Another update on stolen pugs: Be on the lookout

This note came in from Marsha, owner of the stolen pugs:
pug30.jpg“Pippin [left] has been seen within the last few hours running. She is freaked out and will not come to anyone. She was seen at 35th & Barton (people at Tony’s Fruit Stand saw her), she’s been seen on Roxbury & 34th and also heading west on Barton. Dic is helping us search and he said she appears to be heading north. If she is west of 35th, she may be in more familiar territory since we walk that area a lot. I walked through the ravine (where we also walk) but didn’t see her. My husband, Barney, and I are out searching. Please call our cells if you spot her and can’t catch her. If you can get her, please do and call us. Barney’s cell is 206 730-0143. Marsha’s cell is 206 915-3308. Thanks for all your help on getting our pugs back.

9 Replies to "Another update on stolen pugs: Be on the lookout"

  • JenV August 21, 2008 (4:28 pm)

    just called my BF who is at 37th and Barton, told him to keep an eye out. I hope she gets home safe.

  • Jon August 21, 2008 (5:08 pm)

    When my mother-in-law’s miniature schnauzer got loose a few years ago, my wife and son went out for hours during the day and saw no sign of him.

    When I got home, I took one of my own dogs out on a leash in the neighborhood, calling the lost dog’s name and being sure to talk to my dog the whole time. It was 1 a.m. and pitch black, but sure enough, the sight of another little dog with me was enough to coax a nervous, bedraggled schnauzer out of the bushes. Soon he was back home and safe with his “mama.”

    Worth a try with Pippin and Bandit, perhaps?

  • JenV August 21, 2008 (5:34 pm)

    BF just rode his bike around the neighborhood looking for Pippin…did not see her, but says there are lots of people out looking. People, if you’re driving down 35th PLEASE be aware she might be running across the street. be on the lookout.

  • mellaw6565 August 21, 2008 (5:46 pm)

    I’ll hop in my car now and do some searching – we live near there.

  • Peaches August 21, 2008 (6:03 pm)

    Home from work and headed out to join the search–keeping Marsha and Barney’s cell phone numbers hand and hoping for the best.

  • Madi August 21, 2008 (6:08 pm)

    PUGS ARE HOME!!!!!
    Marsha and Barney got a call from the Kent animal shelter
    the pugs were left tied up outside the shelter.
    they’ve been identified and Barney is on his way to go get them.
    thank you to everyone for your help
    it’s very much appreciated
    my aunt is so happy to have her babies back

  • WSMom August 21, 2008 (6:08 pm)

    I just saw the dog right by Sealth High School. I jumped out of my car and chased him for a couple of blocks and then he disappeared. I drove around and up and down alleys, no sign! This was at 6:00 tonight. The dog was running east on the north side of the street on Thistle.

  • Kayleigh August 21, 2008 (6:09 pm)

    Bless y’all for helping those sweet dogs…you’re renewing my faith in West Seattle-ites!

  • Katie McA August 21, 2008 (6:13 pm)

    My husband and I just got back from looking around 35th to 39th streets between Barton and Holden– no luck, but it sounds like it’s because she might have been around Sealth school. We’ll continue to keep our eyes open.

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