West Seattle, Washington
25 Tuesday
First, a photo – this one from Mac, who asked this Seattle Police traffic officer for permission to take his picture – he obliged, then wished Mac a “good day” before zooming off to write a ticket. Not too much else happening in police-land according to our most recent review of reports at the Southwest Precinct:Read More
While driving back from the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse meeting moments ago, we spotted something we hadn’t seen in a loooong time – big wet snowflakes smacking against the car windshield. At least here in Upper Fauntleroy. And you? 8:49 PM UPDATE: Should have checked the forum first, Todd says it was snowing in Westwood as of 20 minutes ago. 8:52 PM UPDATE: Forecast says the “showers mixed with snow” could continue into tomorrow. 10:12 PM UPDATE: Thanks to Todd for the photo!
We told you March 10 about another round of city Parks Department public meetings heading this way to gather thoughts on the new Strategic Action Plan, developed after the first round of meetings (WSB coverage here) late last year. The draft plan is online (here), and that’s not all:Read More
With BlueStar‘s announcement today of Gateway Center (earlier WSB coverage here), seemed like a good excuse to put together a clickable map of what’s been announced in the area so far. Each spot on the map will click to a brief description of what’s happening there plus a link to our most recent report about it, if applicable. We added some of the real estate that’s up for sale in the area. Certainly more parcels than this are in play (lots more ex-Huling/Gee land, for example), but this is a start. We’ll add to it as it goes and find it a home of its own soon, but here’s version 1.0.
We broke the news here 2 1/2 weeks ago about the Homestead being up for sale (the business, not the building). Today while researching West Seattle development/real estate for an upcoming update on this morning’s Gateway Center announcement, we happened onto this: The Duke’s on Alki building, described as “10-year lease to Duke’s Chowder House on the main two floors plus unique penthouse,” listed at $3,950,000. Just left a message at Duke’s HQ to see if we can find out more. THURSDAY EVENING UPDATE: Got a message back from Duke Moscrip himself; he stresses, THE RESTAURANT IS NOT FOR SALE – just the building. Duke’s, he says, is expanding its “concept” to more locations elsewhere (and in fact, a liquor-license application has just been filed for the Southcenter location he mentioned) but is not selling the actual Alki restaurant, just the building.
“West Seattle 101” author Lori Hinton just saw one running down her Upper Fauntleroy street. “Right past a ‘Coyote Warning’ sign,” she adds. (By the way, we will add two more pages tomorrow to our new “West Seattle 101” section featuring selections from Lori’s book – including a spotlight on one of WSB readers’ favorite restaurants – look for the official announcement in the morning.)
As reported here Monday night, Puget Sound Key and Lock owner Michael Dein said at the fundraiser organizing meeting that he would affirm his rebuilding promise by putting up this banner – and today, we got the photographic proof. (If the text isn’t entirely clear on your browser, it says “Thank you, West Seattle, for your love and support/WE ARE REBUILDING/Donations can be made at Wells Fargo Bank to Puget Sound Key and Lock Fund.” That, of course, is the donation account set up by the WSB Forum members who are planning the fundraiser – date and place still being worked out – if you want to get involved, check out this forum thread – organizers also are looking for auction items. Meantime, still no word from police on arrests or big breaks in last Friday morning’s arson, but it’s a priority for the Arson and Bomb unit; if you have any information, call 911 or the arson hotline (800-55-ARSON).
On the night the Seattle School Board votes on a new “surplus property” policy, the Fauntleroy Community Association invites everyone interested in the future of one of those properties, the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, to gather there tonight, 6:30-8 pm, The Hall @ Fauntleroy.
This just in from BlueStar (which also provided the rendering shown above – we’re heading out for a different angle on the existing building so you can better compare the before/after):
BlueStar Management, Inc., of Shoreline, Washington announced today plans for “Gateway Center,” a mixed-use project to be developed on a one-acre site at the northeast corner of Fauntleroy Way and SW Alaska St. (adjacent to 39th Avenue SW).
The site is directly across the street (39th Ave. SW) from Fauntleroy Place, another BlueStar Management, Inc. project set to break ground in May, 2008. Fauntleroy Place will feature Whole Foods Market, Hancock Fabrics and 170 apartment homes.
BlueStar is also the developer of Spring Hill, a mixed-use development at the 5000 block of California Ave. S.W. in West Seattle, which is currently in the permitting phase.
Preliminary plans for Gateway Center include more than 100 residential units along with 47,000 square feet of commercial space on two floors. Marketing for the commercial space is underway.
Gateway Center Fast Facts*:
-6-Story building (four floors of living space above two levels of commercial)
-3 floors of underground parking (250 individual stalls)
-100+ residential units
-47,000 sq. ft. of total retail
-Construction is anticipated to begin in late 2009
-Completion expected in early 2011
-Commercial leasing is available now!
-Contact for leasing – Robert Mitchell, Associate Broker, 206-455-1165*(subject to change)
ADDED 10:20 AM: The logo on the rendering is for Collins Woerman, which is also the current architect on Fauntleroy Place (here’s BlueStar’s page for that project). If you haven’t read before about Spring Hill, which is also mentioned in BlueStar’s press release above, here’s our most recent coverage. We’re now working on a “roundup of announced West Seattle megaprojects” to post later today, since it’s now getting to be almost difficult even for us to keep up with, and we track ’em (among other news) for a living!
Thanks to Greg for pointing out the Pearl Jam message board thread on this. Not like we travel in rock ‘n’ roll circles or anything, so it’s news to us and maybe to you too: West Seattle’s Most Famous Musician, Eddie Vedder, played Kenyon Hall (35th just south of Kenyon) the last two nights. The fans are particularly abuzz about the limited-edition poster (you can see it here; also, somebody’s already selling one on eBay).