Tale of two West Seattle playgrounds

First, an “after” photo of the Ercolini Park playground-building work this weekend (here’s our report from Day 1) — thanks to William Leaming for sending this Day 2 pic:


Also — a school playground project that could use some help: Back on MLK Day, we showed you Seattle Works (and others) in action at West Seattle Elementary in High Point; next big step there is a one-day work party to build the new preschool playground, 9 am-2 pm May 17, and they need some person-power — no special skills required; e-mail wsesbuild@yahoo.com or call 206/252-9464. (We also just learned Seattle Works will be in action another May weekend at Pathfinder K-8; more on that here tomorrow.)

2 Replies to "Tale of two West Seattle playgrounds"

  • Kristina May 14, 2008 (7:20 am)

    WSB, do you have any news about when Ercolini Park will be officially opened? I drove by the other day and it looked so beautiful and tempting, but the chain link fence is still up (probably protecting the new grass). My daughter and I want to play!

  • Betty May 16, 2008 (11:59 am)

    Yeah…when is it going to officially open? We can’t wait any longer!!! It’s too beautiful.

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