Update: Gatewood street reopens after “drug raid” shutdown

(more photos added to the bottom of this post late Friday night – scroll down)


Thanks to Rebecca for the tip. Holden is blocked for a few blocks starting at 41st and heading east; the first officer we saw at the scene said simply, “Drug raid.” We’re gathering more information; stand by. 4:14 PM UPDATE: Added photo of police vehicles near the scene; cropped it closely because we have no idea whether there is some sort of standoff involved, and it’s always been SOP not to publish anything during a standoff that might alert someone to the position of police at the scene. 4:21 PM UPDATE: Witnesses tell us one person was “taken away” by officers shortly after this all started 45 minutes or so ago. 4:32 PM UPDATE: The street’s open again now, though there are still officers outside the house where the “raid” apparently happened. We’re checking for additional information. 4:37 PM UPDATE: Lt. Norm James confirms one suspect arrested, but can’t elaborate beyond the fact this is a drug case; he says police are just wrapping up administrative-type details on scene now. ADDED LATE FRIDAY NIGHT: Thanks to Brian Hartman from photoelan.com for these photos taken as police moved in:




13 Replies to "Update: Gatewood street reopens after "drug raid" shutdown"

  • vincent September 12, 2008 (9:08 pm)

    yay! paramilitary tactics for pot growers! maybe we can get hit by the stray bullets.

    Nice tanks SPD, good to see your spending your funds wisely.

  • Papa D September 12, 2008 (11:05 pm)

    Hey Vincent, how is it that you are certain that it is just pot behind those walls and windows?

    I know of at least a dozen drug houses in WS that I would like to see those SPD vehicles drive through and or over due to the losers that reside within and the trouble these jerks cause for their surrounding neighbors. And I am not talking about pot smokers or growers here, I am talking about heroin/crack/meth heads who have nothing to offer to anyone except ruined lives.

  • criminal nulu September 13, 2008 (9:25 am)

    Here, here!
    Give-um up Papa D.
    Let’s get those miscreants in jail, a WEST SEATTLE JAIL.
    Jail them near home.

  • B September 13, 2008 (11:14 am)

    I live behind the house that was raided, the dude was growing pot in his basement, I saw the equipment in his yard last night.

  • Rick September 13, 2008 (12:50 pm)

    I knew I shoulda paid that parking ticket!

  • M September 13, 2008 (3:36 pm)

    Paramilitary force for the pot growers. Right. Pretty ridiculous. I’m with Vincent.

  • vincent September 13, 2008 (7:18 pm)

    Papa D: yeah I guess your right, he could had some sort of army there at least enough that would war warrant, 3 APC’s ( armored personnel carriers ) and at least a dozen pictured offers with AR-15’s and full flack jackets with riot/swat gear.

    Oh wait, he had some pot plants in his basement. Well at least he didnt have any dogs for them to shoot, http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/2008/08/02/another-police-raid-more-dead-dogs/ or he wasn’t on his knees. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/30/us/30lima.html

    SWAT raids are a horrible idea, the drug war is a self perpetuating travesty.

  • WSB September 13, 2008 (7:22 pm)

    In case anyone is wondering it takes at least a couple days in best-case scenario for police reports to be released for media review, so I have not yet seen whatever report will be available for this incident, but will update whenever that information is available. — TR

  • Kollin September 13, 2008 (8:43 pm)

    Hey, I knew the guy who got busted personally. He used to live next to my grandma before she died. He was always very nice and took care of my grandma. Hey is a family friend. I just hope he doesn’t get punished too harshly.

  • Papa D September 14, 2008 (11:34 am)

    I agree Vincent that the drug war is a wrongheaded approach, but unless the whole drug war is tossed out and we have some kind of national harm reduction drug user/access policy implemented in its place anyone dealing hard drugs like meth or heroin out of a home, apartment, or on the sidewalk next to a library needs to be removed from society asap. I do hope you live in a neighborhood with these type of hardcore drug dealing losers and their operations so as to fully understand the incredible stress and fear that this type of behavior places on good people trying to lead good lives. If you do not live in such a place, and are speaking from some kind of armchair warrior viewpoint, it is time for you to put your words into action and move into the belly-of-the-beast. I will happily provide you some intersections and locations if you need help relocating so as to fully appreciate the situation. BTW – The Gatewood house and its surrounding neighborhood is not the kind of situation I am referring to.

  • DaveS September 16, 2008 (9:54 am)

    If they busted into this nice gatewood home because this guy was growing plants in his basement, that’s a travesty.

    If he was cooking meth, good for the cops.

  • B T September 17, 2008 (12:31 pm)

    Stray bullets from police? If you took the time to learn anything about how police enter a building you’d know that they give people an opportunity to surrender, idiot! They did block the street, didn’t they? Police entries are about a deliberate as entries can be. Or would you prefer they just let the drug house sit and have the neigbor’s kids killed by stray gun fire when an untrained, unscrupulous, rival drug dealer tries to take this guy’s business. Or are you simply pissed off that your supplier just got busted.


  • Willy The Saw September 19, 2008 (10:43 pm)

    OK, I must weigh in by request,

    It may be that the alledged marijuana farmers are just misunderstood leftists seeking a “re-distribution of wealth” under a fair market albeit limited competition economic system. Far better to throw them into a state subsidized primarily right wing funded detention facility than to all them to engage in idealolgical expantionism of their choosen illicit industry.

    Brain Food For Thought West Sea-At-Uhl,

    ~Willy the Saw

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