West Seattle Weather Watch: Snow’s still on the way

Our favorite ex-co-worker meteorologist (Channel 13’s Walter Kelley) says it’s definitely going to be snowing for “everybody” around the metro area starting sometime tomorrow night, so now we really believe it. An official Winter Storm Watch is in effect, in fact, according to the National Weather Service’s forecast. How much? Hard to say, of course, as always. Sounds like you should be able to get home from work safely before any snow hits (as long as you don’t work, say, Everett northward, which is expected to see snow first).

5 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Snow's still on the way"

  • gavmit December 12, 2008 (6:55 am)

    Wishing for snow… :)

  • JenV December 12, 2008 (9:55 am)

    Jeff Renner says snow north of Seattle. Once again, the tropical paradise known as West Seattle will just be cold and wet.

  • WSB December 12, 2008 (10:00 am)

    They’re often wrong. Walter at the Q said last night that most areas will get snow so I’m banking on that. Also awaiting the next “forecast discussion” from the Weather Service, a little overdue but they may be huddling …

  • rykrite December 12, 2008 (10:01 am)

    I LOVE it when it snows here, so my fingers are crossed…

    Remember to remove any leftover fall leaves from around the drains on your street, because rain+snow+leaves=oneheckuvamess+flooding.

    My five year old is wearing so many layers of warm clothes today that she looks like she’ll be sweltering in the classroom, but we are so hopeful that the white stuff will blanket our area.

  • WSB December 12, 2008 (10:13 am)

    Well, the forecast discussion is in and it sounds more like Jeff than Walter. Which still worries me. But as the cliche’ line goes, “only time will tell”…

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