Jail-sites fight: City releases evaluation criteria for rejected sites

Last week, new Highland Park Action Committee chair Dorsol Plants told the 34th District Democrats (WSB coverage here) that the city had agreed to disclose the reasons 31 sites were dropped from the semi-finalist list of 35 sites (now down to 4, including two in southeast West Seattle). Today, the city sends word that information is posted online (read it here). 6:47 PM UPDATE: Two more jail-sites-related notes — The County Council Committee of the Whole was briefed today on the proposal to extend the county’s contract with cities while a “regional” solution to the jail problem is pursued; the county’s update says no action was taken and the proposal “remains in committee.” Also, we have added a new “category” tag here on WSB for our archived coverage of the jail-sites issue, dating back to the announcement of the “finalists” list six weeks ago; here’s the direct link to all our stories, newest to oldest (you can find it again any time from the “Categories” list toward the end of the sidebar to the right). ADDED AT 9:09 PM: We also have word tonight from HPAC that there’s an e-petition available for online “signing” to express opposition to the jail sites – you can find it here.

4 Replies to "Jail-sites fight: City releases evaluation criteria for rejected sites"

  • chas redmond June 16, 2008 (5:59 pm)

    A simple wave of the hand and “site configuration” is not good. I don’t see any real criteria on this list. It’s basically a powerpoint snowjob. It’s also apparent that the city is intending on further marginalizing the south end of town. It’s rather clear that the city neither cares about the misdemeanants nor about the residents but only about getting their preferred site requirements satisfied. I’d say fight this with everything we’ve got. It’s a bad decision. Isn’t it about time we cleared house again – City Council and the Mayor’s office?

  • d June 16, 2008 (7:12 pm)

    Thank you WSB. You hold the lantern high for folks here in Highland Park and the rest of West Seattle.

    God bless West Seattle as they rally for the principles of democracy which are being so grievously insulted.

    By what dint of their imaginations do the Mayor and the Council call themselves Democrats? I do not understand. If anyone can explain this, I would be interested to hear it.

  • Kat June 16, 2008 (9:44 pm)

    You’ve said it Chas. This little “table” of theirs says nothing and means nothing. I know I keep harping on the Federal parking lot site but there is no way that it is not as large as the Highland Park Way site… Without detailed meeting notes, this all remains suspicious and shady. We will NOT be placated by this nonsense.

  • A. Simon June 27, 2008 (10:20 am)

    If this jail is built on the Puetz Golf site, the majority of you, if not all of you City officials, should be and no doubt will be, voted out of office. Keep that in mind when you make your decisions. Lets see, Mr. Mayor, don’t you live in West Seattle? Interesting.

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