January 3, 2009 (1:47 pm)

    My trash and recycling were finally picked up today. The recycling was before 8 am and the Rabanco guys came about 12:45 and picked it ALL up. I was really getting tired of the mess and am still picking up mine and others’ recycling from the bushes in my front yard from the windstorm.

  • bcoy January 3, 2009 (2:16 pm)

    Both garbage and recycling were picked up today on 34th and Webster. Does anyone have any word on when yard waste is going to be picked up? Maybe I will just put it out next Friday and hope it will go away.

  • Karen January 3, 2009 (3:03 pm)

    Just had pick up – 26th & Hudson

  • d January 3, 2009 (3:05 pm)

    I’m on 9th Ave SW. The west side of the street got garbage picked up early this morning. My side of the street – nothin’.

    The neighborhood looks like crap. There is garbage EVERYWHERE!

  • brittany January 3, 2009 (3:12 pm)

    trash still sitting here in north delridge. sigh.

  • HighlandParkster January 3, 2009 (3:34 pm)

    Recycling still sitting out by the curb in Highland Park since 12/19. Yesterday I literally threw myself in front of a random garbage truck driving down my street (not picking up garbage, obviously on his way somewhere else). But when I begged, he agreed to accept my garbage (and grabbed ONE of my neighbor’s cans). Every hour that passes leaves less and less for the trucks to pick up. There is a LOT of loose, stray garbage blowing around the streets.

  • JBL January 3, 2009 (4:36 pm)

    Just got home from work. The recycling was picked up, but the ton of garbage is still piled on the curb. Have seen plenty of Waste trucks around, but no pick-ups here on 39th SW & Oregon. Do I have to wait another week?!

  • meg January 3, 2009 (4:53 pm)

    Trash & recycling still piled up. The neighborhood looks like crap. Crows are all over. How long before the rats take over?

  • HighlandParkster January 3, 2009 (5:03 pm)

    Don’t suppose there’s any “official” word from the City, WSB? 5:00 PM and it looks like large swaths of West Seattle were ignored again by trash and recycling pick-up. Block after block in South Delridge/Westwood/Highland Pk (the ghetto). How late are the trucks running tonight?

  • WSB January 3, 2009 (5:11 pm)

    No official updates and I can’t guarantee the PIOs will return my messages but I will try. PLEASE call the city number (684-3000, I believe) RIGHT NOW if you have been missed. This definitely qualifies as “late in the day.”

  • datamuse January 3, 2009 (5:37 pm)

    We’re in Highland Park and we DID get picked up. It’s weird that they got us (we live on an alley with no street) and seem to have missed major arterials. Maybe the truck got full?

  • Amy January 3, 2009 (6:13 pm)

    34th Avenue SW & Henderson (Westwood) we had trash pickup this morning (yay!) but still no recycling pickup (boo!)

  • zero-to-life in West Seattle January 3, 2009 (6:47 pm)

    684-3000 is the correct number (thanks TR!). I just reported our missed recycle collection. We are in the Westwood Neighborhood as well.

  • Wasted in Westwood January 3, 2009 (6:56 pm)

    This is getting ridiculous! I bet you dollars to doughnuts that the Belvedere section of Admiral got picked up with no issues (it’s where the mayor lives, after all), but I’m still waiting for recycling after two weeks off. When I called SPU today, they assured me up and down that my garbage AND recycling would be picked up today in West Seattle. Guess I should have specified I live in “the ghetto.” This is just as bad as the power outages 2 years ago.

  • Lisa January 3, 2009 (7:32 pm)

    I live in Belvidere, and both Trash and Recycling got picked up today! YEAH! When we left the house at 1pm both had not been done. When we returned at 4:30 the trash had been picked up, then recycling got picked up at 5pm. Nice.

  • Sunrise Heights January 3, 2009 (8:02 pm)

    You know, I’ve been patiently waiting 3 weeks with my tiny microcan and a huge pile of used cat litter, keeping everything inside and dutifully picking up the blown CRAP of my less considerate neightbors. YESTERDAY the truck shows up, even though my pickup was supposed to be rescheduled for today. Naturally, they were gone before I could get my cubic ton of cats**t out. I finally lost it and called to complain, and a rather rude women told me they’d be back tomorrow.
    Surprise – they weren’t. Now I get to clean up after the crows again and haul my 3 weeks of cat litter back inside. I am P*SSED OFF.

  • WSB January 3, 2009 (8:22 pm)

    Sunrise, I hope you have called again tonight? I have not yet received an answer to my question to the city regarding whether by any chance they are doing makeup pickups tomorrow. But I would hope someone is still answering that phone line.

  • GC January 4, 2009 (6:33 am)


    It seems the answer is a question – is the city better served by an effort to recall the Mayor after this latest display of gross incompetence and poor planning? Or should we lay our bets on the Nov. election where no viable candidate has emerged to replace our dysfunctional alleged leader?

    SOMEONE…run for mayor!

  • No More Same Old Same Old January 4, 2009 (7:28 am)

    Paging Nick Licata or Peter Steinbrueck……please answer the white courtesy phone and run for Mayor.

  • JBL January 4, 2009 (11:14 am)

    What about collecting all our garbage and dumping it on the front lawn of the mayor’s in Belvidere?

  • WSB January 4, 2009 (11:20 am)

    Small update: Our contact at Seattle Public Utilities is working on the question of “what if Friday trash wasn’t picked up yesterday.” Hope to have something within an hour or so and will of course publish it separately, with a flag here. But we reiterate – if you have been skipped, PLEASE call 684-3000 to tell them.

  • HighlandParkster January 4, 2009 (2:19 pm)

    I don’t get why we all have to call. I had to call the city to get my street plowed and now I have to call to get my recycling collected after a MONTH?! They have the technology to charge me if my can’s too heavy or I put out extra trash, but they can’t tell when they have NOT collected my refuse? How DID the Mayor get his head SO far up his own butt?

  • Lex January 5, 2009 (5:09 pm)

    We finally go out garbage and recycle picked up on 1/3 on 16th ave sw and sw graham. yeepee. however, if I see a charge for extra trash on my bill next month i’m not going to be a happy camper!!! Be sure to watch your bills.
    Kudos to Nick Licata for understandng the urgency and for standing up and saying the city failed us…Nick…ever thought of running for Mayor?

Sorry, comment time is over.